Phones4U drop Galaxy S II price to what?
Since its arrival in 2011, we have brought you many articles surrounding the Samsung Galaxy S II handset, be it its specs and price when it first surfaced, comparisons to other rival devices, accessory information and so on. Bursting onto the phone scene impressing a vast audience of consumers, we can now tell you that a Galaxy S III is due to be announced in the coming weeks.
Today we have some information on the Galaxy S II in terms of its price and it will no doubt appeal to those that are a little weary about paying its price in one full swoop if at all. To some paying out for the Galaxy S II may be a little off-putting, but at retailer Phones4U they are have come up with a proposition that may now tempt you to part with your money.
According to, the retailer is offering the phone for £242 which as reported will work out lower than opting to buying the handset as a SIM free option or on PAYG. The process isn’t so straightforward on the other hand, but by opting to go through ‘Quidco’ to order the handset, you will gain £50 cash back after receiving the phone, which will then enable you to turn on the device without inserting a SIM.
The advice is to then turn on the mobile data, restart the phone and insert the SIM, with the alternative of calling 02 customer services or gaining entry to your online account and removing the data allowance which in turn will take £6 off the line rental cost. Good news is welcomed with users being able to download the phone’s contract to a cheaper tariff alternative during the twelveth month, further details if clicked onto the link in the third paragraph.
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