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Amazon Treading on Apple Toes: Foxconn To Make Android Tablet?

Hmm, the other day we posted an article that the speculation was that Apple was on the lookout of an additional manufacturer for producing the Apple iPad 3 tablet, it saw rumoured that this was because Foxconn may have difficulties in delivering sufficient iPad 3 quantities, however it appears that Foxconn still has room to deliver Android based tablets.

According to an article over on Chinese site DigiTimes. The word is Foxconn (Hon Hai Precision Industry) has apparently gained orders to provide the 10.1-inch Android slate for Amazon, although naturally Foxconn has declined to comment on the matter.

Word is Foxconn is to begin shipping the Amazon 10.1-inch Android based tablet in 2012 with Quanta Computers has started delivering the 7-inch Amazon Android slate.

According to the article, “In addition to the new tablet PC orders, Foxconn currently is also likely to produce 12 million units of Kindles for Amazon, and 38-40 million units of iPads as well as 80-85 million iPhones for Apple a year, the sources indicated.”

Apparently although the Amazon 10.1-inch tablet is scheduled for shipping in 2012 from Foxconn, the word is Amazon may launch the tablet in advance to capture the festive season demand in both the United States and Europe.

According to unnamed sources at the tablet supply chain, as Foxconn has been producing the Kindle for Amazon the firm was also able to land orders for the Amazon Android tablet.

Now here’s the thing I don’t quite understand, if Apple is looking for another manufacturer to produce the quantities of Apple iPad 3 units because Foxconn can’t cope, how come Foxconn can produce Android tablets for Amazon, as surely if Foxconn had the ability to produce more tablets then Apple wouldn’t feel the need to look elsewhere?

Could this be a case of Amazon treading on Apple’s toes and securing production of their 10.1-inch tablet at the cost of Foxconn pushing aside orders to produce the quantity of Apple iPad 3 units Apple wants? Could Apple be losing their grip over Foxconn when it comes to what and how many the manufacturer produces?

Of course I could be wrong, Foxconn may have already had Amazon 10.1-inch tablet orders in place before letting Apple know they couldn’t deliver the quantities of iPad 3 units required.

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