
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and ICS or Jelly Bean joy

It’s no secret that the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is one of the most highly anticipated smartphones of the year and is expected to be unveiled at an event later this month. One of the big questions though regards whether it will be released running Android 4.0 ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) or the very latest Android mobile OS, 4.1 Jelly Bean. Many of us are hoping for this ‘phablet’ to release with Jelly Bean although there are mixed opinions and reports so today we are looking at the likelihood of ICS or Jelly Bean.

The big reveal of the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is expected at IFA in Berlin on August 29 with hopefully a simultaneous release or one very soon afterwards. We know from reader’s comments to some of our earlier posts on the Galaxy Note 2 that many people are keenly waiting for this phone with its large 5.5-inch display to hit the shelves and had hoped that as the weeks had ticked by until a release that it may mean an increased possibility of it launching with Jelly Bean. The first device launched with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean was the Google Nexus 7 tablet last month and the update has already started rolling out to some other devices, even though many of you may have smartphones and tablets that are still waiting for 4.0 ICS.

As Jelly Bean rolled out to more devices it looked increasingly likely that the Galaxy Note 2 may have that Jelly Bean flavor but a quick look around various tech websites finds very different stances on whether it will appear with ICS or Jelly Bean and that there is a pretty equal split. Now a report on Gotta Be Mobile makes some relevant points regarding the Galaxy Note 2 operating system and the indicators are that those who are eagerly hoping for Jelly Bean rather than ICS may be disappointed. The article looks at the recent launch of the Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet as an indicator and as there looks to be only be a short amount of weeks between the launch of this tablet and the Galaxy Note 2 you might imagine that the operating systems will be the same.

Alas, although Jelly Bean is now available for some devices the Galaxy Note 10.1 was released with 4.0 ICS instead, with a Jelly Bean update planned for later this year according to Samsung. This is not a good sign then for the Galaxy Note 2. Know Your Mobile also point to the fact that devices with larger displays with multiple screen inputs are harder to upgrade and uses the original Galaxy Note and its late 4.0 ICS update on AT&T and internationally as an example of this. It does stand to reason then that the Note 2 with it’s mammoth 5.5-inch display will be more difficult to adapt to Jelly Bean and so it may not be in time for its release.

Yet another hint comes from the fact that the Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet is a WiFi-only device and that Wi-Fi devices usually get major updates before carrier-locked devices. Therefore if Jelly Bean didn’t make it to the launch of the Note 10.1 tablet it seems even less likely that it will make it to the Galaxy Note 2 where an update will have to pass through carriers as well. All the indicators then seem to point to Ice Cream Sandwich for the Galaxy Note 2 when it finally arrives, probably with a Jelly Bean update later this year as has been pledged for the 10.1 tablet.

With the August 29 event in Berlin approaching, at least it shouldn’t be too much longer before we find out for sure but in the meantime we’d like to hear your thoughts on this. Have you already made the decision to purchase the Samsung Galaxy Note 2? Will it make any difference to you if it releases with ICS rather than the most up-to-date Jelly Bean OS? Let us know with your comments.


20 thoughts on “Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and ICS or Jelly Bean joy”

  1. Anirudh Singh says:

    i had the iphone 3 and then iphone 4, moved to Note after i was disappointed with iphone 4S, and now am not lookin back, eagerly awaiting note 2 🙂

  2. gem0144 says:

    Well I have the note now, in a way I whish I waited for the note 2 but I’m ferry happy with the note 1. Its a fantastic crossover between phone and tablet ( phablet ) I love it. I hope there are not too many new features on the note 2 otherwise I will wish I had waited 🙁 Anyone have comparisons for the both notes?

    1. PAUL DESCHAMPS says:

      I also got the original G-Note only a couple months ago, just before rumours started flying of the Galaxy Note 2 dropping soon. Im a little pissed I didnt wait but at the same time I absolutely love my G-Note & am glad I chose it over the GS3 which seems tiny in comparision. From the New features that are evident in the second leaked Jelly Bean ROM for the GS3 I dont expect the Galaxy Note 2 to have any real wowing features that would make me go out & get it after only a couple months of getting the original. The international version of the G-Note is being updated from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4 right now & with it comes a few features from the GS3, one of which Im excited to have in the floating video feature. I believe that those of us in North America that were updated with 4.0.4 as our first update to ICS will get a small update to bring these added features that the international models are recieving right now. With these features & Jelly Bean added to all the amazing features that we already have on the G-Note its going to be incredible & in my mind the best device on the market, especially if rumours of a lower res display on the Galaxy Note 2 are true. Id rather have a 0.2″ smaller screen that is full HD then the slightly bigger but worse quality screen that is rumoured on the Galaxy Note 2.
      I wrote on Samsung Canadas facebook page that they should bring the GS3 touchwiz UI to the Galaxy Note when they update it & they said they will pass the suggestion along.** EVERYONE WITH A GALAXY NOTE WRITE ON SAMSUNGS FACEBOOK PAGE, TWITTER, OFFICIAL WEBSITES REQUESTING THE NEW TOUCHWIZ ON THE GALAXY NOTE WHEN THEY UPDATE TO JELLY BEAN PLEASE. MAYBE WE CAN ALL GET THEM TO LISTEN & WE CAN RID OF THE UGLY TOUCHWIZ THAT IS ON IT NOW.** -KID ANDROID

  3. RC says:

    I’ll still buy it with ICS, but Jellybean on release would be awesome.
    This will be my first Android device ever. Im jumping the IOS ship once and for all.
    I need more freedom and a larger screen.
    I hope it’s camera is >8mp.

  4. capegold1 says:

    I’ve decided on the Note 2 as well. They had better launch JB soon though! That’s what I’m excited about, especially the Google Now voice app. I’m in South Korea so maybe we’ll get JB first :-). Can’t wait to dump my Galaxy S 1.

  5. General Hordak says:

    No big deal really.

    Jellybean won’t be ready on time for the release but it will more than likely be rolled out within a few weeks after.

    Let’s be brutal. If you really can’t wait for something that will definitely happen shortly and buy an iPhone just because it ships with the latest version of their os you will just be disappointed when you’re squinting at your microscopic phone and everybody else is comfortably consuming media, playing games and making video calls on a device that is still better on gingerbread than whatever fruit company has to offer.

  6. RenardZorro says:

    I will definitely be going for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 when it becomes available in UK. JB preferred, but will be happy with ICS until upgrade appears.
    It will sit well with my Asus Transformer tablet.

  7. Galaxy Guy says:

    I had a look at the note 2 on t-mobile platform and was excited to see JB 4.1 but disappointed to see 4.1 JB that looks and kinda feels like ICS. I’m running JB 4.1.2 on my GS3 and just at a glance with hands on I’ll be rooting this puppy as soon as a viable rom is available.

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