Galaxy S3 in white problems reported plus Best Buy possibility
We’ve been bringing you all the news about the smash-hit Samsung Galaxy S3 (S III) and just recently US readers have finally been able to get their hands on it too. News today though suggests that if you haven’t already purchased the Galaxy S3 you might want to hold off just yet after a problem is being reported with the Marble White version. There’s also news that the Galaxy S3 could be sold unlocked at Best Buy soon.
Many readers will remember that when the Galaxy S3 international version launched there were problems with paint on the back covers of the Pebble Blue version that led to orders being delayed. Those problems led Samsung to have to destroy 600,000 Marble Blue back covers and now we are hearing news that there may also be issues with the white version of the Galaxy S3.
A Phone Arena reader claims to have purchased a Galaxy S3 in white with a case, which until recently had never been removed. However when the owner did remove the case a few days ago they found that there were several small cracks on the back cover at the edges of the camera. These cracks do not show on the inside of the cover but nevertheless this could signify some problem with the white Galaxy S3 as well.
It then becomes more worrying as an update to the Phone Arena post tells how another reader has sent in images of his white Galaxy S3, also showing cracks on the back cover around the camera area. Phone Arena say that they will contact Samsung for comment but so far there’s no news on this. We’d certainly like to hear from any of our readers out there who have also noticed this problem.
In more news on the Galaxy S3 a further report shows a leaked screenshot, which seems to indicate that Best Buy is to start selling the international GSM variant of the Galaxy S3. The leaked inventory shows the Galaxy S3 i9300 model in Pebble Blue and US readers will be interested to hear that although this version is HSPA+ instead of LTE-equipped, it does feature the Exynos quad-core processor that US carrier versions missed out on in favor of the Snapdragon S4 dual-core. Of course this has to be based firmly in the rumor mill slot for now as this is from leaked information but nevertheless there could be plenty of people not on LTE networks who would like to take advantage of Best Buy selling the unlocked version.
We shall of course keep you updated on further developments on the Galaxy S3. Have you noticed any problems with your white Galaxy S3 so far? We’d like to hear from readers about that and also we’d be interested in whether US readers would be interested in purchasing the Galaxy S3 unlocked from Best Buy? Send your comments to let us know.
43 thoughts on “Galaxy S3 in white problems reported plus Best Buy possibility”
I have no problem with it and i love it, its way better than my 4s.
I have this problem too. I am realy funny about keeping all my tech toys in good condition and this is exreamly annoying for me as I love the phone but the back is a huge disappointment
Yes, my phone back cover had hairline cracks all over the rear cover. Also wifi signal is low and it keeps switch from wifi to 3g and at times 3g is much faster than wifi. Exchanged phone with same problems. Very disappointed.
Im starting to have cracks over the back cover of my phone too
which is protected by a phone cover and has never been dropped on the floor.
Yes…I have had my S 3 since June 21 and these r my issues in no particular order
1. Go into roaming every 5 minutes.
2. If there is a busy signal, you have to shut off and restart phone to disengage cal.
3. Little to no signal.
4. Receiver unable to hear with speaker on.
5. Did not recognize sd card
6. Default setting wss cdma/ lte which was an issue as lte is not yet available.
7. Force closed most of the time
8. Google wallet worked a day then not again
9. Charger would not charge phone.
These r to name a few. I waited patiently for updates but it did not fix the issues….. Took phone back got a new one….only issue I have is the busy signal issue.
that sounds like network isses, not the phone. Â What network? Â You could ROOT the phone and that would solve any software issues. Â DarkStar V3 ROM is the s**t!
Had mine since UK release, not problems at all.
Yes my white version is same cracks
Had mine since UK release and love it. Â Really quick and using FoxFi app the wireless hotspot works a treat. Â I can stream video/TV on London 3G system.Â
Only issue is sticky volume button. Â Do get a WiFi app because there is no shortcut to the hotspot function and it can play up. Â Also good to use InSSIDer on the PC so you can pick a quiet channel.
KrisMarie- I’m curious, you in UK or US?
the set takes quite a lot of time to wake after i press the lock key or the home key.. really frustrating knowing i paid such a huge sum.. i guess i am comparing it with the iPod touch i have had for sometime..
Had it for a month pebble blue.
Perfect and works well !
