Hate iPhone 4 / 4S iOS 6, downgrade to 5.1.1
If you have already upgraded your iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S with Apple’s latest iOS software, iOS 6, but don’t really like it and would like to revert back to iOS 5.1.1 for whatever reason, you can do so as long as you have the iOS 5.1.1 SHSH blobs. Unlike the iOS 6 beat period, you do require your iOS 5.1.1 SHSH blobs saved for your smartphone because Apple has now stopped signing iOS 5.1.1.
So if you are one of the iPhone faithful that really wishes to downgrade to iOS 5.1.1, the guys over at iDownload Blog have come up with a video tutorial on just how to downgrade your iPhone 4 or iPhone 4s to iOS 5.1.1, and of course we have that video footage for your viewing consideration below.
In order to downgrade to iOS 5.1.1 you will require the latest version of Redsn0w, and they use the SHSH stitching feature to combine the iOS 5.1.1 IPSW file with the corresponding SHSH blob, and although if might sound a tad confusing, it is very easy as long as you follow carefully.
Firstly download Redsn0w 0.9.14b2, and the 5.1.1 IPSW file, you can do this by hitting up the guys website, then locate your saved SHSH blob and place it in the same folder as the 5.1.1 IPSW file. Next put your iPhone running iOS 6 into DFU mode, and then open Redsn0w and then click Extras> SHSH blobs> Stitch.
Next you click IPSW and choose the iOS 5.1.1 IPSW file for your handset, are stored on Cydia, click Cydia under the blobs section, or if your blobs are stored locally click Local and choose the SHSH blob for iOS 5.1.1 for your handset. Once you have selected both the blob and IPSW Redsn0w will then stitch them together to create an encompassing firmware file, and you will be able to use this firmware to downgrade.
In Redsn0w go back two pages, and click Pwned DFU, which will place it in Pwned DFU mode in order for iTunes to restore using the stitched firmware, if you don’t do this you will receive a 1600 error in iTunes.
Next open iTunes and it should find your device in recovery mode, and then Hold Option and click Restore and then choose the stitched firmware file, allow iTunes to completely restore your handset, you might be shown an error-1 from iTunes but do not worry. Open Redsn0w and click Extras>Recovery fix, put the handset back into DFU mode, and the Recovery fix should run.
When completed, your device should be completely restored back to iOS 5.1.1, and you are done. You can of course follow the instructions above, but you might fine it easier to follow the tutorial video below, so I’ll let you head on down and hit that play button so you can get to it…enjoy.
118 thoughts on “Hate iPhone 4 / 4S iOS 6, downgrade to 5.1.1”
Can anyone confirm that this works for iPhone 4S?
how, in order to get the iPhone 4S into a pwned dfu, there has to be some low level exploit in the boot loader, which there isn’t so there is not way to really downgrade
fake for 4s
It doesn’t work for me either on 4S
HOW cant pwned DFU? its says not supported for iphone 4s
exactly! you CAN’T! the software redsn0w says it doesn’t support it!
Do you know what the difference between an iPhone 4 and 4S? I don’t think you do buddy. check your MEID number! if it starts with 99……….. then it’s a 4S, if not then its only a 4. I would ask you to check if you have Siri, but people can put Siri on jailbroken iphone 4 also.
My 4s doesn’t have a single 9 in it, I know its a 4s from a factory reset I did.
How to download the shsh file?
i dun save SHSH blobs and m on ios6 now guys help me wt too do
You can’t do anything if you haven’t saved your old blobs. Blobs are unique to your device and many people are saying that 4s still doesn’t downgrade even with the blobs (although I’ve heard different, I don’t know myself since I got the 4s with 6.0 on it dammit).. And next time you post something like that – try two things
1 write some info like what phone you have
2 read the other comments since this will give you a faster answer in most cases since someone else already asked
You can’t do anything if you haven’t saved your old blobs. Blobs are unique to your device and many people are saying that 4s still doesn’t downgrade even with the blobs (although I’ve heard different, I don’t know myself since I got the 4s with 6.0 on it dammit).. And next time you post something like that – try two things
1 write some info like what phone you have
2 read the other comments since this will give you a faster answer in most cases since someone else already asked
Has anybody done this on a Ipad 2?
Awesome video and tutorial
Can u email me a blob please ?
blob is unique to your device. if you dont have it already, you are screwed. sorry. blame apple!
That’s what I thought……..so if your iPhone 4 didn’t get backed up before hand……you’re dead in the water….excellent !
