Galaxy Note 2 Verizon edition treated to Jelly Bean 4.1.2 update

We always endeavor to bring news of operating system updates for different devices and today it’s the turn of owners of the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 on Verizon. This smartphone is now being treated to 4.1.2 Jelly Bean in the latest software update. Some owners have already reported receiving the update so be ready for it to hit your device.
Software build JZO54K.I605VRAMC3 is a large update at 246.5 MB’s for Verizon’s Galaxy Note 2. This latest software upgrade will bring users Jelly Bean delights such as more apps supported for multi-window mode including Gmail, Google Maps, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Amazon Kindle.
More changes include improvements to Exchange email syncing, Wi-Fi connectivity, VZ Navigator integration and text messaging. There are also various email, alarm clock and calendar tweaks and users will now find that Group Cast becomes Group Play.
The estimated download and installation time for this system update is 12 to 20 minutes and owners of the Galaxy Note 2 will receive notification to their device. If you want to go ahead with the update when you receive the notification then tap OK twice to begin the installation.
Before you begin though you’ll need to ensure that your Galaxy Note 2 battery is fully charged and also that you have a good Verizon Wireless or Wi-Fi signal. If you want to see more about the update and full instructions for this software upgrade then head to this Verizon page that will tell you everything you need to know.
We’d like to hear from readers if they’ve already received this update to let others know it’s on the way. Also if you have already upgraded what do you think of the benefits of Android Jelly Bean 4.1.2? As usual we’re always happy to hear your thoughts.
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