iPhone 6 or 5S wait stalls sales and security feature news

There is plenty of attention focused on the next iPhone at the moment that is likely to be called the iPhone 6 or iPhone 5S. It seems that production may not be too far away with many hoping for an introduction at Apple’s WWDC in June followed by a release within a month or two afterwards. Now it seems that sales of the iPhone are stalling, maybe because of the upcoming iPhone 6 or 5S and we also have a snippet of news on a possible security feature.
There’s a lot of disagreement at the moment over the title of the iPhone for 2013 with a recent inventory spot suggesting it may be the iPhone 6 rather than 5S, although we still feel an iPhone 5S is the most likely option. Whatever it’s eventually called it will no doubt be another huge success for Apple even though a new Canalys report on the last quarter says that demand for the iPhone is now at the lowest level since the first iPhone was launched in 2007.
While the mobile market sees tablet devices as the fastest growing product there is still growing demand for smartphones but whereas Samsung’s smartphone business rose by 64.3% year-on-year achieving 30% of the smartphone market, Apple’s annual smartphone growth was only 6.7%. That may not sound great but it’s important to remember that Apple still shipped 37 million iPhone units.
It is apparent though that the likes of Samsung and HTC are really bringing something new to the table with their latest devices such as the Galaxy S4 and HTC One and it seems that many people feel that the iPhone is becoming a little stale. Certainly if Apple could come up with something more groundbreaking for the next iPhone it may see its share rise but there has been widespread speculation that the next iPhone may only be an incremental refresh while a more major upgrade won’t come until next year.
Canalys principal analyst Pete Cunningham sees the size of the iPhone display as the biggest stumbling block and says that Apple must take note of the current trend for high-end phones to have larger displays. There has been plenty of talk about the possibility of a bigger display on the next iPhone but of course nothing has been confirmed yet.
Of course some of the drop in growth for Apple iPhones at present could simply be because many consumers are waiting for the iPhone 5S/6 and are holding out on purchasing a currently available iPhone to see what the next has to offer. However, it does seem that Apple needs to really up the ante with the next iPhone in order to rejuvenate demand and satisfy not only current iPhone customers but also gain new ones.
In another piece of news you may have heard of recent rumors that a fingerprint sensor could be a new feature for the iPhone 6 or 5S. Again nothing has been confirmed about this but Paypal chief information security officer Michael Barrett added some backbone to the rumors when he recently spoke about the fingerprint security revolution that could replace the use of passwords and PINs to unlock devices.
Barrett spoke at Interop, Las Vegas and certainly implied that Apple’s iPhone release for this year will have a built-in fingerprint reader and that this would mean the feature becoming available on more devices. Barrett said that a large technology company based in Cupertino (of course Apple is based in Cupertino, California) would be launching a phone this year with this new fingerprint security feature and putting two and two together that makes the next Apple iPhone. For now though, Apple is keeping quiet on this as you would expect.
We’ll be following this with interest and wonder what you think of these latest developments. Do you think Apple needs to come up with something more than a minor refresh for the iPhone 6 or 5S? Would the addition of a built-in fingerprint sensor make the iPhone 5S/6 more appealing to you? Send your comments to let us know.
Sources: Know Your Mobile AND MacWorld
18 thoughts on “iPhone 6 or 5S wait stalls sales and security feature news”
They definitely need to step it up. It seems like in terms of technology the other makers are ahead of apple now. I love my iPhone but if there is no huge changes I will be upgrading to the s4 instead of the iPhone 5s/6.
Ive been with apple since the 3Gs. Recently my contract was up and I was able to get a new phone. I ended up selling my iPhone 4S on ebay and then I joined the dark side and bought my first Android phone, The Galaxy S4. Its taking me a little bit to adjust to it, but I’ll say that the more I use it, the more im starting to love it . Ive always been a huge fan of apple. So for me to make the switch to android really means somethihg. Apple needs to step up their game. If they lost me as a customer, I can guarantee others are doing the same.
Yes I have done the same I have been Apple since 2007, but made the switch to Android with a S3 took a couple of weeks to adjust but I am so pleased I made the switch, if core users like me are switching then its a downward path for Apple now ‘Im afraid
It’s going to be hard to upgrade the iPhone. Apple themselves don’t have a free ecosystem to work with. That’s what makes Android so great. And another screen size would cause more fragmentation for Apple. LoL!!
