Skype was introduced into our lives back in 2011, and has been accepted and loved by many users. But there was a limitation regarding what platforms the communication app was available on. This is now set to change as of today, reports The Big Blog, with a new downloadable beta version.
This Skype app will introduce the service to Windows Phone Beta, and give almost every top mobile smartphone OS the Skype option. Following up from this initial download will be a gold version available sometime in April.
All the favored Skype features will be included, with slick and simple Metro user interface dropped onto your Windows Phone. Cost effective, Skype Credit allows lower charges for landline calls with audio and video calls made for free, through your 3G, 4G or Wifi connections, to those on your Skype contacts list.
This is only the start, as improvements will obviously be made to utilize the Windows Phone capabilities and potential when joined with the Skype network. All you need to do is make sure that you are running Windows Phone 7.5, which can be checked at Settings > About. Devices that have been confirmed as compatible are Nokia Lumina 710 and 800, HTC’s Titan and Radar, along with Samsung’s Focus S and Focus Flash.
Give us your thoughts on the Windows Phone/Skype connection?