iOS 5 public problems and discussions
Wonder how many of you are not at work; are you at work or at home waiting for the iOS 5 to release? Today is a very big day because the new iOS 5 will go live at some point, and when it does we want to be here for you.
We have decided to start our very on dedicated iOS 5 public problems and discussion page, this is a place where all iOS 5 downloader’s can come and discuss anything iOS 5.
Millions will be updating their Apple devices today via iTunes, you may have questions, problems or maybe answers for other readers you would like to discuss. We want this to be one of the popular pages to come to and make it a community base for you all.
We get many thousands of emails a day asking about the new iOS 5, so it makes sense to set up a page for all to lounge in.
If you have a question, or a problem with iOS 5 once it goes live, or maybe you have updated via iTunes and it went smoothly, we want to know all as so do other readers. Get the discussions rolling and head on down to the commenting area below; let’s make this the place to be for iOS 5 public problems and discussions.
1,387 thoughts on “iOS 5 public problems and discussions”
What time is ios 5 coming out in the uk?
download the gm master which is available no need to wait
the what?
the GM means Golden Master and this is the final release beta for devs… i got all of them and its quite the same thing as the official ios 5. but rather wait cuz its kinda hard for an starter to without an dev account to get the gm working
I might be wrong but I heard 10am US time, so 4-5pm UK time
ok 4 – 5, thanks
what time ios 5 will be released in India
At 12th October 2011, 10.30pm.
I waiting for ios5 in germany the whole morning…
Please Apple, let’s start it now… i can’t wait !!!!
what time ios 5 will be released in Spain ????
same as UK
been up since 8 am as heard it was due to come out at 10am… still nothing. By the way, BE SURE TO UPDATE YOUR ITUNES TO 10.5 or no IOS5 guys!!!!
Its 9pm here in Australia on the 12th of October and i don’t think it will be coming out here until around 1am in the morning on the 13th
3:01 am here in California… nothing yet…
I also have the GM. Â To me, it feels snappier. Â No lag on the 4. Â iOS 5 gives the user the ability to manage more of your apps on the phone. Â Reminders are pretty decent. Â I love the fact you are now able to change your sounds for everything your phone does. Â Tweets, ringtones, and messages of any type. Â
It will take a little longer to understand the sync without the cord, but all things aside this update is very good.
How did you get the GM to install ?
Has anyone been able to download ios5 yet in the uk
Yea Ive got itÂ
Ive got it, had it for days, its goodÂ
He’s lying… unless he has the Beta Version for Developers!
rhis question is asking if anyone has the official release not a beta
on aserious note why hasent IOS 5 released yet
6:43am in NY…no iOS5 yet….
Been waiting since 5:30 in NY
I read on another site we have to wait till after 10 here…
im also gonna update asap downloaded  the new itunes 10.5 before the server goes crazy installing it nowÂ
its totally surprising what apple has gotten all of us to do…check for an update early in the morning or late in the night! 6-7 years ago I doubt any of us would have done this!
still no update as of 7:29 AM in NY
ppl in australia have been waiting 12hrs+ so now it looks like we are going to be the last to get the update
7:34pm here 12th of october
Yes, it sucks! I agree with you…
Still no update here in TN @ 7:32a
who was this keen for ios4 last year?? i remember just syncing and clicking a notification for an update
13.33 CET (Paris) not release yet
Here I sit, like everyone else, hovering over my iTunes ‘check for updates’ button, and I don’t know why. It’s as if I have been brainwashed. I have tons of urgent stuff to do, and I’m not doing it; Instead, I’m waiting for the new operating system for my phone. I don’t need the new operating system – at least – not right now at this instant. The ‘old’ operating system, is perfectly good. And after all this waiting, when I do get the new OS, I know I will blow away the whole day messing about with it. Makes no sense.
Great post
there must be 1000’s of us all over the world doing the same thing
Although I am leaving it till tomorrow now, kicking the habit !!!!
The power of Apple
Apple updates for large items are usually set for pacific standard time. So if you are on the east coast, you will have to wait till 1 pm and so on. That is the way it has always been. Find what time 1pm pacific standard and then you will know your update time.
12:49 in london…..nothing!
Why are we waiting? ? ?
Like a Kid @ Christmas..Hurry up :O(
6:02 in Calgary and still nothingÂ
15:07 in Beirut, Lebanon and still nothing yet
09.14 Brazil….nothing …Â
It will be 6 p.m. GMT – “as usual”. Another 4 hours.
F@#K U
3:16pm Saudi Arabia – nothing yet.
texas,7:19, nothing
not yet in singapore 8.18pm 12oct
8:21 Ontario Canada, Nothing yet
8:21 Ontario Canada, Nothing yet
this is sooooo funny!Â
12:22 Marrakech nothing…..
God help Apple Servers! Please
God help Apple Servers! Please
4-6 pm is the probable time in the uk however servers will be very slow
Working in Helsinki waiting patiently nothing here
Can’t believe I have fallen into the Apple trap and keeping hitting the Check for Updates button over and over and over…
Yay! Italy just Started, I’m so haaaapyyyy’
im now thinking to download it tomorrow if servers are slow and then keep it downloading all nightÂ
It’s Bloody 11:07pm in Adelaide, South Australia and absolutely bloody nothing whatsoever!!! This is ridiculous…
On the other hand: noone else has it… yet…
they will be the first one to enjoy it… All day… While we sleep.
australia is always last… for everything…
has it really started?
it will be 9am California time when its put on server
Still nothing here. Just tried update. 8:40 est
Sydney….not yet…
nothing in uk yet????? like a kid in a toy shop lol
it will be 5pm uk time when you can down load it
is that confirm Paul ?
Edinburgh not yet!!
Torino Italy just started
really you kidding me?
what? youre downloadind ios 5?
Melbourne, Australia – nothing yet. Come on Apple, hurry up!
Not yet in Glasgow, UK. C’Mon!
Sydney, Australia… Waiting still. 00.00
it will be 3am for Australia ,Canberra,Sydney,Melbourne
09:00am, Montreal, QC, Canada, still nothing…
love montreal
it will be 12 noon for Canada 3 hours time
How do you know?
columbus ohio nothing yet.
Can anybody confirm what time, Apple is going to release iOS 5Â ?
They have to release it before Friday when the new iphone is out so they need to release it today or there serve is going to crash
Helsinki has nothing yet im guessing I will have to wait until about 8pm grrrrr although it has been confirmed Italy has had release
9:13 EST US ..Nothing
14:19 (gmt) no ios5 yet
It’s here. Downloading it now.
no its not
Please do always tell us the part of the world you’re in, otherwise it’s useless
^^ lul.
How do you go from the iOS5 GM to the public release of ios5?
got em
got em ^^
Key West, FL USA…..nothing.
half 12 here still nothing
Nothing here yet in Pennsylvania, U.S.
Came in at 9am. Now running on iPhone.
where u james
WOW Siri Voice control working on iPhone4.
where u james
i call b.s on that ,siri is a beta version running on the iphone4s
liar… Siri voice will NOT work on iPhone4.
its 4.32 pm in Saudi arabia and its still not out yet but how come its already out in italy
i don understand
14:35 GMT and it’s not out. 6PM it will be out.
james and the italians are telling you lies.Â
F@#K u guys
Atlanta GA USA nothing yet
Nothing here yet in Finland 16:45
cheshire UK, nothing at the min, been trying all day (in work)
You will be able to download it 9am California time this is when you can get it from itunes using there new server icloud going to be fun
Nothing here in canada quebec it’s 9h45AM
yeah well get it around 10 pm india
Ell Oh Ell.
judging by the worldwide interest in IOS5 i bet the Apple IT guys are checking and double checking the warranties on their servers for when they start melting
Coz they definitely won’t be using their own server hardware or OS…………………………………………
Big Test For iCloud this is the way forward for apple there taking cd drives from there macs so we have to download from icloud not soft
Guyz please tell me that itunes 10.5 latest which is available on apple site is sufficient for ios 5 upgrade or something else is required.
iTunes 10.5 should be fine mate.
thanks buddy
it is sufficent
update to itunes 10.5 and sit tight… ios 5 will be available in just a couple more hours.
i believe 10.3.1 is even sufficient to run iOS5
nearly 1am thursday 13oct here in australia still nothing
Two Hours to go for iOS5 Release…
how do you know that paul
Two Hours to go for iOS5 Release…
how do you know that paul
Sources suggest a 9AM Pacific DST release… So where ever you are, that’s in 2 hours from NOW.
9am PACIFIC is actually 5 hours from now…
No… It’s 2 hours from now @helper:twitterÂ
Sources suggested 12 am California time too but it didn’t come out don’t kid your self believe me i waited ..
how do you know that paul
They said the 12th and they only release there time which is 9am in california
They said the 12th and they only release there time which is 9am in california
click update again
yea, nothing…
no actually 3
20:10 not yet out , INDIA
The new itunes was released this is so you can download the iOS5
i am checking for update still nothing
paul so you can do this on the old one
ok something is happening i am getting error now on iTunes when i click on update i think its going live soon.. INDIA
you need itunes 10.5
Just need to wait for ios5 to go live less than two hours three for some
gotta explain why 3 hours for some… The answer: because some places of the world don’t use Daylight Savings Time. California does, so they are one hour later than other parts of the world. Confused yet?
This version of the iPhone software (4.3.5) is [still] the current version.
10:17AM Atlanta, GA EDST
19:50 no updates yet …. India
because it’s only 7:23am Wednesday (PDT) - Time in California
So wat time is it gonna be out ??
maybe 9am California time…
I still see 4.3.5 when i hit update …. I guess it’ll take longer than that
10:24 p.m. here. No update yet and no error when clicking the update button. Philippines
why the hell clock is going very slow today ? I thinks God’s time server has gone down
I am already running iOS 5 and I think it is good but still there are many bugs…Â
where ru from ??
The bugs will be gone when you stop running the Beta
9:26 dallas tx… Just got ios 5 installed… LOVE IT….
how is that possible?
it’s possible… by LYING about it..
yeah no kidding! wth!
im still getting u have the current version of the software 4.3.5
need to update iTunes to install ios5?
Yes, you need itunes 10.5, available from apple’s website for freeÂ
3.30pm still no update in the uk
UPDATE: iOS 5 will be available for download at ??:??a.m. APPLE TIME…Â
itunes 10.5 on the eastcoast still waiting
the time in california is 7:30 so an hour and a half and we will all be updating yeyeyeyeyeeyeyeyeyeye
anybody know if SIRI is availalbe on the 3GS
Siri is exclusive to the new iPhone 4S only… hence, will NOT work on any older iphone, including the iPhone 4 and 3GS, etc…
thanks, looks like a good feature if it works.  Not getting the 4S until Feb so will need to wait.
I hate to wait …. Its already 20:05 in India still nothingÂ
still waiting in cincinnati ohio =(
SIRI only on the 4S
9:34 in chicago…no update still says 4.3.5
SIRI will only work on new iphone 4s
But will we be able to eventually purchase it for the iPhone 4?
anybody in chicago with iOS 5?
anybody in ohio got it yet i heard it was suppose to come out at 1000 but it didnt
Kentucky here and still nothing
hey since we are almost in the same are (im in illinois) does it come out at the same time? im still waiting.Â
15:30 in UK 12TH OCTOBER 2011 NOTHING
13th here in australia and nothing
LOL, Well Austrialia doesn’t count. Americans often forget it exists
…they do the same for Europe, by the way…
ios5 is going live now uk
Not were I am it ain’t
Are you sure Paul!?????
San Antonio, tx no update yet!!!
update getting ready will be soon uk
Apple will soon be starting updating server
ok, tell us when to hit the button,,
so what everyone most looking forward to about ios 5?
going live!
the download to start
4.3.5 is the current version for me in the UK at 15:45….
im looking forward to the new notifications
they are taking the proverbial
What is a proverbial??
Apple is checking itunes for correct versions so will being going live soon
sweet lol
How do you know this!!? lolÂ
Nice I hope so. I’m ready.
Yeah, how do you know this?? And what does this mean “Apple is checking itunes for correct versions”?
on my ipad two it says updat will be ready for the 18th ?????
thats just the next time itunes will look for an update that doesnt mean its going to come out then… but yea mines says the same
ohh thank you
does it not say “itunes will automatically check for an update on the 18th”?
why is it apple dont have a midnight realse like everyone else
still saying 4.3.5 ;p
There should be an app to let users know when the new update is out so we don’t have to wait by the computers
Mine says 19th lol, i know i know its need to keep pressing check for updates
Just wait 55mins and it will be live
so much for soon
its 21:06 , no news yet . INDIA
still nothing in london… a shame.
How much friggin’ longer!!!
Jeezz lads I know we all want the update but come on the tone is getting a bit desperate, after all it’s only a update to a Errr PHONEÂ
Paul says Apple are currently checking iTunes versions, it’s going to take a bit of time to get round to everyones houses.
LoL trust me 50mins or less
how do you know this for sure?
Still noting here in Durham
eastcoast fl nothing yet
ill only have ios5 for a few days (when it finally arrives) HTC Sensation XE FTW
whos paul and how do you know??
Others reckon 18:00 BST, what makes you so sure it’s going to be 17:00 boyo?
really apple got our minds of the hook
damn we all ve been waiting but the truth apple should be more precise about the dateÂ
Apple only release updates in there time zone which will be 9am there time it will go live there and than follow for everone
can’t help but feel this isn;t going to be worth the hype – particularly on a 3G
not compatable on a 3G, only 3GS or higher
Notes will be good though..
and the iCloud
and the newstand
Ohh, maybe it is worth the hype
i ve searched other websites and in italy for some reason they r able to download ios 5Â
if thats true and here someone from italyÂ
please confirm this info
since we are all waiting
lets ask questions and kill time, i ve a jealbroken iphoneÂ
and i wanna update it to the last ios
is all what i ve to do is to restore and update ??
there will most likely not be a jailbreak for ios5 for quite some time. And besides, most things you can do with cydia, you can do with the new ios5 anyway.
if you want a jailbroken iphone, you might as well leave it the way it is.