No regrets…it’s a great phone, fast and clear.
Love it !
I have also got the same problem with white Samsung s3 found that there are several
small cracks on the back cover at the edges of the camera and also the mice. These cracks
do not show on the inside of the cover
I have a problem with restarting. my phone getting restart suddenly again and again.
I have had a Marble White S3 from (almost) launch in the UK, and I first noticed the cracks about 3 weeks after I received the phone, I’m now struggling to get any help from Vodafone to replace the back cover…
I have had my white S3 for a week now so probably too soon for those cracks to sho, but I do have an issue with it which is with the sms message icon (bottom centre of home screen)
When I get a message the icon gets a red dot in the corner with the number of new messages in it, trouble is when I have opened and read and even deleted the messages the red dot remains with the icon until I restart the phone or sometimes does go on its own hours later, which may or may not be down to me using some other function on the phone rather than just a case of passage of time.
Its a relatively small issue but still an annoying one.
LED setttings control what it does, Â you should be able to fix that. Â
LED settings don’t fix this problem
Having problems sending messages
Same over here..
I have issues with facebook and friend caster, its not allowing me to post on the wall on either programs. Ive tried rebooting and restarting and even taking the battery out. It tells me that the app has stopped running on both programs? Is that a software issue or my phone? I also have the problem with the message area telling me i have a message after ive already checked it. It stays on the icon. When i restart the phone it goes away until i get another message. It shows up and doesnt seem to leave.
IV HAD 3 S3 phones due to the fact
1 i can’nt hear calls when i recive them and calls is in robot or distorted.
2 when i make a call the is NO ringing tone in my ear but the screen turns green as the call picked up the other end. They can hear me but i carnt here them.
3 u can be on a call but then you carnt hear them and so on.
4 this isnt constant , but it seems 2nd replacement on the issue is becoming more aparent because only 2days of getting new phone it was an all day occurence!!!!#####
I forgot to mention im on 3 network , big mistake!
If u ever decide to change network because of issues you had with your current supplyer in the past DO IT !
. DONT BE SWAYED TO STAY because of a cheaper tarrif ect because u will live to regret it big time. And any issues u having going forward ul remember why u wanted to chang in the first place .
Well i have same issues with phone had 5 days and theywant to repaire .
Repair !! But its a new phone This must be an issue for other users please post because thue must be a problem im just not that unlucky i think lol
I had exactly the same problem. Samsung customer service is apalling my phone has been in the service centre for over a month aparrently it needs a software update , what bullshit is that 1month for a software update !
LED settings have nothing to do with the red dot. I’ve returned one s3 to Verizon over that and shortly after leaving the store I had the same problem all over again. Another thing the swype on this phone sucks. Before this I had the bionic and fascinate and didn’t have this problem with the swype. Hope they fix these problems soon
i have a galaxy s3, white. u.s. for verizon. i havent taken my case off yet to check for cracks, but navigation does not work on it. my girlfriend has the htc rhyme(a 3g phone) and we were in the car, lost. we both pulled out out phones. maps and navigation pulled right up on hers, but on mine, after i typed in the address, it would not load the gps. i had the gps enabled and everything. i left it on the whole way home and it never came to. i was wondering if anyone else had this problem??
My gps audible turn by turn directions stopped working. It worked great the first time but now with the volume turned up it won’t give voice guidance anymore.
i dont know why it always works GREAT at the first run :(((( u know when you’re testing to buy in samsung shop
but when u paid and got the DAMN PHONE, it won;t work. this phone is VERY SMART, understands u paid for it and now u’re on ur own
i have gs3 and i m faceing same problem of cracks around my camera and speaker…..:/
i have gs3 i=and facing same problem in two week after buying it s3 fare crack at bottom
Today I got very angry as I putted my galaxy s3 in my pocket to find a crack in the bottom iof the screen when I took it out.. important to remember that I only had a set of keys in my pocket… that’s a very fragile phone…
i have had my gs3 for about a 3 weeks and for some reason the messenger has a 1 in the corner and i open it up and there is no new messages …. i delete the app from the main screen and get the same app from the apps section and drag it to the same spot and it goes back to normal but when i get a text it goes right back
. i lovee this phone and this is the only problem ive had with it …despite this minnor set back i still love this phoone …p.s. no cracks 
My Galaxy S III power cycles whenever I place or receive calls.