I can’t get this to work on the 4s, redsn0w gives me a message saying it doesn’t work on 4s yet…?
help me. I bought my iphone 4s in ios 6 already. Is there any solution to downgrade to 5.1.1? I have another iphone 4s using 5.1.1 can i use it’s SHSH?
nope, none of use with a 4s can downgrade
Can someone email me a 5.1.1 shsh blob please HELP ME OUT
Your blob has to come from the exact same device you’re trying to downgrade. If you don’t have access to Cydia, you’re fucked.
What would be a real programming project would be to determing how the SHSH Blob is constructed/calculated. Then, one might be able to construct a low-level code (assembly language) app that could generate the blob.
The real stink-bomb from this point forward though is that Apple reportedly registers each Apple device’s blob or unique ID to prevent people from backing out of the abominations that is IOS 6, once the IOS 6 install completes. This is also why I wish the same fate for Mr Cook and the Apple Technical sh*theads as their predecessor, Steve Jobs.
Is it possible for someone to email a blob
My 4s won’t go into pwnd dfu mode. it says the iphone 4s isnt supported yet.
This doesn’t work on iPhone 4S morons and that guy confirmed it didn’t obviously hasn’t tried it. Limera1n cannot be used with iPhone 4S the chip won’t allow it, do some research before lying.
yes it does, but only on A4 devices.
4s isn’t A4 smart ass.
He probably did, BUT he doesn’t know that he has a 4, not a 4S. you’ll be surprise by how many people don’t know what they have.
Just Restored From iOS 6.0 Go Back To iOS 5.1.1 On iPhone 4-32Gb It Worked

Now My Phone Can Jailbreak Any Time,,, Thanksss !!! For The Video …
Keep Uo Good Work Man…
Where do you get an SHSH image ? I don’t have one, but would like to downgrade.
Doesnt work on 4s. Pwnd DFU is not supported. Either genuine mistake by phonesreview or sick joke:(
if i have no shsh blob from ios 5.1.1 from my own device i can’t downgrade ?
What is Cydia? Is the shsh blob file placed in the recycle bin by iTunes? can I find it there?
i am on base band 04.12.02,does it matter?
If you are trying to downgrade a 4s, it will not work. THE END. Until something new is released. This method is FAKE for 4s.
You must not have an A4 device. Read, watch, listen.
Wrong again. YOU read. It says iPhone 4S several times. Jesus.
if i knew that just in time i wouldn’t have messed up ! i have the White Screen of Death Now !! i’ll have to wait untill the battery drains completly and i’ll see if i’ll have luck fixing it !! :/
Guys if you had upgraded to ios6 & you don’t know how to activate ur phone ! just downgrade to another version ! i did downgrade to 4.1 for the phone of a freind of mine totally worked ! + jailbraked with RedSn0w ! + Upgarded to BB 6.15.00 And installed Ultrasn0w Fixer ! totally worked ! but i guess in 5.1.1 BB 6.15.00 doesn’t work only 5.13.04 should work ! anyway wish you all good luck ! if u still have your 5.1.1 but it’s bricked don’t boot or stuck you should save your shs blobs with ” Tiny Umbrella ” and than follow the tutorial above ! totally works !but be careful don’t mess up things you’d face the WSoD !! u won’t love it ^^
good luck everybody
Thanks a lot. It really worked on my i4.
taing udom I already upgrade ios 6 (iphone 4s) without saving shsh blobs and I want to downgrade it, any help?
wow…are tou stupid. What part of no blobs, no downgrade would you like explained?
youdun I already upgrade my iphone 4s to iso 6 without saving shsh blobs, and I want to downgrade it, any help?
This helped me SO MUCH!!! I spend weeks doing almost the same process and got no where, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
Great informative video but boy you need to slow down the way you speak – you get really over excited !!
It works for A4 devices… did you not read?
Pete, did YOU not read? Just CTRL+F search this page and you’ll se the author mentions “iPhone 4/iPhone 4S” several times.
Author: Fix this before more iPhone 4S users start this not working process on their phones!
Stop misleading ppl you idiot.The author should correct this.It doesn’t work for iPhone 4s
yes.. it doesn’t work for iPhone 4s,
You give us Pete’s a bad name..
I really want to downgrade my 4s to ios5.1.1 i have my old SSH i have waited alot but i dont know why they have not yet supported this for iphone 4s/a5 devices :S
Everyone please listen and just deal with it, you cannot downgrade iPhone 4s to 5.1.1.. Even jail broken devised. If you have ios 6 now the only way is to sell your phone and buy a new one or break it and get a new one with insurance that has stock 5.1.1. Fact!!! I sold my phone and bought another on Craig’slist and luckily the guy had not updated.. It sucks but it’s a fact
Just to let you all kow this will NOT work on the 4s
Ladies and Gentleman! really really really worked Great video! bemb!
your iphone is 4 or 4s?