Just hook it up to the computer and it will update  Your phone will no longer be jail broken though…
Why would apple let italy download first usa first the rest follow
its 6:16 pm in Saudi Arabia and its not out yet
but if its like any other version of ios then it ll be out in 2 hours and 41 mins exactly
I would unjailbreak and check out the new features in ios5 and than you can jailbreak later on
where are you getting all your info paul?
other than it being released, what is everyone looking forward to most about iOS 5
i guess apple wanna teach the whole world the importance of patience
waiting……… waiting…….. and still waiting….. but showing in itunes 4.3.5 is the current version and time is 8:50pm in india
we will be kicked off here talking about jailbreak
or maybe there is a problem with downloading the ios5 in their servers and they cant find steve jobs anymoreÂ
so i guess they are heading to his grave for some spiritual intel
see Paul itsn’t about the country, they are servers for each country and depending on which ones they download the software, it’ll be available for all
so, how do i use icloud??
Yes your right But Apple made in California so they get it first
designed in california, MADE IN CHINA
why does my iphone say it is up to date with version 4.2.1? it is a verizon iphone if that means anything different. I just thought it’d be 4.3.5
Did you jailbreak it? What model iPhone is it?
nope. regular iphone 4.
Weird. Try restoring the iPhone completely with iTunes. Put the phone into DFU mode (Don’t forget to back up first) and restore it to default settings. iTunes should automatically update it to 4.3.5 unless iOS 5 came out already and it will update to that.
i’m just gonna wait till ios 5 is released and try and update it then. if that doesnt work then i’ll restore it
Sure. Go ahead. Good luck with the update
version 4.2.10 is the current up to date version of iOS for the CDMA (verizon) iPhone.
check you have the right version of itunes if you have you will have to restore it to factory settings
How do you check for the version of itunes?
click in about in itunes top left of itunes
on wht time ios 5 will release in india?????????
around 10:30 pm
thanx for telling sanam now going 2 wait 4 10:30pm let c………..
I have it!!!!
theres 2 L’s in Troll
what do you have ?
where you at?
This version of the iPhone software (4.3.5) is the current version.
I just seen a video where someone said it wasnt gonna get released until 1PM today
1 pm in what time zone?
im not sure i just youtubed ios 5 and some dude had something up saying its coming up at 1PM :/
As if you didn’t know that it would take so long
1pm ? no way
i kno im hoping its not true
paul , how much time left ?
Update:Â the update is expected to become available at 1800 BST on 12 October
British Summer Time, which is an odd timezone to select
? Not when I live Britain.Â
The reasoning behind this time is that Apple historically have released updates at 10am Pacific Time US – which is 18:00 BST
If all goes well with apple server icloud 20mins time
thanks for the update . hope so you are right
The best estimation is that everyone will get the release sometime after 18:00 BST, or after the next 80mins,
or 4,800 seconds
BST = British Summer Time = GMT +1
Time depends if Apple go live everywhere at once I think the server would crash we can only see but it will be live in usa in 14 mins
3.0 and 4.0 came out in the philippines at the same time as my cousin in San Francisco but I guess there were less users then.
lol, can picture a PC under somebodies desk servicing the world – I reckon they might have servers around the world
Ehen Comes out europe
5 mins…..hopefully
My money is on 65 mins – happy to be proved wrong.
What if it doesnt come out in 5 mins
ill cry
Your shout
JayJay buys us all a drink
when does come out in canada?
in 60 mins
like this web page said 10:00 pacific timeÂ
Nothing as of 12:01 pm  EST
Think 19 oglock it Comes out
and 58 mins to go
Alright the German Server also spits out an error message, looks like they’re doing the final preperations
Is it live?
not yet…
Nooo… need to leave for work. This means not iOS5 until tonight … =(
im goin to bed so no iOS 5 till morning =(
I hope I’m not the only one sitting at my computer at 9am pressing the “Check for Update” button repeatedly…Â
Cant… wait… any… longer…
You are definitely not alone…
This message: “This version of the iPhone software (4.3.5) is the current version.” officially gets me angry >:(
Pressing it repeatedly is pointless, just shut off itunes and do something else and then start it in like 30 minutes, if your phone is plugged in it will inform you right away if ios 5 is there
hahahah dr. poopenstein
try 3 am 13th oct
Great servers chashed already lol.
anyone downloaded IO5 yet?
Yes I do
Where you from james
is it live yet?
i should just go to bed after a long disappointing day i anticipated so much for apple i hope you guys are enjoying your troll
not released in netherlands yet, i expect it 19:00 local time
nothing yet in central time usa
I believe it will be 10:00am Pacific time
iCloud is expected to launch today (Wed, October 12th) alongside iOS 5 and Mac OS X 10.7.2. Apple released iTunes 10.5
on Tuesday in preparation. We don’t expect iOS 5 to actually be
released until later in the day. Apple has historically released their
major iOS updates around 1pm eastern time.
icloud is already available in Germany
once its downloaded, im sure there will be thousands of people wishing they never bothered !
doubt it somehow, if everything does what it says on the tin then this should be worth the wait…!!
Yeah right, keep thinking that and why are you here if you don’t want it? Waiting to jump on someone? Peace.
I think it will be released at 13.00 est…what do you all think ?!
yeah mee tooo
its not out ._.
Update: the update is expected to become available at 1800 BST on 12 October
34 more mins guys
Just got it to download! You have to be on your home network on your original Mac, they are not releasing to Windows based machines for 30 days, as per Apple…
really? where did u see that?
I got mine too!!! Â Although I had to use my home Mac and it wouldn’t work on my DELL PC????? Â 30 day wait time………..WTF????
I`m hoping there wil be a fix for the last update which has stopped my ipad from connecting to my wifi…( it connected perfectly for a year before the last update)Â
but I have a windows PC… so.. no new update for 30 days…?
oh no…..!!!!
You got IOS 5 to download? Where do you live we’re on the East Coast.
I have a MAC you lie B1tch.
its 11:30 am dallas tx still dont see the new update! blahhhh
@b9aa672fb4f0cd41d62fe361b0c648ff:disqus I don’t think that’s right! It just sounds wrong. Also, they stated that they will release it for Mac AND Windows on 12 October, plus that iOS is not software for computers, its for your iDevice, so it makes completely no sense.
@b9aa672fb4f0cd41d62fe361b0c648ff:disqus you are wrong i checked with my mac pc still no updates. and @facebook-100000334677937:disqus is correct about the announcement.Â
With everyone anxiously waiting for the update, how long do you think it will actually take to apply it to the phone?
About 24 hours, probably.
Estimated time: OVER 9000!
what time does it launch in Toronto?
Site says 1 P your time
Alright Thank You bro
Not long now 6pm uk time
Does anyone know if the update will come up if you have the ios 5 gm seed
I’m hoping I’ll be able to do an OTA update from the iOS5 GM version, would be cool to test out that functionality.
anyone know when it comes out for Massachusetts?
1 P Eastern
thank you =)
1pm eastern ,12 central, 11 mountain, 10 Pacific
iOS 5.x: Fifth major OS release 5 was previewed to the public on June 6, 2011.[72] It will be released for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 (GSM and CDMA), iPhone 4S, iPod touch 3rd and 4th generation, iPad, and iPad 2 on 12 October, 2011 At 11am Pacific Time.
Wtf Apple Press the Button and everyone is happy
Any news?
That means when in Europe?
that is 3am BRISBANE time right? AKA 15 mins?
c’mon australia!
11mins hopefully. Then I can get back to work
Fiveoh you go to work now i came from work
A Few hours then i go to bed
I will when i found out for sure if we are in the final minutes of the wait or if it is going to take longer
is it out at 6pm uk time? xx
iTunes update went beautifully all of my devices updated wirelessly and fast, super fast even while my mac was backing up, boom back online and it updated on the Mac as well, my husband who has an android phone and a PC was pleasantly surprised at how well the iTunes update worked on his PC listening to MY music LOL
Yes I typed that waiting for my IOS 5 upgrade on the eastern coast moan.
10AM Pacific is the official release time!
well i hope … because someone said 11
Indy so it’s 1pm here
I don’t believe thats very late
4 mins ……
i just want it to come out already!!!!, it is seriously like getting a new phone hahah, for free too
International business newspaper posted the times
please confirm if it is 10 or 11 pacific time.
That would be 6pm here then..?
Woohooo, just started updating now. A few mins early. Apple feeling ok? UK here.
no good for meÂ
Shut iTunes down, and reload it. Worked for me.
Im in NY still no goodÂ
UK here – nothing
and confirm if update is really available….
30 seconds!
12:59 EST not yer
Shiva, let us know if it shows an update please
haha so no dice?
6 uk time nowt
Anyone updating yet?
Denmark – nothing
Someone confirm shutting down itunes?
Confirm it yourself… It only takes about 10 seconds to restart it.
im in uk not working
4.35 latest version still
thanks for confirming, i’m going to go eat lunch
Hurry up Apple!!! Us Aussies are waitin’!!!
uk nothing :(Â
ITS HERE!!!!! – Isle of Man
not yet released , INDIA , 22:35
Germany nothing it is 7pm
and now it isn’t.. wtf!?!?!?!?!
Haven’t gotten anything, anyone know why?
IT’S OUT!!!!!!
sweet DLing now! in NY
mac osx 10.7.2 download now uk
updating. who hoo
It’s live uk the at 6pm
Ohio 1pm est still no update
for those in the UK how did you get it?
It’s working for me! Â 1:03PM (GMT -5)
Well it gave the chance to update, and then didn’t
updating!!!!!! yaaaaaaas
where r u from man
how is it u r updating
its out! go get it!
ITS OUT! Canada is out!
its working now
Now it’s going. 707.2 MB download
its available already
lol my itunes has hung
update people 5.0
update for mac OS X update now 10.7.2 and ios5
1:00pm east coast time has come and gone. No release. 2pm?
just started downloading in uk wooohoooo
still pending in Germany…
downloading now in the UK, had to search 4 or 5 times for it to show though
I cant seem to updae it. ive connected to itunes and clicked checked for updates and nothin
downloading the update as we speak
Just started for me in Los Angeles
it showed up and i picked download only and it said resource not available and when i checked for updates again it said up to date 4.3.5
please guys write where r u from so we know
Downloading Boston ma
still nothing in massachusetts
and its on
I am able to download in India
live inAUS
UPDATING has begun in Atlanta, GA….
Viet Nam is ready, go get it guys!
its out, downloading now! UK!Â
Got it!! Can’t believe it’s actually working!! So much for wikapedia and 11.
Working in Mo.
got it!
Just like i said server so slow going into melt down
Germany update
toronto here.. got it
uk- working for me, quit itunes and re opened! woohooo
This is sooooo exciting. Good luck to all. Enjoy.
It is here!!! Croatia
its here in th UK! WooHoo!!!
Downloading in Ohio!!
downloading and updating ios 5 as i type.
its here – London!Â
If you’ve had your iphone connected to iTunes, you should disconnect it first then re-connect… let it back up, sync, and then check for update. Viola!
Got it at 12:58 est
how come some places are and others not
maybe something to do with not having to many people updating at the same time, just a guess though
Downloading Now…..But slowing to a crawl.
Sorry…In Austin TX.
got the update …bangalore india..10.40pm IST
Ontario, Canada downloading now… Start out pretty fast but has slowed down significantly… Still moving tho.. Halfway done and showing 5 minutes remaining… I trust it will be worth the wait… Wasnt available until about 6 minutes after 1 pm my time… Good luck everyone…
it has really slowed down now …. the last two minutes of download have taken over 10 minutes… patience is a virtue…
Alright guys, it’s out in Germany!! And i’m out too!
Central Time in the USA ….. Tried the suggestion to stop iTunes and unplug the USB to the iPad/iPhone then start  iTunes and plug the USB back in and there it was IOS 5 !!!!!!!!!! Downloading it now !!!!!!  (was just clicking the check for updates button and it didn’t work)…. Try it , you’ll like it !!!!!
South Africa as well
oh and it’s 774.4 MB… going to go mow the lawn
restart your iTunes, worked for me. 1:10pm EST with 2 different comps.
It’s reeeeally slow for me.
Downloading in Dubai!
just finished installing yeah aaaaa this is sick….
It’s available for everyone now.
Started out 20 mins, now 47 mins.. and I get 14mbps to my Router… :X
For those of you who cant see it yet you have to go to Help and click on check for update
nebraska has it. im downloading it right now 12pm central time
BTW, I’m in SW Missouri
It is available from now in Brazil
pacific time nothing for me
downloading now. finally.
Downloading in Lincoln UK but very slow
dallas tx! its hereee!!!!!!!!
Upgrading nicely!
i’m on the 4.3.4 do i have to update to the 4.3.5 first and then to the 5 or i can update directly from 4.3.4 to 5 ????
I need to know this too!
No need, it will take care itself…
what u have to do is pause all then resume all cuz eventally it will just freeze if not
do you have to have iTunes 10.5 to download iOS5?
YES,, You can not get IOS 5 with out first updating to iTunes 10.5
Yes, you do have to have 10.5.
I never would have believed it would d/l this quickly in the woods in Connecticut, it’s done!
Montreal has it!!! Downloading now, 200k/s avg
Downloading now in Nashville 12:24 Central time…..says 47 minutes plus install
what u have to do is pause all downloads then resume or it will freeze and crash
Ive got it! phones just re-starting now. Hope you all get it and enjoy.
downloading now in Paris
19:23 CET
Kentucky …. its here and starting now
Australia is online!!!!
Does California have it yet?? We are the most important state…
downloading in NY it says 3 hours remaining started at 1:10PM
Downloading From montreal canada
73MB out of 774MB yes it’s really slow!
730 mb out of 774mb it ok for here
did you try checking for updates under help?
Stop iTunes, unplug the usb to your iPad or iPhone, start itunes and then plug the usb back in. It should be there …
Australia Confirmed
downloading. Poland
Started the download 12 minutes ago and now it’s done. Happy iOS 5 day to all!
Download time keeps getting longer. Up to 60+ mins now. Is this just the way it is because so many people are downloading, or is there another way?
