August 7 iPhone 5 release date ambiguously touted
One of the questions we are most asked is when will we see a release for the Apple iPhone 5 but of course until Apple chooses to confirm this it’s one of those questions we just can’t answer. However today we have heard that an August 7 iPhone 5 release date is being touted and it’s fair to say this has taken us by surprise.
Until recently there have been two distinct schools of thought among those in the tech world about a launch timeframe for the iPhone 5. There were those who thought it would be unveiled at WWDC in June with a release shortly afterwards and then others who felt a fall release was more likely. We have always thought it more likely that it will appear in the fall, around a year after the arrival of the iPhone 4S and after there was no mention of it at WWDC a fall release looked certain, but news today that an August 7 iPhone 5 release date is being touted has surprised us.
We did recently hear rumors that the iPhone 5 release could be brought forward to August because of pressure to take advantage of the lucrative back-to-school market so maybe we shouldn’t be so surprised to see an August 7 release written in black-and-white. However the same pressure would have applied last year for the iPhone 4S and there was also the same competition from Samsung’s latest Galaxy S phone last year with the Galaxy S2 and this time round the Galaxy S3, so we’re not altogether convinced.
Nevertheless a report on Know Your Mobile pronounces that the official release date of the iPhone 5 has been revealed as August 7th, which on the face of it sounds pretty clear. However the source of the report is described as “a reliable industry source” who” (as usual with this kind of information) “wishes to remain anonymous.” Therefore we are not claiming that this release date is official but of course feel we should pass the date on to our many readers who are waiting for news on this. Another detail from the reports says that the iPhone 5 will be ‘announced’ with a keynote speech on that date rather than ‘released’ so we’re not altogether sure whether the source is saying it will be announced and released on August 7 or just unveiled with a release later.
It has to be said that the wording of the report is quite ambiguous but then the same site also seems certain enough of its information to say that they will be covering the announcement live on August 7 so they’re sure even if we’re less certain. We know that many of you would love this information to be accurate but what are your thoughts on this. Do you think there could really only be 3 or 4 weeks until we see an iPhone 5 release? Are you willing to believe the August 7 ‘release date’ or do you still think a fall release is more probable? Let us know with your comments.
47 thoughts on “August 7 iPhone 5 release date ambiguously touted”
It doesn’t have anything to do with previous release or when because that is always subject to change. Apple “doesnt want to be predictable”. Tim Cook sad that himself. However one thing. Can be certain. They DO NOT and WILL NOT release new iOS devices without new firmware at the same time. That being said apple confirmed release of iOS 6 for “fall” therefore there will be no August release. DONE. This shouldn’t even be considered a rumor.
yes but firstly when apple said “sometime this fall” they could mean august as to them fall could include august, and as the report says the iphone 5 would be ‘announced’ on august 7th. that would mean it is announced then released later in the fall. this would square nicely. they could want to announce it soon to take the shine off the galaxy s3 as it has done better than anticipated and better than the s2. they could want to head off a threat(slight or otherwise)from the android camp which looks like it is slowly getting it’s act together.
but we are only a few weeks away so we will see wont we
Im sure apple will announce it on August 7th, to get people more anxious about its features and more people will want it. Then release it in the fall
i would rather a later date than august if its the difference between fixing glitches to just having a phone that will need instant updates. get a windows phone if you wish to update often. i 5 take your time come out right like a fine wine.
It says “August 7th” release date.
And as I said docuheBo “iOS devices” have a new firmware along with or it’s own specific design such as the iPad. If and when you learn how to read and understand what someone is saying reply below.
Having said that, they have released the new generation of Macbooks with a “free upgrade when it becomes available” to the new OS mountain Lion.
So why shouldnt they release the new iPhone, and then upgrade it when the software becomes available?
lol to mr. tim of course.
I believe they will announce iPhone 5 aug and can see that apple is openning lots of fight fields and won’t be there for long
In my opinion Apple do need to bring the release date of the ‘iPhone 5’ forward. Or at least announce a release date. They will have lost lots of customers to the Galaxy S3. There’s alot of people out there debating whether to jump on ship with Samsung. I for one am one of them. The S3 seems very capable of fighting it out with Apple. What will Apple offer on the ‘iPhone 5’ that Samsung don’t with the S3?
Apple needs to act fast, losing revenue, customers and the confidence of the general public.
Regardless of how great the Galaxy phones are the iPhone is still the hottest phone on the market everybody wants the iPhone, and it’s for the same reason most people were walking around with iPods not Zunes. Apple has cult followers that buy every generation iPhone, and there will be a wave of people that have never had an iPhone that will flock to the new one. This article and the hundreds like it proves that Apple isn’t struggling, and doesn’t have to worry about people getting a non-Apple device. They do this on purpose to build hype.Â
I was eligible to upgrade back in March, but I’m waiting for the new iPhone because the last three Apple devices I bought were purchased no more than three months before the next generation product was released.Â
There will probably be news stations showing footage of people lined out the door of AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and Apple Stores when it’s released just like every previous iPhone.
