HTC One on Verizon evidence mounts, fingers crossed

The HTC One has been flying off the shelves and in the US many Verizon customers are still hoping that this smartphone will come to the giant carrier. Recently it seems the evidence is mounting that Big Red may soon be carrying the device and now some further news also adds to the speculation.
Last week we told of speculation regarding an HTC event at CTIA on May 22 and how originally it was thought that the Nokia Lumia 928 would be announced there. However the Lumia 928 then became official earlier than expected so it seemed more likely that the event would be for the HTC One coming to Verizon.
Further to this a couple of days ago we told how Verizon was now offering the HTC Droid DNA for free. As the success of this handset was one of the reasons originally thought to be why Verizon was not offering the HTC One, this news led to even further speculation that the HTC One might be incoming to the carrier. Now a new model number for a mystery HTC device has been noted, adding to the anticipation.
A device that has just received Wi-Fi certification is not named but is definitely an HTC smartphone with model number PN073XX and it’s thought that this corresponds with number M7_WLV and part number PNO7310 and so could be the HTC One Verizon variant. The HTC One offered by AT&T has model number PN07120. The new smartphone is confirmed to have LTE connectivity and dual-band Wi-Fi and it does seem likely that this is the HTC One for Verizon. This deduction comes from a Japanese website Blog of Mobile (Google Translated) that has often provided reliable information about upcoming devices.
We certainly hope that this all adds up and definitely turns out to mean that Verizon will soon be carrying the HTC One as we know that many readers are eagerly awaiting this device on Big Red from the many comments we’ve received about this. It’s not too much longer until May 22 when we may finally hear some good news about this so fingers crossed!
Are you a Verizon customer hoping that the HTC One may be on its way? If there is no announcement about this on May 22 would you consider jumping ship to AT&T, Sprint or T-Mobile to get your hands on the HTC One or maybe think about purchasing a different smartphone altogether? Let us know by sending your comments to us.
20 thoughts on “HTC One on Verizon evidence mounts, fingers crossed”
I won’t leave verizon as I have 5 phones on the plan but I won’t be happy as there isn’t another phone that I want
if the HTC one comes to verizion…. I will switch to verizon or else I will have to stay with sprint im afraid
I will be leaving vzw if they don’t offer the one. I also hope they don’t change the zero gap aluminum body!
I will be going with t-mobile if no htc one on Verizon! and no I don’t want another dna crap I want the vBulletin one!!
People have been leaving already to other carriers even before contract end if you look at the carrier forums. I may not wait to the 22nd and just go to AT&T. Verizon probably wants a 16gb variant so you can use more data.
Exactly. You just hit the nail right on the head. See the HTC DNA for proof
I have been limping along way to long with the original DINC2 on Verizon hoping for the HTC One to be announced..
You and me both!
Me three!
The droid incredible is the original and that’s what I’ve been rocking for 3 years. I need the ONE
HTC and LG are the only 2 phone company’s I haven’t owned, so I was considering the one as my next phone, but i’m not sure if I can settle for a snapdragon 600 and let it slide that they didn’t up the gfx till the 800, really I don’t see a whole lot of point to the 600… Better power consumption?
Verizon needs to get phones with more storage especially android phones and stop using the stupid excuse of adding things to an SD card. The truth is lots of Apps can’t be added to an SD card and if they are using up 8gb of their 16gb phones with their Verizon Bloatware they should not be selling any Handsets with less than 32GB of internal memory especially now in 2013. The other thing is that people switch carriers to get their handset of choice and in the memory capacity that is suitable for their needs..AT&T understands this and is using this to their best advantage over Verizon. I am in the process of moving to Verizon from AT&T and I would really like to see the HTC One/Droid DNA2/Droid Butterfly 2 or whatever they want to call it in 32GB from Verizon, if not I will have to root their Galaxy S4 or be limited to its stingy 16GB or its 8GB after their bloatware is put in.
I’m a VZ customer and i’m going to switch to TMO if nothing is announced on the 22nd. I’ve been waiting for this phone to come out since i’ve heard about it. I was also willing to pay full price for this phone and/or break my contract and move over to another carrier.
I still don’t understand why VZ has to run a series of “tests” before they bring out a phone.
*crossing my fingers in hopes of the VZ HTC One model comes with expendable SD slots
They run a series of tests, because they build all kinds of custom bloatware into the phone so they can track everything you do and throttle and block stuff. And they don’t have wifi calling like t-mobile. Just switch.
So they can lock it down and add tons of bloat ware. Im so tired of Verizon, why did I go back to them. Sigh
I just hope they are able to carry some varient of the 64g model as well, but it seems unlikely since att seems to have exclusive rights to it. Its like wtf man
I am absolutely prepared to jump ship to either t-mobile or sprint if this thing is not coming to Verizon. As for AT&T, not a chance with their throttling over 5/GB and (like Verizon) lack of an unlimited plan and ridiculous two-year contracts.
Dont make the mistake of going to Sprint. Trust me you will regret it. T-Mo is a great carrrier though.