Updating… In Hong Kong
updating now in uk, but very slow the time remaining keeps going up, never mind at least it’s here woohoo
yeah 18min left, its going the wrong way
Pretty fast in Tennessee.. 217 MB of 781.9 MB in about 3 minÂ
updating.. got 2 hours remaining!!! UK !!!
For those who have it, does it seem to be working good or are there problems and glitches?Â
Mine is 23 minutes remaining and going up!!!! UK!!
Try pause all and then resume in the downloads section, I had the same problem.
umm no? it started mine over when i paused then resumedÂ
How much time was reduced?
Finally updating in uk! Didn’t like the warning that all iTunes purchases etc will be wiped
661 if 774 , 35 minutes so far
 downloaded software (in NY). took about 30mins on work’s bandwidth, so could be slow for others.
now restoring phone etc.
not sure about the “wiping of iTunes apps” m,essage i saw though…
its available in almost all of america. just update itunes to update
the time keeps going up, but i am glad it is working. I am getting the new iphone friday, but i still want to update my old iphone.
haha – ditto!
ce l’ha nel culo!
Downloaded well and when it updated it restored factory settings. Still in restore iPhone apps mode. Not sure what happened.
Mine is doing the same thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all is quiet as we await those downloads, back-ups and installs to complete….Â
Just times out, had to restart
how is everyone getting on in the uk?!?!
UK Download is having problems, keep getting the timeout message. Had to restart it twice
it has been saying 57 minutes for the past 15 minutes!!!
If you have a long download wait, stop it and start over, just downloaded in 4 min.
For those who have it, does it seem to be working good or are there problems and glitches?
Also would like to know before i update as mine is 2 mins from downloading.
Mine has timed out after hitting 200MB 4 times now… UK
been downloading for 45 mins already, still saying 37 mins to go..
(forgot to say – am in the UK)
Same here! I am due to leave work in an hour dont think i will get out on time!!!
Downloading now. NYC, iTunes estimates 18 minutes.
iTunes is just telling me that “the network connection could not be established”. Anyone know what to do?
im having the same issue….thinking the server is just backed up…i dont know for sure
took about 45 minutes for the download, it is updating now
Paris downloaded started @ 19.26 finished in 20 minutes installed in 15. It’s AWESOME!!!!
My phone is doing so crazy things!!!!
here’s my deal: downloaded the software in about 30mins. another 10mins or so to install, and restore the backup etc.
I am at work, so all apps, music, pics etc are on my laptop at home. so when it restarted, all those items are gone, and i’ll need to resync when i get home.
initial thoughts? dont see the iMessage anywhere (yet!)…i’m hoping this isnt like Facetime where it only works if on a wi-fi network?
oh, and I am in NY
Download Memphis TN took about 20 minutes, installing now…….
Halifax. NS took 5 mins to download and installing now
37 minutes but I have to go work in 15 minutes
I will have to hold off till tonight..Â
Cant wait tho!
Mine froze at backing up set there were errors now it is saying it is restoring Iphone firmware…Lovely! Â I hope this didn’t mess up my phone. Â Anyone else having these issues?
it’s cumming hard
I downloaded ios5. It backed up my device and then it gave me an error.
This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
 I have an iPhone 4 on 4.3.5 tethered jailbreak. What gives? Thanks to anyone.
first arrest that convict, throw the shackles back on, and put it back in JAIL!!
Does this chat room double as a meth-house?
I ran into the same issue: Jaibroken iPhone 4 4.3.5 with the same error message, but I resolved the problem.
First I restored on 4.3.5 and then I updated it.Â
Where can I find a “clean” file of 4.3.5? Thanks a lot.
I posted the URL, but it has to be moderated, so may not show for a while. Just go to apple, then click on “Support,” then search on “ios 4.3.5”
Thanks ABQ. downloading now. DO you think it could have something to do with my host files?
Anyone have ideas? I seem to be the only person in the wide world with this problem.
You can’t update a Jail Broken device …. Restore it to the original settings, then update it, then get the IOS 5 Jailbreak if you need it.
Eh, thats not true. YOu can update, the jailbreak is just wiped off by the update. It takes out the partition. I tried restoring and it still gave me the iphone isnt eligible for requested build. I have no idea what’s going on.
I’d revert it back to factory settings and firmware and try the update again.
Went through a series of restores, then had me page through the license agreement, itunes login, blah blah blah. It rhen started syncing all my apps. Still going.
Same here…taking a long time to RESTORE APPS
Keeps timing out. Is network getting overloaded??
keep getting the message “network connection could not be established” does this mean the server is backed up and i cant connect?
From the UK started downloading  at 18:08 – got to gone half way and 35 mins to go at 18:40 and then it said network connection timed out. Clicked to start again and tried the whole pausing and resuming and it just started again but is even slower now!!
In Vancouver, Canada. I’m on my second try now. The first time I was able to download the package but when it was trying to either validate the files or unpack everything it failed.
FYI, if I “pause” the download and then “un-pause” it, all the progress is lost and the download restarts back at 0MB…
Very strange.
Now it is saying restoring to factory settings…WTH!
i keep getting to about 400 mb out of 700.3 mb and then it fails and i have to start again
My iPad has 42 gb of audio, video, photos and apps and has been backing up for over an hour after the download…Â should I keep waiting or abort and start over…
Keep waiting!
my iPhone has a similar backup scenario. I have been backing up for nearly 30 mins and I only have a iPhone 4 16gb
updating finally in Saudi arabia as im writing right now
Says it is restoring iPhone music and videos… We will see. It was empty on the last reboot. Also, FB does not work. Am going to reinstall.
Better to download ios5 from apple website support iphone4 downloads
put up link plz
download keeps failing.
mine is taking me through a whole restore also (ipad2), dont know it the ios5 took or not yet
network connection keeps timing out!Â
Can’t get a full download through, I am on my fifth attempt now ):
Never reached more than 550 MB, often fails before that. It also delivers slightly slower than my traditional badnwidth speed (I should get about 1.6 MB/s, I got more around 900 kb/s).
I’m in DenmarkÂ
im getting the same problem, does anone have a solution to this? im in england if that makes any difference
Download took about 10 minutes, no problems. When I try to install however Itunes says:
Cannot be restored, an unkwon failure has taken place (in dutch, pardon my french).
Anybody else who has this problem?
Anyone got it working yet? Is iMessage there as I’ve heard reports it’s missing.
I’m missing my imessage, anyone else having this problem?
imessage is automatic.
You need to send an sms to another ios5 user and it will change to an iMessage
2 hrs remaining in india its taking too long i have to go to school tomorrow and i know that if a wait for it ill sleep in the morning and not go to school thats bad ! 343 /774 mb done lets hope for the best any one got it installed and set up?
in THE UK ITS ALSO GOING TO TAKE 2 Hrs and i got collage tomorrow just leave your  computer on all night that’s what im going to doÂ
363 mb
88 mins remaining yay!Â
402 mb done
i started the dowload at 12 05 and i’m only halfway through.. damn school internet
Have downloaded iOS 5 with no problems. When I try to install the software onto iPhone 4 it says that it’s restoring then I’m greeted with ‘The iPhone ‘Gavin’s iPhone’ could not be restored. An internal error occured’ I’m not sure if this is because Apple have obviously been inundated with millions of people trying to get iOS 5. Anyone else seeing the same error message?
Getting the same problem
same thing
same thing
Okay thank you all for the replies. I guess we’ll just have to wait it out until some of the traffic dies down!
Me too!
Same problem here
im getting the same problem. dont know what to do
Gavin, I’ve had exactly the same error on both my iPhone & iPad
Same here. On third attempt
Make sure you are using a genuine Apple sync cable
Me 2 have you managed to get it working yet???
Same problem after four attempts…
i am getting the same thing
yup… i keep getting the same error message. i think i’m on attempt 4.
started downloading at 18.08 uk and got to 600mb downloaded at 19:37Â then timed out
it’s now whizzing through the download with 10 min left
downloaded the update….. eventually finished after timing out several times.
Trying to do update but backup starts then just stops without any warning. On third try now
ok it’s backed up successfully, now extracting software, then I get Iphone could not be restored. Unknown error occurred(3200) Great. does not appear to have messed up phone.
First time trying to download I got an error message and now I have to go somewhere so I’ll have to try again later.
I attempted to download on my Wi-Fi, but that failed. Then I plugged in wired and it downloaded ok.
However, it now says “Restoring iPhone apps” on iTunes but my actual iPhone is stuck in a loop whilst it’s doing that. Anyone else had this problem.. And did you just let it carry on? Thanks.
It happened to me too… unplug it, and then plug it back in… itunes will tell you it failed, but just hit continue. Worked for me.
I admire and appreciate you folks on the bleeding edge! Waiting until the weekend, but avidly following your experiences….
I keep getting error messages: “iPad cannot be restored.”
A bit of advice here. If you are using a longer USB cable or one that is not an original Apple cable then do not try this update till you can find, buy or borrow and original one. I have seen updates fail on many iPhones and iPads due to flakey cables………Good luck all ……
I keep getting a message stating that my software is up to date at 4.2.1. I did the iTunes upgrade and rebooted twice and still can’t get iTunes to give 5 as an option.
Make sure you have iTunes 10.5…..My iTunes wouldn’t update so I had to go to apple directly & download iTunes from there. Hope it helps
Connect iPhone to computer
Go into iTunes
It will tell you your iTunes version then a note will appear about IOS 5 asking if you want to download and install or just download. (Judging by the comments I chose to download only for now. Took 30 minutes.)
Same problems, lost all my pictures
in uk, download started at 18:05, took 1hr15, unpacked fine, various messages in itunes about restoring firmware, factory settings, etc, phone rebooted a couple of times, then a black screen with iPhone across the top appeared. Itunes then prompted for password to backup file before restoring. itunes pop-up stating phone restored, but says phone is empty! iphone starts asking questions about location services, apple account, icloud signup – phone contains no apps or music, but has text messages, email, contacts. Â Cant see imessage anywhere…..
I have even internal errors:(
I have same internal error
has anyone actually successfully downloaded it? i keep getting an unknown error.
Why is it not working mmmm
Error 3200 every time I try to install software which is a validation with the Apple server!!!
successfully installed and doing the last few set-up options – now I can’t get past the find my iphone screen – if i tick find it and press next nothing happens, if i tick dont find it then next nothing happens, i can go all the way back and go through again but still cant progress!Â
if i press menu button then it gives me option to start again but then to do that i have to press a button which says erase iphone! any ideas?
I have gotten two errors. First it was error 3194 then it was error 3200. My phone has never been jailbroken. Please help!
Mine has never been jailbroken either and I got the 3200 error too.
same here.. been trying it for ages..
So yeah– I’ve downloaded and installed the update. To my dismay, I don’t have any contacts, my apps were all screwed up and the restore keeps giving me a message “Restoring iPhone Apps”… Yeah I think I just messed up jumping into this so soon.
sucessfully downloaded it, yet I keep getting an error message after the software extracts and trys to restore the phone using ios5. I am not an happy bunny
mine worked i can play with it, and right now i’m syncing all my apps! took me 6 tries to DL all the way then i get error -50 which wiped the whole ipad then it has to restore the thing, now im just restoring the apps from the PC and all is good! you have to do a whole setup with iclowd and stuff, kinda cool.
I’m on my third attempt now.
I phone keeps turning on then off, it installs drivers but then tells me there is a problem with the phone
again 3200 error message. This is a complete joke. 1 1/2 hours to download and then the update doesnt work.
I’ve searched the web and found no answers to this error. I’m going to unintall iTunes and try again. This is not making me happy!
iPhone 4 – over an hour updating software, got right to the end then error message stating unexpected interruption and it asks if i want to restore to a previous backup or set up as a new phone… Grrr!!!Â
i havnt been able to back up my iphone since july – for some reason an error message since then always came up saying can not be backed up. this is on my apple mac computer)
just downloaded the update FINALLY but for some reason kept coming up with the error of not being able to restore.
now its wiped off everything off my phone ….. we’ll see what happens now!!
I’m in Florida/USA and it took two times to download…this is my fourth time backing up and restoring…i’ll keep pressing on to see if i get this thing working.
same here….south florida…having same problem
Installed with no hiccups in less than an hour. Everything running fine in Indiana.
3200 error here as well
Imessage isnt a separate app it just knows which of your contacts are on Iphones and turns their messages blue and doesnt use any of you sms allowance
2 hours downloading and now “The iPhone ” ” could not be restored. An internal error occurred. GRRRRR
I have updated itunes too prior to starting the ios5 update. Still getting the 3200 error message
Anyone manage to get ios 5 installed after receiving error saying unable to restore iphone. This happens after it starts to extract the software.
downloaded fine the first go, tired restoring twice failed both times  googled some stuff and lead me to look into my current OSX  i upgraded to iTunes 10.5 the other day.but today there are two more updates for my mac nothing to do with iTunes. I’m downloading them now and hopefully that will work. i will keep you posted
Weird, said it hadn’t worked, but I took a risk and unplugged my phone, and it’s fine, and has iCloud settings etc on it. All’s well that ends well!
I have a 3gs, 16G, the ios 5 download went smoothly. But, every time I try to backup I get error code -50. I have tried all the suggestions for troubleshooting this, I have an apple cable, I have plugged into a computer usb and disconnected other devices, I have turned off firewall, made sure all software is updated and restarted my iMac and phone several times. I still get the same error code. What are my options?
Oh, the phone works fine in, I just can’t get on with the install.
error 3200
downloaded fine but could not restore iphone im on the iphone 4 this is my second attempt
I had the same problem!
Has anyone successfully installed 100%?
Apps do not work, none of the apps that I have.
error code 3200… third attempt now
i use a pc
i use a pc and have itunes 10.5
This is my 6th attempt doing it. I restarted my computer, and the installation got as far as the restart screen, then the 3200 code came up. Everything is updated on this computer and I even followed Apple’s troubleshooting “solutions”.Â
Updated this morning, iTunes and Lion. Still doesn’t work. Stop shouting.Â
same problem
i’m getting error code 3200
am i guesiing this is due to internet traffic
3200 error here please help
yeah me too
got it working in first try
We hate you.
