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Samsung Galaxy Nexus UK unboxing video, face-lock love

As most of the Android faithful in the UK will be aware, the smartphone that most Android users have been waiting to hit the streets, and the first handset to grace the world with Android Ice Cream Sandwich, namely the Samsung Galaxy Nexus is now available to purchase in the United Kingdom.

However not all retailers have the Samsung Galaxy Nexus available at the moment, so if you are one of those that currently has to wait for their Android 4.0 handset we have a little unboxing of the smartphone to fulfil your Galaxy Nexus appetite to tide you over until you can handle the handset yourself.

The Samsung Galaxy Nexus unboxing, or perhaps that should be unwrapping, video comes our way courtesy of the guys over at Droid-life an by way of YouTube user Andrewmcsweenyshow, and delivers just over two minutes of unwrapping the latest Android super phone.

And once you are done checking out that unwrapping of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus you can also watch a video from the same guy showing just how to set up that cool face unlock feature in Android 4.0.

Apparently the guy managed to get hold of a pre-release Samsung Galaxy Nexus due to being what is called a Samsung Mobiler, which is a program that shifts out devices early to people for review.

Anyway, if you simple can’t get enough video footage of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus and Android Ice Cream Sandwich, here’s two more that will hopefully tide you over until you get to play with your own…enjoy.

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