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iPhone 5 China Mobile Rumour Causing Internet Buzz

It appears that a rumour that Apple and China Mobile have almost reached an agreement to offer the iPhone 5 sometime in September is causing quite a bit of Internet buzz, and has apparently riled Internet users.

According to an article over on the Wall Street Journal, the iPhone 5 September release and possible China Mobile deal came via Chinese Twitter Weibo user Liu Yang, who according to his verified account is a salesperson for China Mobile and apparently tweeted…

“The day is coming soon. The days of changing our phone numbers…are numbered…China Mobile is to make a final decision to introduce the iPhone 5 in September.”

Although nowhere near an official announcement from China Mobile, apparently the tweet gained in excess of a thousand replied as of today, some sceptical while others are excited over the possibility that China Mobile will gain the next generation iOS smartphone in September.

Apparently the commotion partly stems from reports that acting Apple CEO TIM Cook paid a visit to China Mobile in Beijing this week.

To be honest, I can’t see it being true, I can’t see Apple letting that slip out of the bag when they haven’t said when the US would see the iPhone 5 release, but then you know how these thing slip out. What do our readers think about all this hoo-har over the iPhone 5?

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