3200 error on my iPhone 4 yet it just worked on my wife iPhone 4????? WT!!!!!!!!!!
were are you located apple is saying it goes by state
Trying to update to ios5. Getting error message.
The iPhone could not be restored.
An internal error occurred.
Any suggestions?
Check for updates click on the apple check software update
Downloaded perfectly, extracts software and tries to reinstall then i get the error message. 4th attempt now. not a happy chappy
I have the same issue “An internal error occurred”
in progress now yeah disconnect and connect again error 3200
Exactly the same is happening to me
Same problem 20 mins to download then error 3200 think there server must be overloaded as it’s same on 2 different pc’s and on iPad and iPhone
I am using PC and I am getting 3194 error. Everything is updated to where it should be. Why the error?
Apps don’t work. One of my mail accounts completely wiped off the iPhone although it’s still on my Macbook.
3rd try now >:(
just updating on my phone now. Had to restart the iphone itself and now its physically updating on the phone after 4th attempt. No 3200 error message as yet
when does it give u the error
Did not see any of my restored music until I restarted iTunes and then “sync’d” the iPhone 4. Now I see music.
Yep, reasonable download time but getting error 3200 when trying to validate with Apple. Tried 4 times now and no luck.
I updated to Lion 10.7.2 and I still get:
The iPhone could not be restored.
An internal error occurred.
welcome to the club?:S
I lost all my contacts. Trying to restore my Iphone! What is happening!
just got an error message -35
so… do i have to have my osx upgraded to lion for the upgrade to work… cause that’s going to be devastating for me since it isn’t possible with my macbook (which is 5 years old and the integrated graphics chip is incompatible with anything newer than leopard)
i keep getting the “unable to restore” error. i’m up to date on my itunes and everything else.
No ….
so exactly what am i supposed to do for it restore my phone…cause im reading just keep trying till it works…others saying i need to update my mac to osx lion?? WHAT TO DO??
YES!!!! Finally after 3 hours it works and it is fantastic :-)Â
Keep trying everyone – youl feel great once its working!!!!!
I downloaded, then as it was about to restore it said it could not perform restore? now all the waiting for the download is useless!!! where can i find it again or do I have to download it again!?
UK hereÂ
started at 18.00 took 1 and a half hours to download and all i get now as a error message “internal error”Â
what a joke!!!!!
any fixes people?
I am receiving the same message. No matter what i do it just wont update! Download took the same amount of time aswell!!
Same  thing I have a call into apple for tech support once I hear something i will repost.  It also happened on my ipad 2
Thank you. Its worrying me that there is a problem with iphone as to why it wont update?
get a live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Error 3194 (Unknown Error) – HALP anyone?
If you keep getting the error message 3200, like i did – keep trying – after 4 attempts it seems to be working now.
I hope so!! I keep getting this error!!
im on my 3rd attempt now..might change to Blackberry
Can not finalize the sync process, I got a message of 4Gb of overcapacity on the phone. How is that?
downloaded ios5 to itunes ok but when sending to phone it gives me error -43 the contents of the iphone will be deleted. anyone got any ideas?
Im getting the same problem, im just going to try again this is my third time. hopefully third time lucky! how about you?
where is steve Jobs!
Probably looking down on us all, laughing!!
2 hours start to finish (download, install and data restores) “interesting” will take a bit to learn it all but so far it all works fine. The pad is done and now to the phone !!!!!
it wont work for me wtf what part of the country do you live in apple support said that its being released by state
how do u fix error 3200
The debug file seems to indicate that the error 3200 is coming from an “internal error” response from the iTunes server while attempting to authenticate the install.
another 3200 error problem here, wtf is going on man!
error 3194 AGAIN!!!!
ummm no the download stops and says theres a problemÂ
ummm, download a new brain?
Finally downloaded everything
Lost all music off i phone though. Unplugged i phone to disrupt download, and re input to PC, now its downloading music
seems to be working … did restore to an old back up … then it needed to restore all apps/music/vids – which it’s still doing
I’m having the same error 3200. Â Third go now.
Why is it doing it?!
Man, I’m getting the 3200 as well. For those that have gotten it to work, are you just retrying the update over and over once downloaded?
yep, just keep retrying and it should work.
if it worked for you let me know where you live because i called apple support and they said its being released by state
ive been havin the same problem (3200) but jus tried it again for the 100th time and now its going through…jus waitin now 2 c how badly it has screws my fone up
3200 error, someone needs to get fired
skip icloud set up as it would not let me get any further but worked fine when skipped!!
i kept getting error code 3200, saw on other site that you need 30gig free on your HDD, tried it and its installing as we speak so hopefully is works
It did not add the “camera” icon to the lock screen- anybody else?
yep I was looking for that
You have to double press the home button for it to work
I believe you have to double tap the home buttonÂ
double click the home button to make the camera button appear on the lock screen.
ID10T error there, thanks lol
double didn’t work for me. It brought up the music player, not the camera ( at least on the iPad 2 it did) are you talking about the iPhone??
installed itunes 10.05 – backup and synched ipad 2 (brand new btw) first attempt after ios 5 update – error message directed to apple support website.
2nd attempt cannot sync this ipad as it is not compatible with itunes sync.
3rd attempt clicked update and attempt asked to backup setting as have purchased apps.
Looked on ipad and apple pages no longer compatible, even though ios 5 not installed.
Clicked update to ios 5 again – now in back up far 1 hour 30 mins
4th attempt The Ipad “ipad” could not be restored. an internal error occured.
oh dear..
if it worked for you let me know where you live because i called apple support and they said its being released by state
This 3200 error is frustrating. 5 failed update attempts now
maybe you should realised that the problem might be you? ID10T error perhaps?
I see what you did there. LOL. Haven’t seen that error code in years.
cannot be restored, totally knackered
The Ipad “ipad” could not be restored. an internal error occured.
Im suffuring with this error 3200 while the restore is trying to update the software with itunes!!!!!!! UGH. Im working on my sixth restart. Any suggestions?
I’m working on my 7th restart. Welcome to the club.
shame on you- smiling a shy smile….
Just trying to make you feel welcome. Haha
at least someone with humor! i just have to get the time go faster!!
Tell me about it! I just restarted my laptop a second time to try installing an 8th time. Any luck for you?
yeah, go sleep. after 6 restarts and still not catching on????
how do you fix error 3200?!
Downloaded and installed. No issues with the procedure but….
-no tabbed browsing in safari
-no iMessages
-keyboard is stupidly glitchy with typing
Anyone else have these problems?
tabbed browsing only for iPad
other iOS 5 users must be updated to do iMessage
Pad 1, Pad 2 or iPhone??Â
hmmm 3200 error as well. I guess this is Steve Jobs’s farewell prank. HAHA very funny stevie boy.
Too Zune!
the 3200 error means that it has not been released yet. They said that it would be released in an hour
thank you goddd i was going nuts
no problem
Does it gonna work with the Iphone???? I have a feeling that allot of people have problems with the ipad
Hand no issues with the iPad. You still have to use the home button for somethings though. I thought it was gona pretty much be a decoration after this update, but I guess not.
I tried for 3 hours to download. Â Finished the sync/backup, it extracted the software, but then I got a message on my mac that said there was an internal error.Â
In order for the update to work, you need to free up space on your iPhone/iPad, make sure you delete all your movies and then try a restore
How much space Thomas?
Download took about 10 minutes, backing up now. Â Don’t want to Jinx it! Â
 Auckland, New Zealand
It always seems to fail once it comes to “Verifying restore…..” after extracting the update data. That was my 6th attempt……..
Same thing keeps happening to me – going to give up for now and try again tomorrow.
Gone thru whole process. At restore point, some unknown error occurs and I’m back to square one!!
I talked to an Apple Support person he said you must have OS Lion (if you are using a mac) in order to update the iPhone with iOS5. Is this true?
nah, itunes does the updating, surely?
Spoke too soon … “Liane’s iPHone 4 could not be restored. Â An internal error occurred.” Â (sigh)
Complete rubbish that 3200 is an error to say it hasn’t yet been released in my your area.. surely?!
How can iTunes realise there is an update, download iOS5 update but then fail to install it to the phone because it hasn’t been released in my area.. Surely if it hadn’t been released in my area, iTunes wouldn’t have even picked up the fact that there was an update available!!
How stupid!!
had error -50 at first wouldnt back up then error 3200 i just kept trying it eventually worked. just keep doing it. and if it says its gonna erase everything hit cancel and start again.
i understood that iphone and ipad had dedicated space for ios so why would it need extra space
everything is working perfect for me
Has anyone in the UK been able to update their iPhones to iOS 5?
not yet 6th attempt
yes just. had to skip icloud installation as would freeze at find my iphone screen. no lock screen camera or tabbed browsing as of yet.
oh my. how annoying. Is it just me getting the 3200 error thing?
same 4th attempt
not yet tried 5 times keep getting 3200 error :@Â
just asked me if i wanted to install ginger bread or ice cream
what does this error 3200 mean?Â
That apparently it hasnt been released…
Complete rubbish that 3200 is an error to say it hasn’t yet been released in my your area.. surely?!How can iTunes realise there is an update, download iOS5 update but then fail to install it to the phone because it hasn’t been released in my area.. Surely if it hadn’t been released in my area, iTunes wouldn’t have even picked up the fact that there was an update available!!How stupid!!
whats the deal with having enough space?? what does that mean???
anyone in idaho got it to download?
I can get past the varifying install bit and contacting apple etc. but when it goes in restore mode(iphone reboots)Â to update it just says error 3200 cannot restore iphone! its very anoying. anyone else having this prob
had that problem its a server thing. probably do to everyone trying to update. just start again worked for me
but i am not sure if it is the server becuase the iphone reboots and comes up with the recovery mode image on the screen where its got the Itunes icon etc.
OK. So the best solution I’ve found for the OVER CAPACITY nonsense is to start fresh and manually load all of your playlists, movies, apps, etc. I know it can be a PITA but with other iOS updates this was found to be the best solution and created a more stable final product.Â
So this may be a dumb question, I normally skip the back up and sync when updating my iPad, I have no music on it, really just about 7 or 8 hundred books as well as several hundred comics in ComicZeal so backing up takes a really long time. When I first started to update I got the message about it deleting all the apps on my device…will it really do this? Will it leave the iPad blank with no apps (other then the ones that normally are there)
error 3194 4th time grrrr >:(
4th time round…
any way to get rid of the red notifications?
press the red button.
Sorry, is lack of space definitely the issue? Â I’ve only got some space left – if I do a bit of deleting should that definitely work or would I just be wasting my time?
i didn’t have much space; after the update i had more space?
you too!!!!
do you have enough space in you brain is the real question?
im gettting 3200 error
Simple way round. Switch your i device into airplane mode and it will update
also now found no music on my iphone. says no videos but they are on my camera roll, photos all still there as well.Â
After trying time after time after time, I put my iPad 2 into airport mode, then plugged it in and fired up itunes. First attempt to update since doing those things and its now updating! Should give it a try
ok I kept getting error 3200 but read comments about people being persistent and going into dfu mode and restoring their ipods (which gets u error 3200). I kept being persistent, as they were, and finally on my 8-9th attempt, the restore was complete and ios5 was successfully installed. I also got error 14 once during the installation but just be persistent and it’ll probably work for you as well.
Having the same 3200 error on both my 4 and hubbie’s 3GS, anyone in the UK actually managed to get it to work yet?
no on my 4th attempt
Nope, tried 10 times now and same error 3200 each time. Think I’ll give up and try again tomorrow in case it’s a server issue.
Im in the UK and got it to work on 3GS, but on ipad2 i get the 3200 error
10th re-sync at the mo – will see what happens after that – may drink that cold beer i have been promising myself all week
got it to work on my 4 but not on my sisters 3GS or on 1st gen ipad
6 hrs remaining DL via iPhone thetering..,
just a quick note it seems people are saying put in airplane mode (not sure what anything on the iphone has to do with it updating as it reboots the device) etc. I think its just pot luck at the moment but has anyone had there phone go into recovery mode reading to install and then get error 3200?
HELP! keep getting to restore mode then my iphone just turns off and it says restore failed my iphone still works but it wont install ios 5!
Currently running the upgrade, first attempt failed with an error message ( I didn’t make a note of the error no.)Â Restarting the phone after 2nd attempt…
5x I tried it, iPhone could not be restored an internal error occurred. Â What now?
It wouldnt be so bad if it didnt insist on backing up each time for half an hour
Trying to update iPad 2. All goes well until the very end when error message appears saying the iPad can’t be restored because an error has occurred. 5 tries, same result!
Anybody get the error -54? It happens when backing up before the update.
It keeps giving me an error message right after extracting the software. It’s saying an internal error occurred… how can if I fix this?!
i am also getting the same msg pls post if the prob is fixed
I’ve tried 10 times now and the same thing exactly keeps happeing to me. Â Given up for now and will try again tomorrow. Â Not worth driving yourself crazy over.
It now says restoring iPhone from backup… what does it all mean!!!!
means it should be working. it updates to ios5 then restores all your settings from the backup. it takes a while.
Getting error 3259 right at the end of my download… anyone else getting the same error? I’ve tried about 6 times now with no luck…Â arrggghhh
keeps saying connection timed out..anyone else had the same problem?
the camera fix does not work on mine
ooooh well looks 3200 issue is server over load , last try , if no luck off to bed and do it in morning before work @415am (uk)
Yeah, I’m gonna try it one last time (making it 10 tries), if no luck, I go back to playing guitar.
what does error 3194 mean?
please reply
Error 3194: Resolve error 3194 by updating
to the latest version of iTunes. “This device is not eligible for
the requested build” in the updater logs confirms this is the root of
the issue. For more Error 3194 steps see: This device is not
eligible for the requested build above.
got that from apples website
just keep trying. essentially there is no answer to these errors. i just kept trying. i think everyone being online and trying to update is taking its toll but its a bit like being in a queue and skipping it…sooner or later you will get to the front. i tried everything and in the end just kept pressing update and it is doing something  now
internal error for 6th time ! DOH!
