iOS 5.0.1 Beta RedSn0w Jailbreak: point towards iOS 5 IPSW
The new iOS 5.0.1 beta was released to developers yesterday, and it is the software update that will apparently fix that dreaded iPhone battery life problem. That is good news if it all works, but much better is the fact RedSn0w can jailbreak iOS 5.0.1.
Since iOS 5 was released there have been a few bugs and the new iOS 5.0.1 can apparently fix a few of these bugs, but if you are into jailbreaking you will love the good old RedSn0w 0.9.9 beta 7.
MuscleNerd, the man behind Dev Team has mentioned that the latest version of RedSn0w can jailbreak iOS 5.0.1 beta, iDB reports that you need to point it to the iOS 5 IPSW, and not iOS 5.0.1 beta. We know that RedSn0w will receive an update soon as soon as the new iOS 5.0.1 gets its public release.
This is a tethered jailbreak, and will NOT work on the iPad 2 or iPhone 4S. If you do try jailbreaking iOS 5.0.1 using the latest RedSn0w please do let us know how it goes. The more you let us know the more we can spread to our readers.
2 thoughts on “iOS 5.0.1 Beta RedSn0w Jailbreak: point towards iOS 5 IPSW”
Jailbreak works a treat, since I’m a pretty good with this stuff it wasn’t a problem!
I jail broke my iPod touch 4th gen runnin iOS5 using redsn0w and it works fine. No lag in at all. Some apps crash. But very few and it’s no frequent