
Apple HDTV 2012 iCloud and iPhone 4S love affair

There are many rumours that hit the web, but the best yet is the Apple HDTV 2012. It looks like, and of course if sources are right, Apple is already building a prototype. If this is the case and true then we can see this being an Apple Television, iCloud and iPhone 4S love affair.

According to Apple Insider, they report that sources suggest that the new Apple-built Television may launch late 2012; we really love this idea because the marriage between Apple devices is fantastic.

Just say Apple do release the new Apple HDTV late 2012, sources say that Apple is investing in manufacturing facilities and securing supply for LCD displays, apparently screen sizes of up to 50-inches are on the cards, if this is the case then that is a most definite answer that the HDTV for Apple is coming.

The new iPhone 4S with Siri voice control, and the new Apple iCloud setup, this will bring a whole new interactivity between user and Apple products, just imagine talking to Siri on your iPhone 4S and the next-gen iPhone 5 to send commands to your TV, and everything you do on the TV is stored in the cloud.

This is just the beginning of true hi-tech in your front room, turn the Apple HDTV 50-inch on and then open Siri on your iPhone 4S, ask Siri a question like “Siri, Please find Fast Five movie title”, then Siri connects with your Apple HDTV and does exactly that.

Please do let us know what you think oif this idea, if you have any other ideas about Apple devices talking with the new Apple-built HDTV, please let us know what they are.


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