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iPhone 5 light field camera photography possibilities

The Apple iPhone 5 or whatever it may be called will come with many new features, but lets concentrate on the camera side of things for once. The iPhone 4S has an 8-megapixel camera, and we say that the upcoming Apple smartphone will probably be the same but with new features hopefully with Lytro.

The iPhone 4S comes with a great camera that features 8-megapixel, HDR-photo taking and of course 1080P video recording, it also allows you to edit photos, so what more can be done to make the next-gen Apple iPhone even better? Well, how about light field camera photography possibilities.

The upcoming book called “Inside Apple” by Mr. Adam Lashinsky mentions that Steve Jobs had a meeting with Ren Ng, the Stanford graduate and the CEO of a photography company Lytro, they apparently had chats about photography and product design according to 9to5Mac.

Lytro’s technology was discussed, and according to the source above Jobs outlined a few things that Apple would like Lytro to do. The new iPhone, hopefully releasing this year may get the light field camera sensors that will be able to grab all the light that travels in all directions in every point in space. To put it in clear simple terms, this means that you will be able to point the camera at subjects, say 2 people in front and 3 in the background, you will then be able direct all light onto any given area blurring out the rest, this is what we call highlighting at its best.

It also means that the Lytro camera technology can also take photos without focusing on a certain object, it means that it can be focused after it has been taken. The software within the iPhone 5 will be able to focus on whatever you want.

The question we have to ask is “Will we ever see this sort of technology on the iPhone 5?” Please watch the video below and see what you think of the Lytro technology.

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