Do you have to do anything to the host file.
I was jailbroken on 5.1.1 but I upgraded to ios 6 I did not know about SHSH blobs then, is their anyway Cydia would have saved them for me.
Yes.. If you were jailbroken on 5.1.1 and then upgraded Cydia will have them saved automatically… But million dollar question is.. are you on iPhone 4 or lower… If yes then only you can downgrade using this iP 4s does not work…
you can use tiny umbrella, it will download your shsh files from cydia and save them on computer
u can use tinyumbrella to save your shsh blobs..
i have iphone 4s its not working for that.. help me please
is there anyway to downgrade to 5.1.1 if you don’t have a shsh blob saved?
Does anyone have a copy of a SHSH Blob file that we can shared? I updated without thinking and I don’t have a copy of it anywhere.
According to what I’ve read, shsh Blobs are tied to individual phones and registered on a server at Apple; getting someone else’s iPhone Blob would do you no good on those 2 factors alone. I’m in the same boat and would do/ pay damn near anything (within reason) to roll back my 4S to IOS 5.1.1
yes, i have one but that is from my A5 device, will it help you?
Hey can I have a copy?
Hell no
4S cannot Downgrade
for iphone 4 or lower if you dont have .shsh ur stuck
cant share every phone saves its own
its worth a shot? c: can you upload a link? or send it to us?
Pl sent to my id
Please can you send me a copy of the iphone 4s shah blobs please for 5.1.1 my other halfs phone broke took it to apple and they replaced it today but come with 6.0 on it but she dosent like it mj_cooper69@hotmail.co.uk many thanks if you can send me then
Yeah sent to my I’d pl jillusmart@yahooIco.in
send for mee tooooooooooo
why don’t show how to do this on iphone 4s
iphone 4s is an A5 device not A4 therefore this does not work for iphone 4s or ipad2
but please, by any means, if anyone with an iphone 4s was able to downgrade their device please share how you did it.
i followed the steps used someone a friends SHSH blobs and it worked until the iPhone bricked. The i did a normal restore and it came back to life thank god I know theres away how can i get around the SHSH blob stituation?
Whoa whoa, so it is possible to downgrading iPhone using someone Shsh blobs? Teach me to do it mate!! Email me the steps! praaadipta@gmail.com thanks :’)
ok so what if we dont have SHSH Blob File does that mean we are really doomed and wont be able to downgrade I never jailbroken my iphone before never installed cydia and never save my firmware.
I tried downloading ios 5.1.1 firmware but its not working when clicking restore in itunes or even in cydia
this didn’t work for me but it gave me a good info and was able to get the job done but used redsnow not itune to restore my iPhone 4
what about windows xp?
Sucks for me cuz i got my 4S recently and they put iOS6 on it even though i told em i wanted iOS5.1.1 and they said they would >.> frustrating
Till now i didn’t found way to downgrade my iphone 4s :'(
Please some one fuk aple.. They are fuking everyone. An unethical fuking bullshit company.. Your downie started……
This guide just have so much wrong information…
why write in topic about 4S and downgrade to 5.1.1 when redsn0w current version 0.9.15b2 can’t handle iphone4s in stitch mode?
You can only downgrade old phones 3gs and the iphone 4…..
And when someone with iphone 4s tells it wont work, someone will post “it works” but they do only have the iphone 4 when testing… lol
to get your unsaved shsh from cydia you can use tiny umbrella and connect phone in regular mode and save them. shsh files will be saved in c:useryourusers.shsh
it can be named abit difrent, i just direct translate folder names from my foldernames
will only works on ios versions phone have bean jailbroken on..
i was enjoying my jailbroken 4s 5.1.1 till one time the resolution just changed and started displaying itself 1/4th of the screen.trust me i tried everything and couldnt navigate thru my phone i had to restore the firmware but IFUCK wasnt signing 5.1.1 no more and i had move up to ios 6. i HATE my iphone now, i have to wait God knows how long for untethered
So… this is not working for iphone 4s? Is there a unthetered jailbreak for ios 6?
but my Iphone is not shsh can you help me ?
Join the campaign on FaceBook:
iPhone IOS 5.1.1 Rollback Petition
Good luck.
ok, does anyone know if i can downgrade a 4s from iOS6 down to 5, using my shsh from my old iphone 4??
you CAN’T! even if you have the SHSH for your 4S. it ONLY works on iPhone 4.
