BlackBerry Bold 9790 Jakarta release lead to injuries
Although RIM is seeing a decline in BlackBerry smartphone sales, not everywhere in the world has moved onto purchasing such devices as the iPhone 4S and high-end Android smartphones, and in Indonesia the BlackBerry is still a big deal, and when the BlackBerry Bold 9790 was launched at an event in Jakarta many turned up to get the handset.
According to the guys over at Phone Arena by way of The Jakarta Globe, at the launch event for the RIM smartphone the first 1000 people that purchased the BlackBerry Bold 9790 would get an 50 percent discount as an incentive.
As a BlackBerry device is much sought after in the country the lines for snapping up the BlackBerry Bold 9790 started growing the day previous with over 1000 waiting to pick up the handset when the event was due to begin and those that had arrived early enough were given a red wristband.
However, apparently a rumour circulated that the Blackberry Bold 9790 was already out of stock leading to many of those waiting to charge the barriers in an attempt to get the smartphone, this led to chaos resulting in dozens of people being injured and some losing consciousness at the event.
Roughly 200 cops along with ambulanced were sent to the scene and order was eventually restored although the event was forced to close.
Seems somewhat strange top me that people would go so crazy over a BlackBerry handset, if fact any smartphone isn’t worth getting injured for no matter the maker, still I guess the BlackBerry is really that big in Indonesia.
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9 thoughts on “BlackBerry Bold 9790 Jakarta release lead to injuries”
Blackberry indeed is a smartphone but not for smart people.
As an Indonesian, I feel ashamed by this incident.
Here in Indonesia, people (mostly teens) who use Blackberry are called 4L4Ys/Ababils/aH-b3-Ges. They use Blackberry only for style and to exist in Twitter and Facebook, so that their friends will be amazed by them (if they have a Blackberry). Lots of them don’t know its features or its hardwares. They only know BBM (Blackberry Messenger), and those who can use BBM think that they are cool. Pitiful eh.
I myself prefer to buy an Android-based phone or an iPhone. Far better.
Blackberry indeed is a smartphone but not for smart people.
As an Indonesian, I feel ashamed by this incident.
Here in Indonesia, people (mostly teens) who use Blackberry are called 4L4Ys/Ababils/aH-b3-Ges. They use Blackberry only for style and to exist in Twitter and Facebook, so that their friends will be amazed by them (if they have a Blackberry). Lots of them don’t know its features or its hardwares. They only know BBM (Blackberry Messenger), and those who can use BBM think that they are cool. Pitiful eh.
I myself prefer to buy an Android-based phone or an iPhone. Far better.
Lo sok banget sih commentnya. Pekerja masih butuh bb, jangan asal bicara anak muda di indonesia begini begitu. Lo mungkin pengguna smart phone, tp yang pastu bukan smart people..
Yes, I am not a smart people…
No, you’re indeed a smart people! non-pengguna bb berarti pinter gak kebawa arus anak2 indo yang alay2…
weitz koq ngamuk cing? santai donk cing! klo lu gak merasa alay knp marah? kan bukan ngomongin lu. “butuh bb”? kayaknya cmn butuh bbm-nya doank deh.. byk smartphone lain yg bisa “kik”, sama kayak bbm, tp knp milihnya bb? ya karena alay, buat gaya2an pamer doank haha…
No Offense! Berarti lo menjudge semua pengguna bb itu alay dong ya? yaa mungkin itu buat lo,yg bisa beli ini itu, bisa beli gadget bagus dengan semaunya dengan harga yg tidak bisa diraih orang-orang indonesia kebanyakan. liat ekonomi orang indonesia aja lah boss. maklumin aja
liat ekonomi indo? byk koq smartphone lain yg lbh murah dr bb, misal esia, nokia, dll. tp knp milihnya bb? ya karena mau pake bbm, biar bisa fb & twitter, biar dibilang eksis – alias alay, buat gaya2an pamer doank haha…
pitiful banget! ampe2 klo kenalan aja mintanya pin bb.. trus klo gak pake bb jadi ketinggalan berita, ada kabar apa2 gak dikasih tau, sms juga gak dibales, cuma bbm baru dibales. berarti secara gak langsung klo gak pake bb = dikucilkan. krn dikucilkan trus orang yg tadinya gak suka pake bb lama2 terpaksa deh beli bb juga, terpaksa gitu secara di kantor aja pengumumannya lewat grup bbm
ironis banget…
sedih ngeliat org indo begitu gampangnya dibego2in.. jelas2 RIM kgk nganggep indo, tp msh mau aja pake produknya ckck..