Forget HTC One S Android 4.0.4 update, Jelly Bean required
We always try to let readers know about new operating system updates for their phones and tablets and although recently we’ve reported more on the latest Jelly Bean updates we shouldn’t forget that some people still haven’t had a taste of 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Today there’s some news for owners of the HTC One S on T-Mobile as the 4.0.4 ICS update is now rolling out. However we think plenty of HTC One S owners will be thinking ‘forget 4.0.4, we want Jelly Bean.’
The update began being pushed out yesterday and some HTC One S customers that used an update back in September may already be on the latest software and won’t need to upgrade. This latest update is for HTC One S phones currently using software version 1.53.531.16 or alternatively version 1.84.531.2 and will bring version 2.35.531.10 and 4.0.4 ICS to your device. The update is being pushed out through December 30 and if you want to install it manually simply hit Settings then About Phone followed by Software Updates then Check Now and follow the instructions. On the other hand you may want to wait for the OTA notification for a more simple method.
If you wait for the OTA update you’ll need 140MB or over of free space on your HTC One S and at least 50% battery charge. Some of the benefits include better Wi-Fi stability and a new user interface and there are also many bug fixes. For instance problems such as a data connection delay, signal fluctuations, Wi-Fi connectivity dropping, random reboots, skipping of streaming music and more should all have been corrected. You can find out more about the 4.0.4 ICS update at this T-Mobile US support page.
However, although some HTC One S users may be pleased to get the update we feel there are likely to be many of you who would rather be getting 4.1 Jelly Bean instead. This later OS has already begun rolling out to plenty of devices or is in the pipeline very soon. At the end of October we told how Jelly Bean had just begun rolling out to the HTC One X and HTC previously stated that the One X and One S would be among the first devices to receive the update to Jelly Bean so many One S owners may be wondering where their Jelly Bean has disappeared to.
Yesterday we also told of a leaked HTC list of devices that would definitely be receiving Jelly Bean. The good news is that the HTC One S is still listed, however the bad news is that there was no timeframe mentioned. We’d like to hear what you have to say about this. Are you an HTC One S user on T-Mobile waiting to savor Jelly Bean? Send your comments to let us know.
25 thoughts on “Forget HTC One S Android 4.0.4 update, Jelly Bean required”
i have been a long time user of HTC phones, but because of the delays on receiving updates I am thinking of jumping ship to nexus.on my next one.
I can imagine a lot of people are like that. HTC have all ways been slow creating updates but I think that is because they are small company.
I still think Sense is worth the wait personally, but Google Now and offline voice would be great for this year!
Well that suck. There is not even a leaked ROM on XDA. I wondering if they are having major problems cooking the ROM for the hardware!
Then again it would be nice if it was 4.2 instead of 4.1.
just as Kimberly implied I’m taken by surprise that a mom can profit $5262 in one month on the network.
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straight to 4.2 would be a baffling, yet welcome surprise.. long as it came before 4.3 is announced.
Yeah it would be nice.
Don’t upgrade HTC one x to jellybean if you like to drop and use videos on your phone. It was so easy before as you just connect and drop the files into movies and they usually play. Now they ask users to use HTC sync. to upload and it is a mess. I am yet to figure out how to bypass the idiots at HTC who have screwed up a previously perfect system. Can the HTC guys please stop trying to fix things that work well. I am now trying to downgrade to icecream because it works for videos. All I want is to use my phone as an external drive instead of using the HTC app.
This is my first HTC phone, leaving Samsung in hopes of a more intriguing system. So far, the phone seems fast, but the update schedule for latest Android system is the same lag. Everything gets delayed.
I am an HTC One S user on T-Mobile and I’ve had ICS 4.0.4 since I got this phone 3 weeks ago and I’m so upset Jelly Bean isn’t coming out anytime soon! My patience is running low here, HTC & T-Mobile! I was originally going to buy the Nexus 4 but didn’t have the patience to wait for it to become available again, so I decided to just go ahead and buy the One S since I heard it was going to receive the JB update before the 30th. Mehh so much waiting!!
3 weeks and you’re getting impatient, lol!
Yeah, I have had 4.0.4 since.. idk yeah a Very long time ago. Maybe September. I also have tmobile. Jelly bean isn’t really that different especially with sense. I mean, on a nerdy POV sure, plenty different, but for the standard user such as myself, I’m so incredibly happy with my HTC One S that I still havn’t bothered to root it and that’s even after having it since May. I think I will keep this phone till at least May but more likely, september or christmas 2014. If anything I will switch to the Galaxy Note 2, but I’ve gotta fall in love with that first. #HTCONESBESTPHONEONTHEMARKET
scratch that, I meant christmas 2013.. haha.. me keep a phone for over 2 years… what a joke..
Right now, Jelly Bean offers only a couple of neat features over my stock One S. Down the road, though, HTC’s delays may be more maddening as even-cooler features are available to others, but not to me. That’s why my next phone will be a Nexus regardless of possibly-cooler hardware from others.
I was a HTC fan since the days of the touch but after the way HTC treated us Flyer owners I jumped ship, that is why my next phone is a Nexus 4 – at least I will get firmware updates for a while – forget your customers and they’ll forget you.
I’m an HTC One S user on Vodafone. Forget 4.1, I want 4.2!
Yes i have 4.0.4 last month htc one s c2, waiting for another update the jelly bean much excited
yes tired of waiting
HTC have always been awful – their early phones used to drop to bits and how their phones are just like everyone elses, they can’t even keep up with updates. My wife bought one of these against my better wishes, I’ve unlocked it (UK) and I STILL can’t get the upgrades. Not only that but the descriptions for doing it manually ask you to check for numbers that are not available to view on the phone as far as I can see.
I have Jelly Bean on the One S now.
I’m not too bothered about waiting any longer for jellybean my brother’s got it on his galaxy s3 and frankly i don’t see what all this hype is about
It’s a phone people…only a phone. Will you even notice the difference between JB & ICE? I love my HTC One (though wish I could get rid of the cruddy T-Mobile apps on it). I used to be a long standing Samsung user but their upgrades were almost non-existent. I jumped shipped and couldn’t be happier.
It’s only a phone, but a damn expensive one. You can definitely tell the difference between ICS and JB if you understand technology. That happens to be the majority of users with Android handsets. Benchmarking also reveals a dramatic difference.
I like htc but this latest update to jelly bean for my handset is taken to long
I have the htc one s on three uk i am thinking of getting a iphone 5