I posted a video on YouTube of his happening.
Big wifi issues
Just got my white galaxy s3 and I noticed a problem while trying to send a screenshot. I have tried sending thru the gallery as well as an attachment from the clipboard but nothing seems to work. IT SAYS THERE’S IS AN AERROR AND AN EXCLAMATION POINT COMES UP. IT
This is my second day with the phonr and the only place i can have a conversation is outside before this i had the evo 4G and i got signal perfectly fine im very dissapointed….anyone else with this issue ? Im also having issue with it freezing while on the internet….
I had to send my s3 back to o2 for repair, had it 2 months it freezes, doesnt allow me to answer calls, freezes in messages wont go bk to home screen i have to take battery out to solve problem, battery % drops maybe 10% after 2 min call so has to be charged twice a day and now its starting to overheat. the status of my repair at min says no problems found so i’m really pissed off at min. back to htc i think.
i’m having a list of issues with my white S3 and really not happy at all. I want my Fascinate back. Although the 4G is really good (when I have a signal- not often) and internet connection is much better, I know have a myriad of dislikes and functionality I loved on the Fascinate. It seems I’m alone in my compliants and I’m looking to make sure I dont’ have a lemon. I got the phone on it’s first release in July and it’s just not as smooth. Freezings on texting, keyboard options and apps not as good, voice texting and S voice really suck, apps like Skype don’t work at all. The phone pad is just annoying with the speed dial settings; when I push a number i have to either hold it for 3 seconds or i have to tap the screen twice to confirm number is correct. The sensitivity is ridiculous, while I realize this is suppose to improve functionality – i hang up on almost every call because my face gets too close to phone screen. And when I’m on a call where I have to use the numbers pad to select an extension the key pad blacks out as if it’s sensitive to my finger and blacks out. weird! I am keeping a list of items so I can troubleshoot. maybe I have some incompatible apps like Missed Call that dont’ work with this phone. I have checked and I have plenty of available RAM to run apps so the freezing isn’t due to ram. I don’t like the way you have to back out of an app if you need to go look at a text or an email while you’re in another app, like internet browser, it’s difficult to navigate back. grant it, I do think the menu buttons at the bottom are much better than the fascinate. The fascinate was a great phone for what it’s worth. All I want is to be more hands free functionality and have better voice to texting. this phone now, makes me scream when I have to push so many buttons. I’d use the voice to do my functions but IT NEVER UNDERSTANDS me. Also the motion thingy. Where you select ‘on shake’ reset things and such, doesn’t work at all.
yes i’m a frustrated user and I’m not new to the smartphone arena.
My galaxy s3’s network crashes every 48hrs. It needs restarting the phone to rectify.
The wallpaper goes blank and phone refuses to start internet activity
My I9300 is three months old and the screen stopped working properly on Monday. The phone is working but the screen doesn’t load up properly. Thinking about it, the screen colours had been off for a few days before. The replacement arrives tomorrow!
After updating the software yesterday!everytime I turn my phone on now I get a red rim light all around the phone….it flickers every now and then! Can anyone help and tell me what it is please. Thankyou.
It’s a Samsung galaxy s3.
yes I bought my galaxy s3 from T-Mobile in September the white one and my husband got the blue one we can only use wifi calling because we cannot get signal where we live however you can go 1/2 mile up the road and get signal now I have went through 4 white phones and I still cannot receive calls it goes straight to voice mail or just gives a busy signal and after being on the phone not even 5 minutes I loose my wifi calling. I have talked to tmobile and there is an issue with wifi calling with the white phones and I was told after 3 exchanges that I would be able to get a completely different phone well now that there is a big open ticket I cannot get any other phone but the white one mind you I am paying 600.00 for this phone because I have the value plan so you have to pay so much down and then so much per month for 20 months. I have contacted Samsung and they are no help at all. What am I supposed to do. These phones are supposed to be better than the iphone.
I purchased my Samsung Galaxy S3 (white) 60 days ago. A couple days ago I remived from the hard case, lowered the volume button, placed my cell in my uniform shirt pocket (nothing else just the cell) & when I pulled it out to make a call the volume button was missing!!!! According to Samsung, although it was not anything I caused, it is NOT civered in the 1 year mftg warranty. They charge $70+ for repair