Is the end of the world going to happen on May 21? Yes that is tomorrow, some have said that judgement day was going to happen December 2012. Anyway we have a great iOS app that will reveal all, please install and see what you think.
There are many cultures and prophecies that are predicting that the end of the world is looming and the latest news we found via ABS-CBN suggests that this will actually happen tomorrow May 21, 2011. Apparently religious group visited Manila where they were warned that doomsday will happen tomorrow, leader of Family Radio (California-based religious radio network) Harold Camping said that the end of the world will happen with around 200 million people being “ruptured” or saved come “Judgment Day.”
But then others such as Hallelujah Kingdom of Jerusalem Global Foundation suggest it will happen between March 16, 2011 and March 16, 2012. Anyway with all such news flying around the Web it prompted us to find you a very good and informative iOS application and we found one called “The End of The World” By TPS Games.
This app for Apple devices main features include: End of the World video collection, Alerts where you can keep track of global events such as earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters, this app also contains theories about the end of the world where you can decide for yourself, plus much more.
For more information please visit iTunes and install this app if the end of world 2011 / 2012 judgement day and predictions is something that interests you.