9pm may be the magic time for the UK
Mines just started to work after lots of fails
Jack1, im getting that same error…. says connection timed out towards the end of download and error 3259…Â have no clue what it means
I got that and restarted it. I now have the software downloaded, however it won’t transfer to my iPhone. it says there is an internal problem with my iPhone 4
Well, I’m on attempt number 9. The closest I’ve gotten is 18 minutes remaining before I get the message that the network has timed out.
Reminds me of my first iPhone lol.
been trying to upload ios5 for 30mins and now its working, just need to keep trying, i personally took my videos off, might work for you, just keep trying
took about 15 attempts but ios5 went on for some reason but itworks better if you have slow internet connection cause i was downloading n it works lol
I’ve tried it 3 times it verify the restore with apple and tells me an internal error has occurred. There’s a show details dialogue box which takes me to a 404 error page on the apple support site. I bought this directly from apple. Its not on a contract so its factory unlocked. Not pleased.
Having the same issue…
anyone know if you can skip the part where it saids backing up during installation?? been taking a really long time
does reverting to factory settings help??? please try it out
I did that and it worked – don’t forget to do a backup first.
Yeah i posted on her about an hour ago having all the issues below. I looked on apple’s support pages and they are saying those errors are a result of too much traffic on the apple servers. Just keep trying or wait a few hours for the traffic to calm down. I actually just got mine working about 10 mins ago and it is restoring now. So far so good.
Ive had a bad experience with iOS5. Installing it on the iphone gave a -50 error and I lost all my contacts, but it is installed. Tried several times to install it on ipad and keep getting “an unknown error has occured (-3200)”
the ios 5 isn’t working keep getting error message 3200
might as well have gone with android at this rateÂ
my download times out and says 26 hours left !
I’ve tried updating about 10 times (reseting, restarting, airplane mode, blowing out dock) with no luck “The iPhone could not be restored. An internal error occurred.” Eager for a solution.
Just keep trying….it works eventually
6th time ive tried. getting closer and closer to the full update each time. 3 minutes remaining!!
Yes, after about 30 attempts it seems to be working (fingers crossed) just keep persisting, delete vids and put on airplane, all you can do i think. good luck guys
I backed my iPad up….. deleted my large vids —— reset my iPad to factory settings. Â It worked right away!
hi! im in UK and just managed to upgrade to ios 5!……JUST KEEP DOING IT. if it fails, try again. if it fails again…TRY AGAIN. It worked on my 5th attempt! good luck
not working
tried lots of times keeps saying internal error. come on Apple.
downloaded iOS5 from iTunes but when it was installing it said “an internal error had occur and could not restore phone. Â what’s up with that. Â Tried several times with same results.
Maybe Apple needed to create a diversion from its iPhone 4 antenna problems. Judging by the boards, the upgrade fail has reached epidemic proportions. I just spoke with a really nice Apple support person who assured me–and I assure you all–it is not your hardware or your software. An iOS update is like a national holiday; there are millions of people taxing the servers, so just wait a few hours and try again. Breathe. It’s only a computer.
ok attempt No12
what time will it be out in chicago?Â
I think they’ll be 6 hours behind UK (where I am) so 3:12pm
thank youÂ
Should have been there at noon.
wheel is spinning
backing up ipad
all blackberry and andriod users are now laughing at us grrrrrr 7 times still no joy
i dont think blackberry have anything to laugh about
theyre all idiots with their wannabe iphones
Never had any problems with my Andriod phone. LOL
Well, if you don’t have iPhone. Then you don’t have an iPhone.
Getting Error message 3004. Will not upload software
Same problem: can’t restore. Trouble is that it’s taking >1hr to try each time.
Very poor.
ok folks after 7 tries and error 3200 constantly i have finally managed to do it. Just hang in there and keep trying you will eventually get through
does updating to iOS 5 affects unlocking??
Errr, yes!
Or did you mean jailbreaking?
no …. i hav an unlocked iphone 3gs iOS 4.3.3 ….i want to know that when i upgrade to iOS 5 will it still be unlocked???
Nope. If you upgrade an unlocked iPhone it locks it again.
should be cool then
if you have jailbroken phone it will wipe out ur jailbreak
cool now it says it can not connect to the update server hmm me thinks they may be fixing it
Trying in airplane mode now, had 3200 error 5 times on iPhone 4
any luck??? you’re having the same issue as me!
My iTunes won’t even download the software. It keeps saying “There was a problem downloading the software for the iPad. The network connection timed out.” Is anybody else having the same issue?
yes im having this issue with my iphone 4, really annoying and frustrating ive been waiting for this moment since they announced ios 5 and i cant get it. on my 9th time now and ive still got my ipad 2 to do aswell
yea i am its so anoyingÂ
cant wait for this to be over…. pheewwwwwwww
After about 15 “internal server errors” it finally worked. Just keep trying.
Why does it have to keep backing up on every attempt? And whats it failing to restore?
Its pretty crap really
9 pm for the UK, it took some trying and i also put in in airplane mode, and i’ve got it now!!! enjoy and just keep trying
the msg ” verifying iphone restore with apple” is going on forever
Yeah, it’s happening to me too.Â
I have been trying to DL all day! I finally had luck downloading the system update but now it is stuck at backing up the iphone…anyone else having this issue? If so, any suggestions?
does updating to iOS 5 affects unlocking??
see below
I downloaded iTunes 10.5 but when I plug my phone in it still says upgrade to 4.3.5. Help please?
Restart your computer. That usually works.
I already did, and I rebooted my phone.
Then, I have no idea. o.O
plug your phone in and go to; help: check for updates. then itll say: download iOS 5?
Got it
Uuuggghhh, thanks anyways!
I decided that it would be faster if I just ordered an iphone 4S with iOS 5 already loaded. Mine will be delivered in 28 days!! hahahaha
Has anyone had any problems trying to download the software. I’ll never even get to the installation process at this rate!
if i manually restore it then try and install new software will that work? and will i get all my apps back?
3 and a half hours later its done and the camera feature is coolÂ
the install made my phone go back to factory settings, DPMO
I found that if you masturbate while it’s extracting software, you will not get the restore error message. There’s no harm in trying. And you will thank me when it works
ha ha
After three tries it finally worked. But all my apps are gone. My contacts were gone too, but I found out it was trying to sync contacts with my corporate email account.
OK SO………Â Â I’ve tried 8 times….. everytime i get to the end of the download…. says its processing the file and right after that i get a error message saying ” the connection has timed out” error 3259. Everytime i get to the end of my download. ARRGGGHHH… anyone else having the exact same issue?
yes I got the same problem Idk what to either as it so annoying when you wait for the download for like2-3 hours and then its all gone arghhh ….
“there was a problem downloading the software for the iPhone. The network connection could not be established”
anyone have any ideas on this error?
my error just said “server could not be contacted” I think there’s way too many of us trying to do this at once.
it might be your virus protection, it work for me
It downloaded fine for me, but it’s been like 2 hours backing up ipad…
i have ios 5, what a beauty!
3 hrs later STILL attempting update fingers crossed hope this one works ive changed something
I removed most of the music from my iPhone and tried uploading ios5 again but it simply crashed again (with code 3004) and this was in the middle of restoring. I now have no phone. When i plug it in to iTunes it tells me to Restore but only gives me the option to Restore and Update with ios5 which won’t upload. I simply have an unrestored phone which I cannot restore.
Mines done exactly the same. Thanks apple
Im in the same boat, dont get me wrong i am loving the iphone but why the heck does it have to verify with apple… i effectively now have a bricked phone
No joy at all i have the words ” an internal error occured burned into my lovely shiny imac screen
is anyone stuck at backing up device?
yep me
any luck yet?
I experienced no problem with downloading the software and my Iphone works fine, but all my apps are gone. Â What did I do wrong and how can I fix it?
restore your apps from itunes! apps purchases etc
you to either sync the apps you know are on the phone, or restore it using an old backup, it will automatically update to ios5
Looks like everyone is getting these errors, it just looks like apple is getting overloaded by all the updates, if you wanna skip the lengthy hour wait to see if it will restore, make sure you back up your device and hit restore, not update, it will skip the long backup and immediately go into the restoration process, this does mean that the process will take longer once it gets going since you have to restore all of your apps and music back to the phone, however you can keep checking to see if the restore will go through every few minutes, instead of every hour
i may jinx it however it is now saying verifying with the server finally
Managed to do mine on my second attempt (uk)
guys i found the least it worked for me..i kept getting those internal error messages etc, and i decided to do it differently this first the new software from any side available and then restore it through iTunes by click the “ALT” button on your keyboard and then the restore button in iTunes -> find the downloaded software and click it..the restore procedure will begin and finally it will be installed..hopefully..!at least as i mentioned above, it worked for me..:S
can everyone tell me their downloading speeds e.g. mine is going up by 0.1mb every 2/3 seconds, is this really slow or normal? all reply’s greatly appreciated.
apple is getting surged, give it time, there are millions of phone, pads, and touch’s being updated, thats why everyone is getting 3004, 3014, and 3200 errors
Anyone else getting the an internal error has occurred??? How bloody frustrating is this!!!
anyone else having major speed issues in the UK? it’s like being back on dialup!
same here, backup progress bar moving very very slowly – at this rate i’ll still be waiting  tomorrow.
seems to be a little bit faster now but still painful! and this is on a fibre connection too!Â
There are what, 10 million iPhones out there? And everybody is trying to update at the same time. Apple servers need to verify each and every one of these (at least the non-jailbroken or unlocked ones) at the same time. If you need your update today, just keep trying, but expect it to take dozens of attempts. Tomorrow, it’ll probably effortless.
70 million
2 phones
me too im getting that same internal error message….been trying to troubleshoot it but i get the same message!
im thinking of restoring it. if i hit RESTORE and UPDATE button (no other buttons available other than CANCEL), will i loose all my music files? please help….
I’m getting the same message you are. I’ve tried hitting restore and it still won’t go past the backing up part.
Took 5 attempts with error 3200 coming up. Now uploaded all ok
were you located
mine says i dont have the privilege!
Have you jailbroken your phone in the past? If so, you’ll need to go back and “correct” your hosts file.
Phone went to update and extracted softwear – got error 3014 and now my phone is in recovery mode and I have to restore to factory settings – every time i try this i get the same error so can’t even leave it and try later as I would be phoneless
Got exactly the same problem
HELP now i have no phone!
the same thing happened to me now my phone just keeps going from apple symbol to spinning load thing and back again. my macbook pro isn’t even acknowledging the fact its connected.
please help
I just kept on trying to restore and it looks like it’s updating now – did this before so not going to hold my breath!
nope Error 3014 again!
why do apple even release it when it has MAJOR issues. id rather have waited an extra week. why not just release it to the app developers and to the public a while later
my phone won’t turn off, my mac won’t recognise that its plugged in. i don’t even know where to start
start from the top mate: press home and power button simultaneously for approx 15 secs i think on ya iphone (btw was ur iphone jailbroken before this)
restart ya mac assuming you have a mac
my phones never been jail broke. I’ve restarted my mac book pro, and managed to get my phone off. dunno what to do next :/
14 failed attempts and read the suggestion on here to switch the device to ‘airplane mode’… worked first time. Â Now completed an iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and an iPad2 without any issues.
Why don’t they broadcast an easy fix such as that. Â Have wasted hours…
apple just wants your money
if you’re here, they got yours too…?
Brilliant response considering the update is free.
Well said! Perspective, man!
the same thing happened to me now my phone just keeps going from apple symbol to spinning load thing and back again. my macbook pro isn’t even acknowledging the fact its connected.
please help
Repeated problems with installing ios 5 (error code 3200) but succeeded on sixth attempt.
Iphone 3gs. Keep trying.
seems to have updated but now i’m getting a restoring Iphone app’s message and its been stuck like that for 1/2 hr all my apps and music seem to have disappeared – can anyone help
is anyone else getting error 3200???
Ive had error 3200 on my ipad2 about 20 however it seems to be working this time.
If its a iphone i think some people have said putting it into airplane mode helps.
yes, apple can’t handle this volume?
all done after 3 and half hours! :)) just keep trying:))
Same here with iPhone. Just finished! Now, onto the iPad!
BTW, even if the update process starts, it will take about an hour, especially if you have tons of apps on your iPhone/iPad. I’m just sayin’
ive tried putting my iphone 4 into airplane mode i still get the error 3200 after 3 and a half hours!!!
I finally got it to update after 4 hours. -_-
any unlocked iphone user here??
My phone used to be unlocked. Upgrading will kill your unlock.
getting error 3200…..been at it for hours (3GS here….upgrade aint till Jan :(Â )
I got mine, but it does not have the camera icon on the lock screen and also does not have the new imessage. Â Does anyone know why?
Mine don’t either, been staring at my phone trying to figure out whats changed and am not seeing much lol.
ok…go to youtube and watch a quick demo on how to use imessage. Â It is there but hidden in the regular message part. Â Go to your settings and see it there to make sure it is on. Â I was looking for an APP but it is just part of the message app you already have. Â I have to find someone that already has ios5 downloaded before I can see if it is working right. Â I don’t however, have the camera icon.
Same as you Im waiting till others have got the new update to see if it works.
i have the camera but no imessage and also the ipod icon has changed :S it now the old one and theres a videos app too like the old one :S
when your phone is locked double tap the home button and the camera icon will appear. Imessage is intergrated into all the text messaging area fi someone is on ios5 it will act like instant messaging
Double tap the home button to get the camera icon
right heres my next is uploading the software on his iphone 4 and he started 20mins after mine and his is going much much much faster than mine on same wifi? anyone…
mine says i dont have the privilege!
it takes ages to back up, then when files are extracted it says an unknown error has occurred???
Anyone stuck where iTunes says “Verifying iPhone restore with Apple…” ???
yes… it will load until its almost finished then just stop!
