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Apple iPad 2 Inventory Problem Sees Apple Blacklist Best Buy

It appears that Apple and Best Buy have had a bit of a falling out over the way Best Buy has handled their inventory of the Apple iPad 2, and the rumour is that Apple has blacklisted the yellow tag company as a result.

According to an article over on Pad Gadget, the guys at Crunch Gear are claiming a tipster told them Best Buy was apparently holding back on selling the iOS tablet, and told customer they didn’t have any stock when they actually did.

Apparently the reason given for Best Buy misinforming Apple iPad 2 customers was because the retailer had apparently hit their sales quota for the day. Thus the word is Apple is now refusing to sell any more iPad 2 units to Best Buy for the foreseeable future.

Apparently Apple big guy Tim Cook is now handling the situation according to the tipster, who also states that the Apple rep at his Best Buy branch has confirmed the situation; however until such times as Apple or Best Buy go official on the matter, this should be treated as just a rumour.

If true Best Buy has obviously made the wrong move holding back on the Apple iPad 2, as Apple likes those initial sales figures to be as high as possible. So what do our reader’s reckon, would Best Buy hold back on selling the iPad 2 knowing Apple wouldn’t be pleased if they found out?

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