Over here in the United Kingdom, if you want to take advantage of a WiFi enabled location you usually have to put in a user name or password to connect your device. However O2 UK sees thing differently, and as such they have now released the O2 WiFi app for both Android and iOS devices.
With the O2 WiFi app it doesn’t matter who your mobile or broadband contract is with, as the O2 WiFi app is for everyone regardless. You can get O2 WiFi on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop in thousands of locations such as McDonalds, Debenhams, Costa, Café Rouge, on streets, in other public places and more.
All you need to do is download the O2 WiFi app, which is for Android devices, the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4/4S, iPhone 5, iPad, and the new iPad mini, then register using the application and when you are on, you are on, with no passwords or user names.
Using the O2 WiFi app is simple, as all you do is select O2 WiFi in your device settings the first time you enter one of O2’s hotspots, after which whenever you enter an O2 hotspot you’ll automatically connect.
With the app you can register for O2 WiFi wherever you happen to be in the United Kingdom, not just when you are in a hotspot, locate and receive direction to hotspots even when offline, and also get answers to any questions you might have.
With the application the user can check emails, watch videos on YouTube, upload images to Facebook, and all at ten times faster than using 3G, and can possibly help you save cash, as it doesn’t eat into your mobile data allowance.
Thus for those Android and iOS users that haven’t yet grabbed the O2 WiFi app, the iOS faithful can grab the app for free from iTunes, and likewise the Android faithful can download the app for free from Google Play.
Are you using O2 WiFi yet?