Apple iPad Becomes Interactive Board Game With Yoomi DUO
Now when you think of board games one usually thinks along the lines of Ludo, Monopoly, Cluedo and the likes and not necessarily something that the Apple iPad could do, but apparently there’s a new accessory that can interact with your iOS slate turning the Apple tablet into a board game.
According to an article over on Chip Chick, the accessory is called the Yoomi DUO, which is placed on top of your Apple iPad or Apple iPad 2 and is available for purchase from Amazon for $14.95, and Toys R Us for $29.98, so looks like Amazon is your best option if you want to purchase the game accessory.
So what does Yoomi DUO for the Apple iPad do? Well it’s probably best explained by the blurb on the Amazon page, which goes like this…
“Yoomi is a surprise-filled game about choices that you play on your iPad using Duo – the first integrated toy product for the iPad in the world. You must have Duo to play Yoomi on your iPad. Each player takes a turn secretly selecting which of two options they like better. For example, would you prefer big bugs or small dogs? Fly to the moon or dive to the bottom of the ocean? Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot? Yoomi choices are identified by written description, illustrations, and color, so that non-readers can play too! Players take turns guessing what others would choose. Duo reveals their choice on your iPad and “magically” banks the winning tokens.”
So basically DUO has crossed the boundaries and brings the digital world and real world together and Yoomi is the first game app for DUO however apparently the company, Discovery Bay Games will be releasing more games for the DUO at some point in the future.
Whatever the case this new accessory turns your iOS tablet into an interactive board game presumably for the younger generation rather than the adults, unless you are a kid at heart of course.
For those that might be interested in the iOS accessory game, the Yoomi DUO is quite portable at 5 x 5 x 3.5 inches and with a weight of 1.2 pounds so perhaps could be the ideal thing to keep your kids entertain while on long journeys.
And just so you know what Yoomi DUO for the iPad is all about we have a quick video review of the device for your viewing consideration below courtesy of YouTube user iosboardgames, which lasts just over tow and a half minutes so feel free to mash that play button and check it out…enjoy.
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