Samsung Galaxy S3 Jelly Bean 4.1 official update release
If you own the Samsung Galaxy S3 model GT-i9300 we know you will be very happy indeed in just over a week, as we all know the Samsung Mobile Unpacked event in Berlin kicks off August 29th and it has now been confirmed the official Android Jelly Bean 4.1 update will be released a few days after.
The new Samsung Galaxy S3 Android Jelly Bean update will be release shortly after the Unpacked event according to exclusive sources via Android Central, now that you all know it is coming you can start to feel your hands getting sweaty, the anxious wait is unbearable, oh no a whole week and a bit to wait, it has been this long so we guess you can wait just that little longer whilst keeping your composure.
Samsung informs that the firmware is in its final stages of testing, the event mentioned above is when we all hope to see the new Samsung Galaxy Note 2, and with this combined with the SGS4 Jelly Bean flavour we know it will be the best week for Android fans.
The new AJB update will release to a number of countries including all of us in the UK, but it is uncertain if the LTE-capable Snapdragon S4-powered Galaxy S3 variants in USA and Canada will be getting their update, but we are guessing that Samsung will do its very best to cater for all SGS3 owners.
The source above mentioned that the Jelly Bean build will have many features including Google Now, redesigned notification shade, new TouchWiz features such as dormant mode for a better experience in notification and alert management, there will also be a mode called “easy mode ” for simplified home screen navigation.
Please stay with us because as soon as the Samsung Galaxy S3 Android Jelly Bean 4.1 update is released we will let you know all.
22 thoughts on “Samsung Galaxy S3 Jelly Bean 4.1 official update release”
Great Can’t wait
Oh man !! still one week !!
cant wait
I really can’t wait!
really good news
i’m using it already…the 2nd leak…it’s sooo smootth
what is the second leak?
Will it fixes the standby mode battery drain issue ???
do you guys know the exact date? i just cant wait
does it have flash player support, any bug or crash, please share.
No flash support
Was supposed to release on the 29th. now they say few more days…. How long do we have to wait????
no flash player support, if you have it installed remove it or browsing becomes difficult and certain apps wont run. yes the cell stand bye has been fixed as far as mine is concerned, im using the leaked v2 jellybean. but there’s a fix for ics floating around already.
Xda have ICS flashplayer 11.1 on their forum it runs on jelly bean aswell install from non market …
I did works flawlessly..
How long now before update to jellybean supposed to b couple of days after 29th
We are waiting tto have the bean. Please update on when we have the mistry
I have already got jellybean on my Nexus7 and I will certainly not be installing it on my S3! reason? too many Apps do not work with it yet!
Thats what I was afraid of
BTW you can kiss your BBC iPlayer installation good bye for a start
Few days after huh…. Fail. Don’t start rumors
I’m dying waiting for this update…
HOW MUCH LONGER!!!!!?!?!?!?????
Will it fix weak wifi strength issue?