I am stuck there, and my phone doesn’t work!Â
restoring iphone from back up… 20 minutes remaining….. ffs!!
everyone is getting the error 3200 because everyone is trying to do the update the same time hope this helps
Putting in Airplane Mode before updating worked for me.Â
first numbered error….unknown error occurred (3004)
Error 3004: If the steps listed in Error 3000-3999 do not resolve the issue, and you are using a Mac, you may be able to resolve an error 3004 by quitting iTunes and using the following command at the command line: dscacheutil -flushcache
wtf is a command line!
type the words terminal in spotlight
Tried 4 timed to upgrade to iso5 and keep getting the same error
Backing up iPhone disappeared, then nothing…
for all those people having the 3200 error just keep trying i no its annoying but it will work it took me about 2 hours but it works now and i have ios5
my iphone 4 got restored to default and every time it tries to update it crashes and says error 3004.. can someone please help i’ve been trying for like 4 hours and i can’t even use my phone at this point.
i no it sounds crazy but it didnt work for me for a long time but try downloading a big file at the same time and see if it works thats what i did its like apple will accept slow connections
restarted itunes, after opening tells me my ipad is in recovery mode, wtf
I finally got it work after 20 or so tries. What worked for me was clicking RESTORE instead of UPDATE (as others have said). Â You shouldn’t lose anything as long as you had your phone backed up anyway. Â Good luck!
I am having the same problem as Matrowlands85 with the iPhone. I was able to install on the iPad, but now it is requiring me to either set up as a new iPad or restore from iTunes backup. But when I connect it to my PC to connect to iTunes, my PC is saying that it can’t recognize the device and won’t connect to iTunes.Â
my error is 3014
Ipad cannot be restored at this time because ipad software server could not be contacted or is temporarily unavailable
ok well i going to try #5 ant this time i am on airplane mode lets keep fingers XXX
As soon as mine finished (1st time), itunes said my other space is 6gb!! i only have 5gb of music and about 1gb of apps/photos. where did this other 6gb come from?! doing a restore now and probably gonna be phoneless for another 5 hours.
after 4 hours: preparing iphone for restore *fingers crossed*
8===D ~~~
yes its working!!!!
what did you do
I cannot update it says an internal error occurred what’s up with that no error number.
Just saw this post on Twitter –
Downloading IOS 5 results in error ‘3200’ i can see the headlines already ” Apple and Blackberry Crumble…LOL
My screen just says backing up iPhone but isn’t making any progress??
thats what mine has been doing for 3 hours, I’m on my third attempt, after restarting my computer.
for everyone who has error 3200 put your iphone/ipad in airplane mode worked for me
finally my one worked after like 10 times =)
Ok here is the solution to almost everyones problem. Just keep trying. Ive been trying for 4 hours and it just started working now. At first i was about to give up but then i realized my phone was in recovery mode and wouldn’t even work. Which in my life is unacceptable since its attached to my hip. i just kept hitting restore. i would get all the errors mentioned here but i would just keep hitting restore. Its just finishing the installation now. Thank god.Â
ipad totally restored after serious error, now restoring from back up…oh dear Apple
 its a apples servers…not surprised with the demand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2011-10-12 21:56:28.535 [5376:5bc]: amai: tss_submit_job: HttpQueryInfo returned 200
2011-10-12 21:56:28.539 [5376:5bc]: amai: tss_submit_job: error from server=100 (An internal error occurred.)
2011-10-12 21:56:28.539 [5376:5bc]: amai: kAMAuthInstallRequestCacheLocalizedTssError: cached server error text: (3200) An internal error occurred.
2011-10-12 21:56:28.540 [5376:5bc]: amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: failed tss submission: An internal error occurred.
2011-10-12 21:56:28.540 [5376:5bc]: amai: AMAuthInstallBundlePersonalizePartial: server request error: An internal error occurred.
2011-10-12 21:56:28.540 [5376:5bc]: failed to personalize the restore bundle: An internal error occurred.
2011-10-12 21:56:28.540 [5376:5bc]: AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle
2011-10-12 21:56:28.882 [5376:ca4]: iTunes: Restore error 3200
2011-10-12 21:56:28.882 [5376:ca4]: AMRAuthInstallGetLocalizedStringForServerError: no cached text for tss error code 3200
Keep getting -50 on the backup and then 3200 on the restore. FML…
itunes not moving on backup , ive put iphone 4 in airpalne mode aswell , any help ????
keep on trying it worked for me after 4 hours
its just moved the slitest bit now , probs doesnt help i got 26gb of stuff on me phone
I cant turn my iPhone on anymore and it keeps trying to restore it. Tried x5 already…. Will I be able to use my phone still?
Hey guys, also having problems transfering the ios 5 to iphone4.
I restored my iphone to original settings because it was having problems. Thought that would work but when it begins to update to the new software it said “error”.
Sometimes says problems contacting server and sometimes internal error then others error 3004!
Any ideas?
I keep timing out. My fault or Apple?
I keep getting 3014, 3004, and internal errors!!!
I’m on attempt number ten. Forced to do compete restore.
Shoulda waited one more day. Ugh.
iPhone 4 now stuck in recovery mode and cant use it!! everytime I try to restore it fails with various error codes!
managed to get it sorted by skipping the backup. Took about 10 attempts, but at least I only had to wait for the error message for only about 30 secs
Good luck to the rest of you
how did you skip the backup?
backing up now for 40 mins….. I’ve been trying since 18.15
IÂ successfully downloaded IOS 5 but then out of no where, my iphone 4 gust died, plugged it in itunes but nothing happened. I dont know what is wrongÂ
Is it just showing you to plug it into iTunes?
plug in usb cable hold home button
I experienced problems like the ones stated below, luckily on my 3rd time i got lucky. But it took ages
I seem not to have imessage on my iphone4, anyone else have this problem ?
you have got it go into setting its there i think it trys to send the message via imessage but if they dont have imessage it will send it via sms
Imessage is part of your normal message it just sends free via wi-fi to other apple users ie iPod & iPad the symbol is just the same.
Hope this helps
yes ios 5 fully installed
put iphone 4 in airplane mode and try again until it works and cross your fingers!!!
woo on the setting up screen
do you live in the states
Tried multiple times, kept getting error message. Now my iphone does not work at all. I have the apple symbol on the screen for a minute then a spinning clock type thing. iTunes does not see the phone either. Great, dead phone back to shop tomorrow.
Same thing happened to me. Â Now my phone is not working. Â So what now?
 Same thing here. Not very happy!
press and hold the power button and the home button at the same time for about 10 seconds , when the apple vanishes turn phone on
any luck with the phone yet or is it still dead
If it actually downloads tonight, will it work if I install tomorrow when everything has calmed down a bit? Not hopefully as most times I’ve paused iTunes download it starts again from the beginning!
tried to update and now have no  phone :(Â
press and hold the power button and the home button at the same time for
about 10 seconds , when the apple vanishes turn phone on
same here wont even restore.
apple need to sort this out asap!
same thing
third time and it keeps freezing during backup
same thing, i called apple and they said so many ppl are doing it that theres alot of problems, they told me to try every 30 minutes
mine downloads then when processing file it states network conection timed out happened 4 times now any ideas?
exact same thing happing to me in the U.S. has anyone successfully downloaded the update at all?
Yep, i’ve got it, installed and happily using it, must say i like the wi-fi sync feature
quick question, i have a itouch 4g and my friend has a itouch 3g, can i use my download of ios 5 on his or does he need to download it on his?
You can use yours. However, your friend will lose all apps and music and any other data on the iPod Touch. It will sync your data from your iTunes to his iPod.Â
Bad times, I worked this out after starting to to my dads iPhone!
oh thanks, now trying mine but its now stuck in recovery mode :/
Got the 3200 error message about 10 times, then got the 3014 one, on my next try after that it finally worked. Stay persistent people. I’m in eastern PA for those saying it’s happening state by state.
thts what happend to me, im in philly, shouldi just wait?
Got the error problem and have chickened out. I’ll wait till everyone else has it sorted. I’m actually very happy with the current iphone.
What if I’m getting an internal error? That’s literally all it says.Â
I get the same thing
i get error 3194 tried at least 10 times same thing HEEEELLLPPP !!!! lol
still waiting to download file. Â 3rd attempt seems to be going through faster now, i shut down itunes and started it again, this for some reason has made it faster. Â Looking at the comments below, now worried once it has downloaded whats going to happen next.
i just lost everything………..aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i just lost everything………..aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
tryed 8 times , on 2 differnt laptops one error”3200″ them 3913 on the secone lapto
what is error 3200, it keeps appering. This is my 5th try
I got “try again later.” three times in a row so I’ll wait for several days and try again.
The trouble is, I have two iPads to update.
Even Apple, itself, failed to anticipate demand.
3rd time is a charm.
ipods gone black and is now verifying restore with apple….
This amazing update I have been anticipating has ruined my day. iPhone crashed. No new OS error 3014 over and over and now my phone is stuck in restore mode… Thanks apple… You rock
got it installed but all my music is gone i still have pictures and apps though
I have all music, but no apps or pictures/videos!
try sync’ing it apps are done before music (my music before i sync’d it showed up grey meaning it knew about it but had not had time to copy accross)
Just keep on trying. It worked for me, took 4 or 5 trys. It think its just cause theres too many people on the servers…
Hey, Lion update is available!
Take as much content off your iphone as possible and then switch it to flight mode and it should work. Also, check your mac has all latest software updates.
now itunes keeps stop responding
Loaded new IOS5, but now my ipad doesn’t auto rotate
!!! any suggestions?
Check to see if you have the rotate lock set. I did and had to turn it off .
I haven’t had any cell phone service for an hour and a half now.. which means i can’t contact apple to see what the hell is going on???? and i keep getting an error message and not allowed to restore my phone nor ipad!!!!
I got the error after it downloaded the file and backed up it would stop. I put the phone in Airplane Mode and it got all the way to the point of extracting software and wiping the phone. Then t was stuck there giving me a new error with a useless wiped phone, I tried 3 times – didn’t work. I unplugged the USB and replugged in and tried again, and it worked!
FINALLY! I had no phone, was stuck in recovery mode and repeatedly returned error codes, but you just have to keep trying, over and over again and eventually it will work! Looks great btw
Okay I’ve has enough of this. My phone is now stuck in recovery mode and can’t restore due to servers being too busy.
I’ve decided to skip IOS5 and go straight to IOS6. Does anyone have a flux capacitor I can borrow?
Continue to receive error message and now it keeps failing to restore my phone! Currently without my phone. Thanks a bunch apple!
I keep getting the 3014 error, too. It tells me that it can’t restore my iphone and stops the update. I’ve updated iTunes, updated software, checked security preferences–all to no avail. I’m at a loss and am very frustrated since the error only appears after it updates my iPhone–which takes nearly 30 minutes. Oh well. I’ll give it a try again in an hour or so.
Yea this happened to me a couples times as well. First try and see if there are any update for BOTH your itunes and your mac (assuming you have a mac) by clicking the apple in the top left and selecting ‘software update…’. Â After that just restart your computer and try again. Â This is how I got my iphone to work with the ios 5 update. Â Hopefully this works, if not I think its just something on their end and you’ll have to give it some time. Â Goodluck!
Wow iTunes crashed on me and had to do a restore on my iPhone… Great there goes all my contacts -____-
Stuck on Verifying iphone restore with Apple for the past hour, leave it or unplug it ?
same here!Â
aint this all fun. bet the blackberry users are giggling
I seriously need help. UK, Mac book Pro, iPhone 4 btw. I downloaded no problem. Got many internal error messages and then when it finally looked like i was getting somewhere i got a new error message and it stopped half way through. My phone is now stuck in recovery mode. I tried to restore once or twice to no avail and now to top it all off my phone will not do anything!! I turn it on, i get the apple logo, then for a brief second a load bar and finally a loading circle. Then it carrys on it that cycle even when i connect to my mac. WHAT CAN I DO!?
Ive also done everything apple say to on the support website eg. update mac software, update iTunes, restart etc
I’m having the same problem……:(((((
ok found a solution to get out of recovery mode. keep switch off button and home button pressed for 10 seconds. then release only the switch off buttonÂ
hey man exact same problem. My imac wont recognise that my iphone 4 is plugged in. Â My phone shows apple logo, then loading bar then fades out to the timer. This process has been happening for me for an hour now. So frustrated, have no idea what to do.Â
im so frustrated!! I’ve tried everything i possibly can. thanks apple
Feel the same, looks like a trip to apple tomorrow
My phone wont even turn off.Â
hold down home and the hold button for about 10 secs. that turned mine off but that seems about as far as I’m gonna get. looks like a trip to bristol tomorrow. thanks a lot apple
I received error 3200, then internal error, then error 3004 then error 3014 and now my phone won’t turn on. The apple logo comes up and then a black screen with the little circle going around in the middle then the apple logo etc and it’s been doing that for an hour!? Anyone know what i should do?
Mine is doing the same
Ive got the same presume bricked booked a store appointment for saturday! shocking software development. I’m glad my company doesnt behave the same way
exactly the same. I don’t know what to do tbh, even if i call apple tomorrow they’ll be so rammed i doubt id even get through
I’m glad i’m not the only one with trouble, stuck in recovery mode until its sorted. 12th times a charm i suppose..
I managed to get my ipad2 updated. But still struggling with iphone4. Error messages 13019 And 3014
Im the exact same as Tom and Chris JohnÂ
Apple’s discussion page off air now. Hopefully they would put some suggestion to help you guys!
I’m just waiting for the initial rush to die and probably I’ll update my phone over the weekend. I can’t do without a phone even for an hour.
Mine worked after about four or five tries, you just have to keep trying – thanks Apple for the free OS
I’m in same possition but with an 3200 error
for those of you that have finally downloaded it… once you do, does your phone recover everything it had before the update? such as apps, songs, music?
yeah it does. but it does take a while. after i updated i though it deleted some of my apps but when i looked at my PC screen it says restoring i pad apps and then slowly they start to appear on my i pad again
yes, but my apps don’t work.
I got my ios 5 to work with my iphone! Â First find any updates on BOTH your itunes and mac or pc. Â Then restart your computer and it should work from there! Â Hope this work for everyone!!Â
I have been getting the internal error message 3200. I have tried updating over 10 times and it has now finally updated and restored. Stick with it people. It will happen. Eventually!!!!!
I get this:
None of the selected updates could be installed. An unexpected error has occurred.
me too! it finally worked after a couple tries.
