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Galaxy S II More Durable Than iPhone 4S In Drop Tests Video

Yesterday we posted a drop test video, which showed that the iPhone 4S is still one very fragile smartphone if you happen to drop the device, and in the post I mentioned that my old Samsung Galaxy S has been dropped many times and is still unscathed, and now we have a video that shows just how durable Samsung handsets are.

The iPhone 4S versus Samsung Galaxy S II drop test video comes our way courtesy of the guys over at Android Central and by way of the ElectronicsBreak YouTube page in which the guys drop the latest iOS smartphone three times resulting in quite a bit of damage, and practically turning the iPhone 4S into junk.

The guys then perform the same three drop tests on the Samsung Galaxy S II and the results speak for themselves, showing that the Android smartphone is considerable more durable than the fragile iPhone 4S if you happen to be in the habit of dropping the thing.

Yes, the Galaxy S II has a plastic body compared to the glass body of the iPhone, however the Galaxy S II screen is glass, Gorilla glass in fact and even when dropped face down survives while the iPhone 4S shatters.

So perhaps it is time Apple designed their iPhones to be more durable in everyday usage, as more often than not many accidentally drop their smartphone on occasion, so if you do have an iPhone 4S this drop test video goes to show that you should get yourself a case of some description to make sure your handset doesn’t get damaged.

One up to Samsung devices I believe, wouldn’t you agree? Anyway head on down and mash that play button to check out the results of the drop tests with your own eyes, and feel free to let us know if you think Apple should make the iPhone more durable by posting to our comments area below…enjoy or weep.

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