No… Every iphone have its own individual shsh.. Apple had stoped
Signing 5.1.1 if any one upgraded to ios 6 then he is stucked even me too..
Now the solution is to wait for ios 6 jailbreak..
If anyone has iphone 4 or 3gs with saved blobs he can downgrade
Using redsn0w but not 4s..
PLEASE let us download a copy os 5.1.1 shsh blobs? PLEASE PLEASE.
i have an iphone 4s, running on ios6, is it possible to downgrade to 5.1.1?, i have the shsh blobs, both local and remote on cydia..i lend my iphone to my girlfriend for the day, she accidently updated it, soo im up shits creek without a paddle..lol please help thanks.,
You can get your SHSH blobs on tiny umbrella even if you didnt manually save it. Cydia automatically saves your SSH blobs and can get it remotely on tinyumbrella… i got my shsh blobs for 5.0 all the way to 5.1.1 coz i update and jailbreak every version…
sadly i have ip4s and Pawned DFU doesnt work
can someone send me the ISO 5.1.1 for iphone 4 GSM plz my internet is to slow to download it pls help mauricemicock@gmail..com
i need to update my iphone all of my icons are gone on my home screen ……….to fix this
erroe (-1)WTF!!!
Yeah it worked on my iphone 4s! Its funny because i really dont have to downgrade it since i already have ios 6 jailbreak. I just wanna try.luckily it worked.
how did u do that??
i dont have a shsh blob sved for 3gs!!1 please help!1 PLEASE
u can used tinyumbrella to save your shsh blobs.. open tinyumbrella and save shsh
I like how this article talks about downgrading iphone 4 and 4s AND they have the video tutorial for it. The title for the video mentions A4 DEVICES. Meaning the iphone 4…not the 4s
This is the A4 chip (iphone: 3G, 3Gs, 4) not support for A5 chip (iphone 4s).
Mind can’t downgrade as well (4s)! Anyone, share for A5 chip.
shsh blobs u can get with programa the name is Tinyumberella its free
Yeap!!! : ( I was very excited when I read the title.
“Hate iPhone 4 / 4S iOS 6, downgrade to 5.1.1”
An hour later I realized it doesn’t work on my Iphone 4S. He clearly estates in his video that this works for A4 devices only, Buuuuuut, the title says other wise.
I beg you, please correct it ASAP so Iphone 4S owners don’t waste their time like I did. Thank you for your good intentions anyway.
Hello! Apple Fans. I just bought my newly Iphone 4s a few days ago and when i got home, suddenly my iphone 4s updated to iOs 6. Im not happy with it, i begin searching everywhere about rolling back/downgrading, but some of the Apple’s users says they dont support it or permit it. Then i took another search, and i found out about SHSBlabla. Sad to say i didn’t have it, i’m just new with this stuff. i was critically ashamed about apple’s world, they are super strict. It just like, you have no right to enjoy most of it, no freedom and support. You know guys, i prefer Android because they are everything, you know what, they even support xda-developers like rooting/unrooting, altering the cores,modifying a roms,kernels(engine) and everything! A FREEDOM! But Apple? nothing ? I am part of XDA-Developer and i owned several low-Androids unlocked to its full great potential and inside-cutomized. Well, is apple serving the community/owners a better knowledge and wide-support? how about rooting or Jailbreaking? why would we are not allowed to downgrade? did we just buy our apple and its strictly not to enjoy most of it or EAT it? and you call Genius? F-Apple! I might go back to Android!
when will redsn0w be able to downgrade an iPhone 4S ?
yea. very true. Downgrading 4s running ios 6 back to 5.1.1 won’t work with the latest redsnow. At the moment your stock!!
So simple.
If you did not save your SHSH Blobs but you have jailbroken it. Connect your phone to tinyumbrella and fetch your saved shsh.If it does not fetch something.Then obviously you’re out of luck. You’re dead. You can’t downgrade a 4S.You upgraded to iOS6 and that’s your stupid mistake.You can’t use someone’s SHSH Blobs since this blobs are unique ids and is only tied to one device.If you really hate iOS6 then sell your phone. Buy a Nexus 4 or S3 save yourself some money.
Simple. You have an iPhone 4/3gs.You upgraded to iOS6 you have no BLOBS then you’re stuck with iOS6 you want jailbreak.You can jailbreak iOS 6 tethered(semi-tethered). Worth a shot. Try it.
please i like to downgrade my i phone but i don’t have shsh bobs of 5.1.1 any one can send me on my mail id?
can someone send me their SHSH blobs for ios 5.1.1 and ios 5.0.1to my email-alterekm@yahoo.com
ahhh that sucks