HTC One S (T-Mobile) battery problem reports after Jelly Bean update

It was only a couple of weeks ago that we informed readers about the arrival of the Android Jelly Bean 4.1.1 update for T-Mobile’s HTC One S phone. However we are now hearing reports that some users are having a battery life problem with their HTC One S since they updated.
This update was a long time coming to T-Mobile owners of this device and finally they could reap the benefits and delights of Jelly Bean. Now it seems that in some cases owners of the HTC One S have now got an issue with the battery life of their phones. For some it seems this is so drastic that in fact they may be wishing they’d kept their devices running Android Ice Cream Sandwich instead of the much-desired Jelly Bean.
A thread has emerged on the T-Mobile Support Forums where many owners of the carrier’s HTC One S are complaining that their phone’s battery life has been badly affected after the update to Jelly Bean 4.1. The issue appears to be a significant problem for some although not so bad for everyone. Some feel that that this issue arises from the phone’s GPS as it seems to be still using juice even when switched off although nothing is certain at this point.
One person’s forum post says that they contacted T-Mobile technical support about the problem and followed step-by-step instructions in a bid to fix the battery drain but that nothing changed. Others describe the update problem as “horrible,” “terrible” and even “a total disaster,” while another user says that their HTC One S battery used to last for between 13 and 16 hours and that has now gone right down to only 7 to 8 hours.
It certainly seems to be a real problem for some HTC One S users on T-Mobile and we’d like to see just how widespread this is. Are you a T-Mobile HTC One S owner and have you updated to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean? If you have updated have you noticed any change in the battery life of your phone and if so is this a minor problem or a more significant issue? Send your comments to let us know.
Source: T-Mobile Support Forums
31 thoughts on “HTC One S (T-Mobile) battery problem reports after Jelly Bean update”
Drain the battery until 0% then start the phone. The life of my battery is around 15 hours daily after the upgrade
Yep, certainly problematic. Used to go to bed with ~20% juice left, now is in the single digits when I get off of works, sometimes dies in the car on the way home. At least 30% reduction in life after upgrade
I think I know how to fix the problem! just turn off the location thing for when taking pictures, this is easy to find in the gallery settings
The reason I found out there a problem my phone just turned off and I had to recharge don’t think draining your battery wil fix anything
Thought I was the only one with this problem….I guess not. It used to last me from 7 am to around midnight, now after updated to jellybean it only lasts from 7 am to 3 pm. And Its in my pocket most of the time and the battery still is draining. They do need to release an update to fix this especially after the long ass wait we had to go through!
I own an S and so does my wife. Her phone would last over a day on ICS, while mine okay at 16+. Now, both TERRIBLE on JB. LLoses over 10% power hour just sitting in her pocket, mine even worse. Horrible, terrible, are polite.
Same problem here … 13hrs+ down to 7-8hrs … yes this needs to be escalated with T-Mobile Support … and hopefully the fix would not take another 6mo. BUMP!
Try using power saver mode
it still sucks i have it always running
the battery drain was made worse by jellybean update. Before, I had on average a 10% drain per hour… after update, it went up to 20% drain per hour. I installed Go power app and the phone went to an average of 8% drain per hour.
After the update the abnormal battery drain is kinda sporadic, it’s very common though and definitely noticeable. It seems that the phone gets hot too. Is there a way to downgrade?
I upgraded and this am at 7am my phone was 100% charged and now at 155pm it is 21% charged wow That is unbelieveable, my wifi calling and gps are disabled.
This is definitely a problem. After looking into the battery usage setting on the phone, it is the GPS that is using 78% of my batteries life, although my GPS is disabled.
I’m betting it is Google now causing GPS to stay running.
Go to settings, battery usage, up service, location settings. 30 seconds after doing so my phone cooled down and ill bet my phone won’t die while laying idle over night. Try it out and comment if it makes improvements
After upgrade my phone went from charging once in 24 hours to charging every 5-6 hours. I turned off GPS, location settings, and the Google Now service (which had some impact) and yet still have the same battery issue. I wish downgrading were an option. HUGE letdown on this amazing OS adaptation
The battery life is horrendous. I used to be able to get over a full day if I really needed to stretch the battery out, but now I can get (maybe) 10 hours with light use if im lucky. I can watch it drop if i want to. My battery dropped two percent while reading this story and writing this comment.
yes is a major issues, also wifi calling is horrible along with this update and drains battery fast
Updated to Jellybean and now I’m regretting it. My phone seems to have to be connected to a charger most of the time. HORRIBLE BATTERY LIFE!!!!
I have updated to jellybean and yes battery has suffered. I am even using the power saver that has now been added to my notification bar with WiFi turned off and GPS turned off and I can’t make it thru the day without phone dying.
I just upgraded to jelly bean on htc one s is a total disaster , beside battery problems, maps stop working ,and it affected my camera its not as sharp as it used to be , please dont upgrade to jelly bean it will ruin your phone ,
I’m haveing the Sam trouble batter went from 12to14hrs on a charge down to not even 8hrs. Talked to tmobile and they sent me to HTC and they had me do a factory reset and don’t help. The Tech told me he hadn’t heard to this issue.
This is strange… my HOS with Vodafone UK was upgraded to Jelly Bean a few months ago and the battery life is now way better than it was, dropping only about 30-50% over a day with the ‘power saver’ set on.
I updated my T-Mobile HTC One S to Jelly Bean last week. Yes, the batter life is reduced. It used to work for 1.5 ~ 2 days. Now, I have to charge after 8 hours.
My finding is the GPS remains on even if I turn off all applications.
My wife has another T-Mobile HTC One S which uses the old firmware. It works much longer. DON’T UPGRADE this firmware if you haven’t do so!
I updated to jelly bean a few days ago. I’m having issues with internet browser, speech to text, sluggish keyboard response, lower earphone volume, unstable performance overall and increased battery drainage. Total disaster.
I also updated to Jelly bean a couple of weeks ago, on my HTC One S. But since then the battery life is terrible!!! It barly last for a day. And I didn’t do anything with it (no games or long phonecalls). And before this update it last 2 and some times 3 days.
Is there a solution?
I updated to Jelly Bean and now my battery life has degraded. Also, I noticed that my phone will cut itself off after a couple of hours with no activity. I want the old system back until this can be fixed……………………………………………..
I updated jelly bean couple days ago within the next day I noticed horrible battery drainage. This is horrible. What can I do to fix this issue?
I pretty much cant use my phone after this upgrade, bad battery life but can hardly hear people talking to me now…crap
updated almost two weeks ago. at first i thought i was leaving the brightness up too high or leaving data and wifi on too much and the background autoupdate was draining but when i tried to remember how long id been having the issue it traced back to the time of the update. the t-mobile website says to turn off wifi calling as a temp fix but lets see if it does anything at all. not satisfied with this turn of events
Tmobile is pushing out a new update to resolve the battery drain problem. Anyone here try it yet? If so can you let us know if the problem has been resolved?
Is it some strategy that HTC is following to sell their new products???