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Flipboard iPhone app: iPhoneography showcase

After seeing great success in the hands of users with Apple’s famed tablet the iPad, Flipboard has opened its gates into the iPhone world. Expanding onto the smartphone, Flipboards ability to give you a personalized portfolio on everything that is shared with you through your social media life becomes more accessible.

Its popularity has made it one of TIME’s Top 50 Innovations. Included in its features is the option to read niche blogs or publications from the likes of Rolling Stone or Vanity Fair, or even save these to read later.

Even with all this information at your fingertips, Flipboard has decided to up its game even more by introducing a new section into its app. As iPhone in Canada report, leaps forward in smartphone cameras has meant that more and more people are reaching for their mobile rather than their compact or SLR.

This has led to the art of ‘iPhoneography’ and in turn a dedicated area for sharing its artists on the updated Flipboard application. If you are a Flipboard user or want to find out more about what the app can offer you, then check out iTunes. Tell us how Flipboard has changed the way you keep up to date?

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