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BlackBerry 9930 aka Bold Touch the Perfection

For some time now BlackBerry has been facing stiff competition from the likes of Android and of course the iPhone, but Research In Motion has remained steadfast and continually released business orientated handsets.

However according to an article over on Phone Dog, RIM changes things with the BlackBerry 9330 also known as the BlackBerry Bold Touch as the smartphone sports a touch screen and keyboard along with BlackBerry OS 6.6.1, which leads one to believe RIM is placing high end specs into the device.

Those high-end spec, although most are not know just yet could mean RIM is gearing up to make the Blackberry Bold 9930 a real contender in the mobile space.

The BlackBerry Bold Touch 9930 could be seen as the perfection of the BlackBerry range as it offers the best of both worlds with that keyboard and touch screen, but if RIM fails to deliver on the spec front the device could tumble from being a contender in today’s aggressive mobile market.

With that said, what do our reader’s think, can the BlackBerry Bold Touch 9930 stand up to the likes of the iPhone, and the many high end Android handsets out there, or will it simply fall by the wayside? Do you agree that the Bold 9930 could be the prefect BlackBerry device?

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