Did yours tell you to restart every time you saw the error?
my update was interrupted for some reason while it was restoring…. so now the apple logo appears and tries to install the software but it does not connect to iTunes anymore!!! HELP
same here
yes its finnaly worked!!
Finally got mine updated to iOS 5. Had all the error messages and the “couldn’t connect to the server”, “internal error” etc, etc. However it has now worked. I just think that everyone has to have a little patience as there are most likely 100,000’s of people trying to update their iOS devices as I type and that is most likely a very big strain on the servers. All I can say is like most people on here “keep trying!”
Good luck fellow iOS’ers ;)Â (oops strange, if you squint that looks like losers! We know that is not that case when you own an iOS device huh?)
Its not patience when your iphone has stopped responding to even booting up!!! Its screwed. There is not just one symptom here with this update there are a few and some real serious ones. thank your lucky stars that yours eventually worked
Go to terminal and put in dscacheutil -flushcacheWorked for me!
You Rock dude – awesome fix
wats terminal
nothing will help you update it quicker guys. you just gotta keep at it and be patient
I just keep getting the 3200 error code over and over again. Nearly as frustrating as having a Blackberry.
i have the same problem!!! can anyone help PLEASE???
I got mine working after a while.. i tell ya these updates don’t come smoothly, like taking a massive dump!
Has anyone had the situation where their phone wouldn’t turn on, that has now fixed it and managed to turn it on??
mines is taking already about 1 hour “backing up” and is still at that point does any oneshknow what to do or should i just keep waiting?
Im trying to download it now, i keep getting “internal errors” now my phone as restored and deleted everyting. and its telling me to connect to itunes, like it does when you get a new ipod.. anyone else having this problem? And what do i do!Â
yep same thing i’m getting, now i’m without a phone and it will not restore. GREAT job apple!Â
Same problem Meaghan, my restore gets to “Restore Firmware…”, and I get a 3002 or internal error dialog. I believe it’s because of the overload on the servers, 3002 could be cause by this. Like you, I have an unusable iPhone now in Restore mode. This sucks. I use Apple products so stuff like this WON’T HAPPEN.
Working at last, patience……..server load at apple must be getting lower
I just keep getting the 3200 error code over and over again
As impossible it seems, you just have to keep on doing it. I managed to sort it all out some time after the tenth attempt. managed to keep my contacts and apps too.Â
Ok read this if you want to know hwo i got mine working. I done one someone else has said and restored instead of update. We’ll all im sure spent hours with the message backing up so by the time you restore it you should be all set. That only applies for app and other miner things. You will loose your music, videos and photos but i back up all my itunes media on a nother hardrive so i’ve got a big task tomorow putting them back on but i have IOS 5! and im not saying i got it first time. i actualy went into recovery mode, took out the cable and put it back in again and restored again and thats how i got it to work. Hope this helps.
Phone keeps taking forever at the back up stage and then will say that it can’t be backed up. Tips?
Seems to be working right now, I hope nothing interrupts it though the time keeps rising for how long the download will take instead of decreasing :(. Apple really should have prepared for this by releasing it at different times per region! Seriously, with 1 million preorders of the 4s did they not think about the current iPhone users too?
My phone is the only alarm i have and now it won’t switch on how the f*ck am i supposed to wake up on time!?hahaha
Good excuse to be late! reclaim from Apple
Started download just after 6pm UK time – took almost an hour to download, then I just left it as it seemed to take forever to install/restore/install app/install music & pictures. Â However, by end of evening, all seems perfectly OK with no glitches whatsoever, so maybe just be patient & leave it to sort itself out! iPhone 3GS 32GB.
itunes not recognising iphone now aaaaaahhhhhhh
Your another screwed customer!
on my iPad it looks like I have to do a restore and if I hit the restore button it says it will erase all my data? Can some one tell me if my data will still be on my computer. I did a back up. My iPad looks like its empty
Ohh one quick thing to mention if youve restored your device and lost your music and vidieo     its all right there! purchases in itunes so your compleatly safe to restore, thats how i got mine updateded!
I got my iOS5 updated and working just now.. Had to restore it a couple of times but i finally got through. Keep trying, it will start working!Â
let me know if its worth updating to ios 5 as i cant download and install it!!! hope it works better than download when i finally get it or i might regret the update
I still have tracks that i lost when updating to IOS 4 Yas!!!!
error code 3200… wt do I do now
If your iphone resonds to being plugged in then leave it to keep on trying the restore. Hopefully it will work. If it stops responding to being connected and is in a perpetual reboot the I think its knackered! and in the sam boat as mine!
Im getting a time out error after it downloaded the new ios im thinking of restoring the phone first but can you restore your contact details or do you lose them
code 3014????? help
Got iOS 5 now!!! Finally!! Persistence is the key, people!
I was having too many problems trying to update so I ended up restoring it to its original settings. I’m assuming I lost some info and pictures and it’s still taking FOREVER to finish syncing so I guess I’ll have to do without my phone for a few hours. hopefully it finally works? I had no idea it was the day of the release or I would not have updated it today. it’s extremely frustrating.
got several different error codes and now my phone has the apple logo in the middle and then switches to the timer wheel and back to apple logo so cant restore it, tried the hard reset but still the same, my phone will not connect to iTunes now as its just stuck on this apple then timer wheel cycle, any ideas?
Yes it is another goosed one, book your session at an iphone store quickly as you are not alone!!
Thanks, so not impressed with Apple.
hold the menu button and hold until it turns off……then bobs your uncle
turn off your mobile completly, click on “home button” for like 10 secnods then connect your mobile to your computer while clicking on home and keep clicking on it untel you go to recovery mood sry for my spelling mistakes :X
how long did everyone’s devices take to restore into i0S5… i FINALLY got around the restoring aspect for both my iphone and ipad and have had my ipad connected for about 45 mins now saying it’s restoring or “confirming with apple”. does this mean it’s working? and where is everyone seeing the estimated time at for download?
Got through finally, 4.5 hours later… iOS 5 is installed and I’m just doing my restore from BackUp. We all backed up before updating, right..??
Just keep trying, girl. I finally got the download/firmware verification and all is heavenly..!!
… just keep trying. I did, got through eventually for a complete update and all is good!
My phone is stuck in recovery mode now after trying to update to iOS 5. Â Every time I try to restore it, it gives me “the iphone cannot be restored at this time because the iphone software update server cannot be contacted at this time…” Â Does anyone know how I can fix this? Â My phone is useless right now and there is no way to even restore it to factory defaults.
just keep restoring it will work………………..well so i have been told
help can’t get notifiaction centre on lockscreen. any ideas??
i cant too. why?
it’s annoying,i want to sort it out before going to bed!!!
let us know if u find out why this is happening? cant get through apple
Mine is attempting to download.. all these posts have me scared! Anyone who has completed fully upgraded: is it worth continuing tonight?
Mine seems to be restoring now. I’m hoping no errors. so far everything is looking okay.Â
Stick at it folks.Mine has finally updated and restored after 52 attempts with the now infamous internal error on my mac and spinning clock of death on my ip4….to say i was getting a little mad was an understatement!!!!!
I think this is Steves way of making sure they are working for their money at apple now he’s gone…bless him : )
If your phone won’t connect to iTunes and keep cycling through the start up process:1. Plug in the device to the computer and start iTunes.2. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake + Home for 10 seconds.3. Once you see the Apple Logo appears, release the power and continue to hold down the home button for about 5-10 seconds. Look in iTunes and see if your device have shows up.4. iTunes will notify you that you are now in Recovery mode. Click on OK to continue with the restore process.
IT ACTUALLY WORKED!!! thank you so much!! mine had been stuck like that for about three hours
thank god for you!
On my third time now.. Hopefully 3rd time is the charm
Mine continually says my “network connection timed out”… As I read below it can be due to the fact everyone is downloading this at the same time? I believe that this last time was my 15th attempt and it still won’t work. Any idea how to make this work for me?
how do i add the camera shortcut onto my lockscreen. On the ios 5 video it said this was a new feature but i can not figure out how to use it
press home button twice in quick succession
thanks so much!
This camera feature only works on the iPhone 4S
thats in correct, i have ip4 and i have the shortcut, (although i dont have any notifications on homescreen)
Sorry I was wrong, when you are in lock screen just double click the home menu button twice (quickly) then the camera icon shows.
when you push the unlock button and it opens the screen to :slide to unlock” – press the round button 2x and it will give you the camera shortcut. It works on my iPhone4
Sorted finally!!!!!! Some nice new features.
had to try at least 15 times… but it finally went through
anyone else having issues receiving text but being able to send them?
thats new? apparently the server could not be contacted or is currently down. anybody else getting that?
Yup. Perhaps they weren’t ready enough
im getting the “timed out error msg” what do i do?
man, still not working for me
instead of pressing update press restore works so much faster i wasted 4 hours trying to update and it takes 10 min for restore
getting the “timed out error msg ” please help what do i do ?
iPhone 4 updated to ios5 no problem took about 90 minutes. Only known problem at this time is
My custom ringtones disapeared.
I Have tried 3x to update ipad2 about 30-40 minutes in im getting error message 3014, then 3000. I did the Microsoft updates on my computer yesterday and updated iTunes to 10.5 and backed everything up. Thank goodness because my iPad 4th try i got error message and I was told to RESTORE, so my iPad 2 was restored to factory settings, now it is using my back up from yesterday. About 90 minutes in, seems to be restoring ok but I have a feeling it will be the old operating system when it’s done.. If so I am waiting to update iPad 2 for a couple days so Apple wont be so swamped.
Update: my ipad2 RESTORE worked out fine. It restored all backed up data and it has the new ios5 yee haw!!!
did u every fix the problem with ur ringtones?
i have the same problem
my daugters updated first time, but i am still not able to update mine….grrrr…..=(
how long did your download times say?
My Apps won’t open after the iOS 5 update…HELP!
On my iPhone 4…
my phone is bricked what do I do……It won’t even display connect to iTunes its just keeps turning on and loading circle screen appears and then turn off again
Gary TIf your phone won’t connect to iTunes and keep cycling through the start up process:1. Plug in the device to the computer and start iTunes.2. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake + Home for 10 seconds.3. Once you see the Apple Logo appears, release the power and continue to hold down the home button for about 5-10 seconds. Look in iTunes and see if your device have shows up.4. iTunes will notify you that you are now in Recovery mode. Click on OK to continue with the restore process.It worked for me, well got it out of brick, still no luck installing though
this was incredibly helpful, thank you so much!
hey.. that was a great help! i came out of that loop finally! thanks dude!
You are the man! That was very useful indeed.
Know any other ways to get out of it? Thats not working for me for some reason
everyone just press restore.. there are no error messages and the most youll have to try is like twice
Is this the restore button under the update button? You didn’t lose any apps or data within apps?
getting the “ipod is not eligible for update” running an iphone 4, 4.3.3, never jailbroken model.. have itunes 10.5…. what am i doing wrong???
took me 5 times on ipod to no work then ipad on 2 time and it downlaoded
to get around tha apple 3014 error when updating to IOS 5 just right click on itunes b 4 u open it and click on run it as an administrator al so instead of clicking on download and install update for ios 5 just click on downoad to computer then back up your ipod iphone ipad throught itunes and then intsall i hope this will help people have problems getting IOS 5 ON THERE DEVICE
after 7 hours, i finally have it
mine still wont work it give me error msg 3259 timed out tried everything wont work
error msg about timed out
my phone is this the reason
i tried three times
Fourth time is the charm for me
I has IOS 5. WIN
still no luck for me timed out msg is the one im getting please help if anyone knows a fixÂ
The Phone app crashes when you try to open it. Anyone with a similar issue?
I have the same issue!!
Problem fixed! I deleted and then downloaded again an app (i chose pandora), but then only pandora worked. Then i updated one of my apps and all of them work now!! Hope this helps!
good luck!
I’ve been trying to download the iOS 5 but it keep error message 9006…can anybody help me
After over 8 hours of restarting, error messages, time outs, and interruptions; I am now on the iOS 5. Don’t give up ladies & gents! Patience is a virtue.
Upgraded and now my iPhone 4 isn’t working. Screen flickers on and off, mostly off. Worthless
Not sure if this helps anyone… but what helped me unbrick my phone from this iOS 5 updating nightmare was I checked for updates for my apps and I had to agree to the new terms of service… well…. a lightbulb went off and I figured maybe that was what was causing me problems….. sure enough…. it restored like normal… and then updated to iOS 5… not sure if Im just a lucky one… or if I stumbled across a simple solution… just thought I would sure… Im sure someone out there was in the same boat as I was. BUT I HAVE iOS 5 NOW AND ITS NOT GIVING ME ANY PROBLEMS….
I have downloaded the IOS 5 to my iPhone 3gs and I cannot connect to my Wi-Fi connection at my house. I do not know what is going on with it. It is starting to make me mad. Anyone else have this problem?
I call BS on the camera only working on the iPhone 4. Double press ur home button and the cam icon then shows up on the lock screen.
Does on my phone OK
bug found in ios5 … phone hangs while watching videos.Â
Ten hour download times and still, error 3259 every time after 3 hours of loading, HELP
iOS5 downloaded but iTunes freezes when I try to update my phone
Did you install iTunes 10.5 before you started? If not do it now as it is required.
Installed it on my ipad 2. It lags a lot. Safari has difficulties handling 4 or more tabs.
I have open 6 tabs and mine works normal. How much mem does your device have, are you using wifi or 3g, phone or pad,Â
I was not able to back up!! Than I just set it up as a new phone accidentally but I really want my old stuff back!! Specially the text messages!! Any help?! ( I have tried doing restore back up but didn’t help)
Downloading iOS 5 now!! Â Whoo Hooo
You are excited for nothing, because it sucks.
updated ios on ipad 2 but cannot connect via wifi at home have not tried anywhere else. have done network reset and still nothing. Picks up the SSID fine but does not connect any ideas?
You can try the ‘ol putting it into Airplane mode for a few seconds, then back out again. Â This fixes it when my 3G goes down anyhow.
Did you have your network secured? If so you will have to attach to the WIFI with your passcode and security type.
im finding that letting it work alone is doing well all my apps r everywhere on my phone; but its taking time to restore.
my apps could not be opened, and it was not sync well. cannot sync movie, music, and video. all gone from my ipad  after using i OS 5. any solution?
