CloudOn for iPad and Excel explanation
There are many people that want to be able to access Excel documents on a tablet device so it can be used for work, and luckily there is the CloudOn application available for users of the iPad.
This free application allows users to run a virtualized version of Excel, Microsoft Word, and PowerPoint on their iPad without the need to learn how to use a new interface. The application now integrates with DropBox so users can edit a spreadsheet locally on their iPad, and then sync any changes to other devices.
Besides DropBox the application now also integrates with Box and Drive and can be used to connect with these services to open, edit, and store files all in one place.
Other new features to CloudOn since the latest update includes an Adobe Reader and a File Viewer that will let users open and view almost any file type, which includes the likes of PDF, PSD, JPG, PNG, GIF, and more.
Users now have the ability to share their files with contacts via email as well as rename, delete and manage documents with their DropBox, Box, or Drive accounts. Other features include tracking changes while reviewing Word documents, automatically save documents to avoid losing changes, use pivot tables and insert formulas in Excel workbooks, display, edit or create charts, change formatting, spell check, insert comments, into any Word, Excel or PowerPoint files, and much more.
The application is currently free and also ad-free so for how long this lasts is anyone’s guess, but users that have already downloaded the application and have been using it are pretty impressed so far, and also question how the app or company can exist. CloudOn 2.0.3 is available worldwide on the App Store for the iPad running iOS 4.2 or later.
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