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Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Mango: Xbox Live, Office 365

Reports indicated that new features coming with Microsoft’s Window Phone 7 ‘Mango’ release, include Xbox Live, Office 365 and more.

On May 10, I did an article entitled ‘Windows Phone 7 Mango: Bing, Directions & SMS’, which related to Microsoft adding a few new features to Bing, with the release of Mango — see article here. Well it would appear that Windows Phone 7 will receive even more new features.

The new features included are Windows Live Messenger and Facebook Chat in Messaging Hub, Sharepoint, Office 365 and Skydrive in the Office Hub and Group Messaging.

Also included in the Windows Phone 7 ‘Mango’ update are a Lockscreen (that shows Now Playing item) in settings and an overhaul of the Games/Xbox Hub, with some Sync options located under Games settings page. Information on these new features comes are way from the Windows Phone Dev Podcast via WMPoweruser.

So please let us what do you think of these new features?

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