HTC One X moves closer to 4.1 Jelly Bean update, for some
Many users of the HTC One X are still waiting patiently, or in fact not so patiently, for the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean update. Although HTC was one of the first major phone makers to say which of its devices would get the upgrade it has been pretty slow to actually deliver the goods. A few weeks ago we told of reports saying that the Jelly Bean update might not reach the HTC One X until the end of December. Today we have further news on this and it seems as though Jelly Bean might come to some HTC One X users as early as next month, although it looks like others will have to wait longer.
Although the Android platform has many enthusiasts there has been a lot of frustration for Android device users over the time it takes updates to become available and also the fact that some devices get the updates weeks, and even months before others. When we informed readers previously that the update may not hit the HTC One X until the end of this year, the comments from our readers reflected the fact that a lot of people find this hard to understand, with many being pretty annoyed. We now hear that Jelly Bean is to begin rolling out to some HTC One X users in October, music to the ears of those fortunate people. However it seems that the first push of the upgrade will only be to the generic unlocked version of the HTC One X.
A report on Pocket-Lint, sourced from, informs that those HTC One X owners on operator branded versions of the phone will have to wait a bit longer. It seems at this stage that we’re back to some gloomier news as the report goes on to say that those users should get a taste of Jelly Bean by Christmas although that’s dependent on whether Google and operators are ready to give it the go ahead at that stage.
There’s still no news on the update for HTC One S users and some of you may have read our recent news on the upcoming HTC handset, the HTC One X+. We told how the HTC One X+ was likely to be launched running 4.1 Jelly Bean and it seems this has been reiterated by Modaco so no waiting for Jelly Bean for that phone when it finally arrives then. You may also be interested about some new phones that HTC announced at an event yesterday, the HTC Windows Phone 8X and Windows Phone 8S and as the names suggest both of these will run on the new Windows Phone 8 operating system when they release. If you want to try out an HTC Android alternative, then you might want to consider one of these two new phones.
Back to Jelly Bean for the HTC One X though and while it’s promising news for those with the generic unlocked version, it’s not such great news for those with carrier versions as it looks as though they may still have to wait for several months. We’d like to hear your thoughts on this. Are you still waiting for Jelly Bean for your HTC One X? Are you becoming frustrated by the amount of time it’s taking? If so how do you feel about the fact that owners of unlocked versions look likely to receive the Jelly Bean update before those with carrier branded versions of the handset? Let us know with your comments.
16 thoughts on “HTC One X moves closer to 4.1 Jelly Bean update, for some”
Yep still waiting here. I’m unlocked so happy to wait till October. I just hope this is genuine facts!
im pissed because i bought the phone thinking i could root it and put jelly bean on it whenever but i didnt know at&t were a bunch dic*s and locked it down with new firmware, that was very apple like of them and im sure they will be slow to get the update out because they have to load it with all of their crap that no one uses
Same boat here. Switched over to an ATT HTC One X but was saddened to hear that were are stuck without root because of the carrier firmware. While every other One X user is already flashed to Jelly Bean. It’s a bit disappointing. Although HTC giving us JB earlier would be a nice band aid.
I am already running JB on my One X. Get Rooting and start flashing!
I got CM10 also but HTC phone with no sense on it just makes no sense LOL If you get me
My HTC is Rooted, yet I’m reluctant to install a JB yet. I honestly don’t trust random phone operating systems thrown around the web, especially considering the fact that if HTC didn’t just release a generic version of it as an update, there must have been some compatibility problems, which I’m not eager to discover.
does htc one v get jelly bean update ???
I find it pretty sad that they would take care on unlocked phones first-seems like HTC needs to get their act together.
HTC does not really have control of the carrier branded phones. They supply the update to the carrier and then the carrier will add whatever bloatware and make sure the phone is locked to that specific carrier and then supply you with the update. Moan at your carrier not HTC
Got the Generic UK/EU Version of the One X. Still contemplating rooting it, but I’ll wait until November before giving-in.
There better be some ground breaking things going on in the new update of JB “Sense” because I’m going to get mad if I had to wait all this time just for some project butter and battery life increase. HTC Please give us something to brag about
They really need to tweak the god awful performance of the battery! The One X is my first and last HTC Android phone as the battery performance is just so poor.
I could update to JB myself if they would allow the ATT One X 2.2 to be rooted. Not a happy camper.
I have a generic unlocker version of the One X, and I will be waiting until end of October, if the update doesnt come at that time I think I will just go back to iPhone and buy the iPhone 5…I hope I wont have to do that, because I realy like HTC phones alot…
I never buy carrier branded phones anymore. The savings are minimal, the resell value plummets and when you go abroad you need to use roaming instead of plugging in a new sim card!! The carriers rip you off when buying branded phones and then the quite often put their logo on the phone aswell!
So if you are dumb enough to get a phone via your carrier don’t moan about the bloatware and the time it takes to upgrade it!
well i aint waiting any longer today is 19 november already and htc said it will star rolling the update since 1 and a half month and i am so excited but also im so pissed of by htc so when i see my phone im starting to dislike it for the lack of costumer service and these updates please , HTC start doing one thing and end it like it should end with no lag no buggs in softw also “MUCH BATTERY LIFESPAN” .