As to my opinion on the release date: If there is any validity to this story at all the “Aug. 7 release date” will be a keynote presentation in Cupertino led by Tim Cook. And it’s possible they release the new iPhone on the anniversary of Steve Jobs’ death. Last year there were rumors circulating the iPhone 5 was Jobs’ last project.Â
 I have been thinking that they would do something like that to honor Job’s death. It seems too perfect with the anniversary coming on a friday, which would not conflict with their “traditional release dates” (which have recently been on fridays)
i dont want one(a iphone)
Then why are you here?
Ive been waiting for the five to come out. I get an upgrade august 9. Iphone 5 better come out on aug 7. Why does apple have to wait until the fall? Every other device comes out sooner? Apple stop being greedy and come out sooner. Fall is too long to wait. News flash if I don’t get iphone 54s in aug I will b upgrading to your competitor samsung galaxy
 So you dont HAVE to upgrade…why not just wait? My first gen Iphone lasted me over 2 and half years (32 months) and my current Iphone4 has lasted since release 2 years ago. The only thing thats different is going to be the design, are you one of these people that just want it to show off..
Yeah exactly DJ. These aiiii phone bores make out they wouldn’t be able to function if they don’t have the new one right away. Get a life ha ha.Â
It would be considerably different 100% pertaining to the processor and speed of 4G LTE, iPhone 4 and 4s are slower than a snail going uphill in molasses in the middle of the winter!!!
Newsflash…go on then get a galaxy, I or Apple don’t give a stuff.Goodnight
if you haven’t noticed apple only puts one phone out a year…. all of the competitors put out at least 3
so i would say that they will wait as long as they can because the more rumors are out there the more interest that there is in their phone so why would they put it out when by waiting they have the chance to make more profit!
Not exactly a benifit because people could be soooo impatient that they’d rather get the Samsung then wait untill Fall for just another iPhone . If Apple doesnt release soon, people might have other types of phones by then . I am REALLY phsyched about the iPhone 5 because of my 2 – yr plan but i’m too impatient and I might get another type of phone! :/
who cares
There is absolutely no way apple would release the ” new iPhone ” running iOS 5. As the website and the wwdc keynote clearly said it would be released this fall. I’d look for a September release at best possibly even October so as not to anger all the 4S adopters.
maybe they will release the specs of the iPhone 5 on this dat but not actually release the done for purchase until early september, which is still considered fall!
thats what I’m thinking and that would be the best way to go if August 7th is true. i don’t think they are going to release the new iPhone in August only because they confirmed that iOS 6 would come preinstalled on the new device, and iOS 6 is not coming until the fall.
They should release it after iOS 6 comes out so no plays with the new iPhone 5 on iOS 5.1.1.
I’m due an upgrade on my contract on 19th of August. Summer or Fall I will be waiting for IPhone 5 to be released until I upgrade, my iPhone has lasted me 2 years and can hang in there well until latest one is available
Mine is August 13th . I’m really excited to get the iPhone 5 ! I REALLY cant wait anymore so I truely hope that it will be released on the 7th ! ^_^
If they release the iPhone they most certainly have to release iOS6 and if not that would again take us by surprise but it wouldn’t be an issue, to see the announcement of th iPhone will be a great success to both the customer and the company itself! So personally I hope this is the proposed date for release but deep down I feel that it won’t be released until October ’12
I can see the IPhone 5 being announced on August 7th and will be available for the USA, UK and Germany a few days later. It will be running ios6 and everyone else will get ios6 update in the fall.
Sounds quite likely, it would also give new iPhone users a couple of months of exclusivity to iOS 6.
I hope it comes out August, just in time for going back to college
p.s. I do think a fall release date is most likely going to happen though, after all iOS 6 is coming out, this fall <
I hope it comes out the 7th, because then I’m getting it right away. Right before school. Perfect!
Iphone will bbe released as earlier expected ie- to be expected during last week of September or on Oct 7th . IOS 6 to be released during fall is clearly mentioned in Apple website. and all the new launches are released with the new OS. SO I guess we can expect the Iphone to be released during the same time as of Last year or on OCT 7( Steve Jobs day)
Why not. It make perfect business sense. The galaxy S3 has just sold 10m hand sets and the iPhone 5 is nowhere to be seen. If Apple were to wait until September or october to release the iPhone 5 that number could be as high as 12-15 million handsets and the iPhone would be the number 2 or even the 3 handset on the market behind say the Gslaxy note. An August release is the right thing to do.
They might unveil iPhone5 features, announce the release date (say September), and start presales like they did in China…
I spoke to Tim Cook last week and August 7th it is!!! Congratulations to everyone! Get the money ready for the iphone because it’s gonna cost!!!
Excuse me for asking but how do you know tim cook?
Yes, I believe it because of all the updates lately to apps. Something BIG is imminent!
The WWDC in June Apple unveiled the new Macs and had a same day release/shipping. So yeah I believe on August 7 when they do the Keynote they will release the iPhone 5.
Whats all the talk about the new IPhone having a different adaptor so it not compatible with any docking stations?? Hope not!! Does any one know anything???Â
I agree 100% about the dock connector!!! Apple would be out of their mind to put a different dock connector on the next iPhone!!
Will the iPhone 5 be on virgin
That’s the way it looks. Cricket has it already. I believe a lot of small phone carriers will be offering the iphone. It’s as of matter of time.
I hope its released on august 7th. my contract is up on that day exactly. Does anyone know what the price might be?