JailbreakMe 3.0 (Saffron) live, jailbreaks all iDevices & iPad 2 on iOS 4.3.3
Yesterday we reported that JailbreakMe was up to something, we said that JailbreakMe 3.0 would go live yesterday and it has. The new JailbreakMe code aka Saffron is now live and the jailbreak works on all iDevices as well as the Apple iPad 2 running iOS 4.3.3.
The new jailbreak is now live thanks to the hard work of Comex, Saurik and Chpwn, and thanks to PDF exploit by Comex you can get the untethered jailbreak for the iPad 2 via Mobile Safari.
JailbreakMe Saffron works on iPad1 running 4.3 to 4.3.3, iPad 2 on iOS 4.3.3, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 running 4.3 to iOS 4.3.3, plus iPhone 4 (CDMA) 4.2.6 through 4.2.8, plus the iPod Touch 3G and 4G. It is great news for all those waiting so long, JailbreakMe 3.0 at last is available to use in Safari on iOS. JailbreakMe 3.0 will get iOS 4.2.1, 4.3.1, and 4.3.2 added to its list at a later date.
Yesterday we reported that JailbreakMe was up for auction on GoDaddy.com and the price was at £3,111 with 33 bids, well today the price is at £4,041 with the same amount of bids, the auction ends tomorrow (July 7, 2011).
Thanks to iDB we can give you the “How to Jailbreak Your iDevices using JailbreakMe 3.0 aka Saffron”, this is one of the easiest jailbreaks that is very easy to do.
You do not really need us to tell you about this because it is really that simple, but here it is anyway. JailbreakMe 3.0 aka Saffron is compatible will all iOS 4.3 devices and later, these devices include the iPod Touch, iPad 1, iPad 2, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4.
It is this simple: Just visit www.JailbreakMe.com form your iOS device, then simply tap on the “Free” icon, once you have tapped the “Free” icon it will change into the “Install” icon (Tap this install icon).
Now that you have done the above Cydia will install on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod automatically, this is simple, down and dusted. Please reboot your iOS device. iDB recommends that you remove all apps from the multitasking tray, clear your cache and cookies in Safari and then reboot.
Once you have done the above, we would love for you to come back to us and let us know how it went. Did it all run smoothly? Did you encounter any problems? One question we would love answered has to be “Was it well worth waiting this long for the new JailbreakMe 3.0 aka Saffron?
When you post a comment below, PLEASE let us know what iOS device you are using, being it the iPhone 4 / iPad 2 etc.
35 thoughts on “JailbreakMe 3.0 (Saffron) live, jailbreaks all iDevices & iPad 2 on iOS 4.3.3”
So if I have my iphone 4 4.1 basband 1.59.00 unlocked how do I got to 4.3.3 while preserving my baseband?
So if I have my iphone 4 4.1 basband 1.59.00 unlocked how do I got to 4.3.3 while preserving my baseband?
just jailbreaked my white ipad 2 RUNNING 4.3.3 and so far works like a dream!!!!!!! total thanks to Comex and all the team!!!! TOTAL LEGENDS…………..
installed all my sources from my iPad 1 to my iPad 2 and everything is working 100% and without any problems………so far. its been a long wait but so worth it for such an easy way to jailbreak ur iPad 2
hey, can you put a list of those sources ? im trying to get installous and tweaks for my iPad 2
I have posted a list of sources to add just waiting for it to get approval from this site first
installed all my sources from my iPad 1 to my iPad 2 and everything is working 100% and without any problems………so far. its been a long wait but so worth it for such an easy way to jailbreak ur iPad 2
iPhone 4 CDMA….install took less than 15 seconds and everything is running very well. I used pwnage tool before but comex’s jb method is a breath of fresh air from the other utilities out there. Thanks JBMe team!
iPhone 4 CDMA….install took less than 15 seconds and everything is running very well. I used pwnage tool before but comex’s jb method is a breath of fresh air from the other utilities out there. Thanks JBMe team!
iPhone 4 CDMA….install took less than 15 seconds and everything is running very well. I used pwnage tool before but comex’s jb method is a breath of fresh air from the other utilities out there. Thanks JBMe team!
my ipad2 is just aborting at the installation of cydia….any ideas ?
Maybe a cache clear and reboot followed by a second attempt…
my iPhone 4 was doing the same thing at first. But I just restored the settings and it worked this time! Remember to back everything up before restoring.
Thanks. After restoring it worked for me too!!
my ipad2 is just aborting at the installation of cydia….any ideas ?
my ipad2 is just aborting at the installation of cydia….any ideas ?
what IOS are you running?
i thought this message board would be lit up like a Christmas tree after all the waiting for this iPad 2 jailbreak!!!! been adding sources and all extras and nor one problem to report….
I tried to jailbreak my iPad 2 with jailbreakme 3.0 before upgrading to 4.3.3 and now I cannot upgrade to 4.3.3 or even restore my iPad 2 to factory setting. Any suggestions?
Saffron is designed to jailbreak ipad 2’s running 4.3.3…….. u may have to put ur ipad 2 in recovery mode and reinstall IOS 4.3.3 in itunes and then jailbreak from that point
I am using a my Ipad 4.3.3 and when I click download it starts the icon downloading but with-in a few seconds it aborts and disappears. I have restarted everything back to the orginal setting and even done the cache clear and it keeps doing the same thing, Any help??
are you using Safari to access saffron? I forgot to back up anything cos could not wait to jailbreak but lost nothing what so ever
Yes, I am using safari to access it. I already reset everything so I lost it all but that dont matter I just want to Jail break it and it is still doing the same thing!
how many times have you tried it so far? if all else fails there is always the normal way to jailbreak using jailbreak 2.0
I have tried about 10 times.
This time I got a message saying NOTE: If cydia started to install then disregard this and click here. Looks like the hack didnt work. If you’re already jailbroken, do you have PDF Patcher 2?
Anyone know how to help?
I have an ipad2 4.3.3 this worked a treat! thanks!
People pls remember if this works for you don’t forget to donate!!!!! Comex and the team have bust there balls to give us jailbreak 3.0 and were all going to save loads of money so show your love and send them some money cos iPad 3 and iPhone 5 are going to need a lot of work to jailbreak!!!!
it doesn’t work on my iPad 64GB Wifi iOS 4.3.3… right after clicking “Install”, Safari quits, but then nothing happens
Cydia does not install itself ?
thanks for your help !
Mmmm seems like 3.0 might not work on iPad 1 cos thats the second person whos had a problem now.works great on iPad 2 so u might have to try using jailbreak 2.0
Mmmm seems like 3.0 might not work on iPad 1 cos thats the second person whos had a problem now.works great on iPad 2 so u might have to try using jailbreak 2.0
Just got my iPad 2 yesterday & jailbroke it this morning! Worked perfectly
I can’t seem to get WinterBoard on iPad 2 WiFi for some reason. Anyone else have this problem?
I put it on my iPad 2 but it tends to send it I to safe mode when ever u reboot so I took it off
Is there any other way to theme without it?