Did you make a total backup before you upgraded ??
Managed to do finally do download. Â Everything seems to be ok, except I can’t get iCloud to sync without plugging it into my computer. Â Have checked all my settings etc. Â Anyone else got this problem?
Did you set up Icloud properly in the first attempt to syn via Wi-Fi? I didn’t have any problems. It even works fine with Windows 7 (Icloud control panel)
Been told it’s because I haven’t got Lion!
Have to be honest, this is a massive fail on Apple’s behalf – i can’t believe anyone finds this acceptable. How can Apple underestimate to demand this release would put on their servers, and to hear so many people are having trouble with icloud, video, blank phones etc is disgusting.
I’m waiting to update both pad and phone until a new update is released, it’s just not worth the risk of losing function of my devices. Apple are really starting to piss me off!!  Â
I think you should wait for the next update and probably switching over to Android.
Guys if you succeed installing it in first attempt, please post that as well, so that others can benefit by knowing that the so called server load is easing up.
it wont let me open up my apps or sync my music?! lame…..
is anyone else having problems with the whole music sync part? my apps crash right away and my music wont sync to my iphone 4?
allll my music is gone & i can’t sync any music back on. anddd my apps crash as soon as i open them. AWESOME. any way to fix this?
update my wife’s IP4 last night at about 8pm, fine, no problems so far. things seem to be working. However, we have not used icloud yet and i may be tempting fate but all seems to be working with no problems. I am doing mine now and will let you know. The one issue and major frustration is the camera interface. Why have to double press the home key to get the button on the lock screen every time. I want it there permanently. We had the double click to open the phone but that was lost in a previous update. In my opinion this was a device setback then and this update does not look like it has rectified a user experience shortcoming.
All, spoke too soon, all my apps have gone. Whats the deal with that!!!!
I’m from Muscat,Oman. I updated my IP4 local time 5:00am.Updated in the first attempt and everything worked smoothly. Very much impressed and thanks to the Guys who worked on IOS 5. Started using ICloud. How secured is it? Will the Super Admin who is managing the Icould have access to our data (Contact, photos <– Major concern)? I am in IT so definitely I know how it is like. So what are your concerns?
You’re Saif aren’t you?
Everything downloaded and the IOS 5 seems great. Only problem is i can not only get internet acces through wifi and not through 3G. Fails to accept that i am subscribed to a cellular data network. “You are not subscribed to a celluar data service”.
Got my iPhone running with IO5 last night took ages but all ok in the end, took 4 hours to get it all done, waited till this morning to update my iPad took 8 mins to download update iPad up and running all ok after 20 mins in UK
At what time did you do the update this morning?
at 9pm UK time update came down like a dream 20 min from plugging the iPad in to using it with IO5
Im from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. I have updated the ios 5. Very smooth download and seems like my iphone 4 is taking it well. No issue at the moment.
The update process went smoothly. The only thing that’s bothering me is that everytime I try to modify (ie. renaming songs/artists/albums, changing album artwork, etc.) the songs on my iPod Touch 4G, it seems that it wasn’t updated in my iPod. But seeing the song’s info on my iPod through iTunes, it seems updated.Â
Anyone having problem with the custom vibrations? Â I assign a custom vibration to a contact in my contact list, but no matter what I do, I still get the standard double vibration alert when they send a text…Nothing seems to fix this. Â
my haptics r gone and keeps getting an error message when choosing “backup using icloud”….any suggestions?
Lost all email messages though new ones are still coming through. No other issues that I’ve seen so far. iPad 2 has this problem but I have not tried my iPhone 4 yet. Will upgrade the iPhone this morning.
how do you back everything up from your iphone 4 before updating to the new iOS5?
First make certain you have iTunes 10.5 installed. then start iTunes, connect your phone or pad. Click on your device on the left hand side of the iTunes screen and under its options you will see backup. Do that. Then you can start the upgrade in relative safety….Good Luck.
Is anyone else having a problem with closing folders, you have to press the home button as apposed to swiping it closed? Very annoying!
Do a four finger and thumb pinch type hand motion instead.
By the way, is this a phone or pad you are using ?
iPhone 4. It works by touching the screen but not swiping, guess I’ll just have to get used to it!
I found out this morning that multi touch gestures are not in the phones updates. Only muti touch (swipes) for the Pads updates are available. They say the phone screen was to small. I would have liked to try them on the phone myself but it is what it is……Â
There is one gesture that works. Swipe one finger down the middle of the phones screen and it brings up the notifications screen. Swipe up and it disappears. Thats it…..
none if my apps are opening :S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah.. I’ll definitely wait for things to clear up becfore I update my iPad.
Got iOS 5 finally on the iPad 2, only problem is my music app (which by the way I hate the new format) freezes anytime I click on my playlists! EVERYTIME! If I go to songs, artist, albums, genres, it works fine. Only when I hit “playlists” anyone else having similar issues? I’ve already restored the iPad once after getting the update, still does it.
Just tries it and it works OK on all my play lists… idea why yours didn’t
take it into apple
Having the same issue when playing music it frezze it up after 2 or skip songs
“there was a problem downloading software for the iphone. the network connection could not be established” what am i doing wrong?
*when trying to download in itunes*
Are you connected on a wireless router or 3g or what?
iPhone 3GS: all apps gone from the phone and only 20 out of who-knows-how-many showing up in iTunes on my PC. Cannot install new apps; when I click “Install” from the Store, the app is put on my screen but stays as “Waiting” and never loads or installs (on WiFi & 3G). Music stops playing randomly with no other apps running. Turned phone off, turned phone on, held lock and home button down: nothing has fixed this.
Did you make a good backup before you ran the update? If so you might try to restore it and try the update again.
Everything worked fine, except that I cannot sync any apps to my computer that were purchased of the phone since the upgrade. It says that “this computer is not authorized.” Then, when I go to Store, and “Authorize This Computer,” it says this computer is already authorized. Have tried rebooting both devices, syncing again. When I look in iTunes at the layout of the apps on each screen of the phone, the newly purchased app icons are there in the correct places, but when I sync, it still says that they have not synced to the computer. Perhaps they are, and it is just an erroneous message that will be fixed.
You may have to restore the backup and try the update again.
You might try to de-authorize it then reauthorize it……..
I did the iPad 2 yesterday with out any major issues. Did the iPhone 4 this morning and it only took about 45 minutes start to finish with no major issues………
I’ve been trying to download iOS5 for two days, now. I sync with iTunes on my Windows laptop, and nothing, on my iPad, or on my iPhone. Is Spain not part of this, yet? Anybody know?Â
Did you install iTunes 10.5 first. It has to be this version to work.
i m new user of apple… can any1 tell me how i upgarde my iphone… ios5? if any error come it damage my phone? or it is risk free to download ios5 at home….
lost some music,artwork an podcasts wont play
There are a few albums that will refuse to play, is there any easy fix without deleting and reinstalling all of the albums?
well i”ve just buggered up my iphone 4- could not get notifications on ios5 and phoned applecare.They told me to reset, which i did. However iphone switched off!!!! Won’t come on now. Tried to press wake up / home button for 10 secs- no luck! phone won’t connect to itunes i.e it appears to be dead to the world, nothing on screen.
any ideas on what to do next ?
have you tried doing a hard reset? holding the power/sleep key and home key down for 10-20 seconds… ive had several people come into my phone/computer repair shop witha “dead iphone” and 95% of the time ive fixed it by doing this. some phones wouldnt even come on when plugged into a charging device would come on after doing this… I have had to sometimes keep the keys held for up to 60 seconds but most of the time they eventually come back to life
Have you tried holding the power off button on top your phone and the round menu button at the same time keep hold and till the apple sign appears hope this helps
yes cry
no better still buy the iphone 4s
you gona pay for it??
any useful ideas!!!
just trying to make you laugh at this sad time
unfortunately can’t see funny side at the mo!
if i won the lottery this friday i would buy you the new iphone 4s
I just upgraded two iphone 4 and all went smoothly… Did some preparation before upgrading
1. Upgraded my OS
2. Double checked for latest version of iTunes
3. Upgraded my antivirus
4. Restarted my windows PC (I’m on Win 7 Ultimate, using Microsoft security essential antivirus)
After this I did following to upgrade to ios5. I’ve iPhone4
1. Removed passcode lock from my iphone
2. Reset autolock to ‘Never’
3. Restarted my iPhone
4. Charged it to 100%
5. Connected iPhone to my PC
6. iTunes asked option to upgrade. I choosed download only. File download (~780MB) took 12-15 mins on my BB
7. Disconnected the iPhone from my pc and restarted my PC
8. Connected the iPhone, this time it asked to upgrade. I hit the upgrade button and followed the on screen instruction. DO NOT TOUCH YOUR OR YOUR PC DURING THE UPGRADE PROCESS
9. The upgrade took 12-15 mins and another 2-3 mins to setup the phone
10. Disconnected the iPhone from PC and restarted the PC and followed all of the steps again for another iPhone.
I hope this helps… Enjoying iOS5 now
trying to find out by goggling you need to go to apple shop and tell them it was apple care who told you to reset they may replace you iphone
I can’t get any text messages, every time I send one a message comes up saying “SMS inbox is full, you have to delete messages before receiving any”. So i deleted some conversations and the problem is still happening. I can send texts I just can’t receive any
Before IOS5 my
iphone4’s bluetooth worked great with a Boston Acoustics soundbar
(bluetooth sent the signal from my phone to the speakers). Now it wont
play but my ipod (not upgraded yet) continues to work fine just as
version4.3 did on the iphone. Obviously the new upgrade has done
something to the bluetooth.
If you have messed with the host files trying to previously downgrade your filmware, it can affect connecting to apple servers. Search correct host files and you should find an entry from apple support telling you how to correct it which is what i did as i was still getting error message in uk
this is messed up non of my apps is opening nothing on my phone is working except the default apps what to do HELPPP
When I try to download iOS 5 from iTunes, it says “URL could not be opened.” Anyone know what that means or how to fix it? I get that same message if I try to click on anything in the Help pull down tab.
the “iphone 4” iphone could not be restored an unknown error occurred 3194
help me to get iphone uptated to ISO 5
Have had it running for 2 days now and am very dissapointed, connectivity is abismal (3g etc as wont load even a web page )as before was good , not brilliant.Short cut on draw down notification bar for weather keeps disappearing.It messed up my music to boot agggg.Had high hopes for IOS5 but Android is looking like a better bet Â
i updates 2 iphone4’s and an ipad2, all went fine and smooth. When it starts for the first time just sync with itunes and all ur apps will be restored automatically. I’m not using any icloud feature because i’m paranoid.
my app icons disappear on the screen for some reason and the keyboard seems to get stuck. could this be because of the 10S 5 update? what a load of crap!
My keyboard also gets stuck from time to time
why all my photo was lost after upgrade to ios 5???
how do you update to 5.0 without deleting any media or itunes purchases you made on your phone?
I tried updating my IPhone4 with IOS 5… nd the fone got automatically lock… I got it from Canada and unlocked it in India…wts d problem?Â
After upgrading to ios 5. All my incoming texts sound doubles and is driving me crazy! Anyone know how to fix
i updated my phone a week ago and today my phone randomly shut offÂ
i put it on my charger and it turned on but said no wi fi available and wonT let me make calls or send texts or anything
when i unplug it it turns off and when i plugged it into my itunes it wouldnt turn on or read
My film artwork on purchases from iTunes disappeared after iOS 5 update
updated my iphone 3gs with the ios 5, this was a horrible mistake everything has gone wrong, i have lost EVERYTHING. The phone has returned back to factory settings, on iTunes it said that the back up was complete and it was restoring all of my data but instead an error came up said there was a problem with the back up and could not restore anything.
Any ideas on what to do, i am furious at this.
Was able to perfectly add songs on my old iPod touch, then got the new update and was unable to do ANYTHING. I clicked manual (so no advice on that one) and looked all over for an answer. My iPod kept saying I had 2.5 gigs worth of pictures, when I have none. Reverted back to factory settings. I’m not putting up with this nuisance.Â
everytime i try and update the new ios on my phone, it always stops on the ‘backing up iphone’ stage and won’t go any further..can anyone please help?
Before upgrading, back up all the contents of your phone manually to your PC and remove all the apps. Don’t worry they will be available on App store after you upgrade. Delete all the stuff from your phone except contacts and message. Upgrade phone and reload the contents back to your phone and re-install the apps..
Yes it sounds very stupid but it did help me and I’ve 2 perfectly working iPhone 4 following the above process.. and yes one more thing upgrade your PC OS, Antivirus, iTunes and restart PC before upgrading.
Hope this helps!!! Good luck!
Just received a remote control car (ikonc) controls are the iphone ipad or itouch. Due to the update to ios5 it can no longer work.
every time i try to download it ( have tried a total of 5 times) , it gets to 1 seconds left and then it comes up with a message saying that the network timed out when my laptop is plugged directly into my wifi so i have 100% connection. help?
My son is trying to download new software and when it says processing a message comes up saying network timed out or network connection lost!! HELP he is ready for throwing his phone in the bin. Does it matter whose itunes he uses?
i have an iphone 3gs and i installed ios 5.1 and when it finished it said that the sim card is not supported and i cant do anything its just at the setup menu. any answers plz???
i hav the iphone 4 and just tried restoring and updating it to 5.1 and it is stuck in recovery mode and says connect to itunes well i do it does nothing wat do i do
iOS 5 sucks and more words I can not use here!!! Two iPods two iPhones 4 not s nothing but god damm problems ever since what a piece of 💩!!!😡😡😡junk!!!!!!
I have an iPhone 4 and recently updated to IOS 5 and since then whenever I try to download a podcast, apps, or even update existing apps, there is a problem! With Apps, the message is “Waiting…” (So far a Bible app app has been “waiting” for about three days to update! Going back to the update apps info screen, the message says, “Installing” with podcasts, it starts to download and then stops at 9.8 Kb… I have a good Wifi signal and a little over 1 gig of storage space left! I also tried powering it down, but it did not help. This is quite frustrating!