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RIM Facing Patent Infringement Lawsuit By Dolby

You know, I sometimes think that the world would be a better place if there was a law that all patents were available for free use by anyone without legal repercussions, wouldn’t that make the mobile arena a far less legal battleground? It’ll never happen of course and those in the mobile space will continue to sue each other over patent infringement just like the latest suit that has come to light.

According to the guys over at Telecoms, the latest round in the patent infringement arena is between BlackBerry maker Research In Motion and audio giant Dolby, with Dolby suing RIM over alleged patent infringement.

Word is Dolby filed the lawsuit against RIM in Germany and the US yesterday, with Dolby claiming the BlackBerry maker infringes their patents for audio compression tech and is looking to stop sales of all Research In Motion devices that incorporate said technology.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Dolby claims, “the technology at issue has been incorporated into an international standard that is widely used in smartphones, tablets and other devices to play back music and other digitalized audio that has been compressed.”

Apparently thus far Research In Motion have declined to comment, but for the full low down on the Dolby/RIM patent lawsuit we have a WSJ video for your viewing pleasure below.

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