But a fingerprint scanner on a phone is old news. Or does no one know about the LG Expo? Built-in Fingerprint Scanner and optional attachable projector. 2009. That was the coolest thing ever. Can’t hack into a fingerprint scan. LoL!!
But then I wonder. Would the fingerprint scanner be the new home button? I’d love for companies to bring that back.
I have been with the iphone since day 1. I currently have the 4 because the iphone 5 was a joke. They have to step it up. Go to the iphone 6 with a better screen or change your name to nokia.
There is NOTHING new about fingerprint security features. Other phones got this already. I had an iPhone 4 and it was great to own an IPhone when Apple was at the top of the game. Apple was great two years ago and I am not loyal to any brand or company, we are in a free market and I am not stupid. I will buy either a Sony Xperia, Samsumg or HTC ’cause they are the real deal at the moment, Let’s face reality: the iPhone 5 came out completely out of date, nothing new or useful. Lot of people were foolished to buy it and so they did. Apple is already so behind the other companies.
Probably Apple marketing and advertising will brainwash people saying they invented a revolutionary security feature and millions will believe this and buy it, who cares? Is your money so you do whatever you want, but the iPhone era is gone.
If the new iPhone comes out with any kind of NFC/wireless connection Apple will probably say they “invented” this technology and millions will be foolished again and run to buy an iPhone which is wireless (Xperia Z got wireless headphones along with many other). It makes me impressed actually the way Apple manages to brainwash people. Let’s see what Apple will bring us. If they do something really nice I might change my mind. Good luck Apple!
Apple will always be better than any other Phone such a Samsung defiantly ! Samsung Fail miserably with the design and the the fact the phone is so weak! the lay out Its disgusting Nothing will be better/beat iPhone apple with there “Smart Design” and Lay out! specially the STORE! iTunes Is big and Massive, Every other smart phone just trying to copy but add a little Change to it! iPhone Invent These amazing Idea’s! Samsung Xperia Z Just copy From rumors of what the iPhone will happen, Its obvious All read up from rumors of iPhone Samsung or Xperia Z come along and add it, Don’t worry apple Always knows how to Win back with there amazing Staff! We wont FAIL!
I don’t think I have ever read such a deluded post. With people like you on the apple bandwagon apple will just continue to release complete rubbish and judging by your post it’s not like they’d have to try hard to convince you to buy it either. I guess apple really do target the sub 100 IQ market.
I guess your sarcasm/bs radar is broken…
Your punctuation and your grammar (not to speak of your word choice) are less than immaculate as well, my Goaty friend. He/she/it is obviously a troll, possibly a paid Soviet spammer. Your minor annoyance is this poor botmaster’s bread and butter. Graciously pay the anti-troll movement (and free Internet surfers everywhere) a favor by NOT RESPONDING to this idiot’s flaming. Do the rest of us a favor and keep the comment threads clear.
me like you!
wow.. are you that dumb?
Fingerprint feature as new would be nice, however novice and maybe inmature technology.
But most important to me is a much fatter muscular ‘male’ phone by adding much more Battery Power! Current designs are too thin and too light.
What I want is like before 3 days worth of battery power while using full features (G3, GPS and 5-hours calling per day etc.). So please save me the extra milimeter, give me extra size and Power. Fingerprint jet comes secondary for me.
Just release a God damn iPhone 5S with 4.5″ screen (same size with back metal piece on iPhone 5 and no home button but keep the same chassis size) and a little more processing power/RAM. That’s enough to kick competitors’ butt while working on iPhone 6 for next Summer with 5″ screen and a little larger chassis. Now, that’s what we call “Think Different”.
IPhone has one of the worst cameras out there. Desperately needs improvement to Galaxy levels.
I definitely would pick up the new iPhone if it has a fingerprint security feature. I also would like a wireless port charging option as well. Advanced Siri by syncing with other devices would also be cool and to top it off with optional colors. I’d buy it and also with a home button that simply needs touched is a great idea that I’ve seen on YouTube. I hope these features exist on the next iPhone.