Samsung Galaxy Note 2 & S3 Jelly Bean 4.2.2 update incoming

Those of you that own the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 or Galaxy S3 and waiting for the new Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update might like this news.
We have received many emails via sources (Not going to mention them) suggesting that Android JB 4.2.2 for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy S3 is incoming and could come within the next 48 hours, we have emailed Samsung and other sources to verify this and have not had any replies just yet.
We are hoping this is all true, and if it is then you could see the new Jelly Bean 4.2.2 on these two smartphones within the next few days. Back on May 10th SamMobile tweeted news about the update (See below), since then no one has verified release dates.
Android 4.2.2 for high-range devices from June #sgs3 #note2
— SamMobile (@SamMobiles) May 10, 2013
Now if we go on the June release like SamMobile tweeted and the emails we received then it looks promising that in June owners of these devices will see the update, so here is hoping the 48 hour window is correct.
We also heard that the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and S3 would in time get Android Key Lime Pie, but we believe the next update will be 4.2.2 and then will stop at that. It will only be new smartphones such as the Galaxy S4 and future devices getting the KLP treatment, we might be wrong.
Please let us know if you own the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 or the Galaxy S3 and waiting on the Android 4.2.2 JB update?
208 thoughts on “Samsung Galaxy Note 2 & S3 Jelly Bean 4.2.2 update incoming”
Im dying waiting for this update…… I’d love to have those camera features from S4 to my Note 2
Yes I am. I check up on it everyday. Would love to have my phone updated to 4.2.2 for the big fixes and all the jelly bean features
Good News : Update is very close : the only bug on my note 2 is that every 3 days needs a restart to fix the stuck autorate feature. I hope thats solved, waiting for more fetures like 360 camera.
Bad News(Rumour): Hope thats false: ”but we believe the next update will be 4.2.2 and then will stop at that. ” No KEy Lime Pie ???
lets just be happy for this update, we will be blessed for some of the S4 goodies
S3 and Note II have been confirmed by Samsung that they will get update to key lime pie
That is bullshit this site even reported that note 2 and s3 were getting key lime pie unless they are just trying to get some quick page views again
Youre wrong. Saumsung updates almost all of its old phones to the newest software It can run. For example the s2 came out with android 2.3 and is now at 4.1. At least the note 2 will get it because its definately powerful enough to run it.
Looking forward to it.
I own a note 2 and have been eagerly awaiting the 4.2 update for my device! Especially for the photosphere!
Mine (S3) is updating now…. 53% and no idea which update it is yet!
My S3 started updating about 10 minutes ago
Robben what country are you in and is it 4.2.2
I wish we could receive the Jelly Bean 4.2.2 and then the Key Lime Pie update
im counting every sec from past three months for this update
Well, the update just finished and I’m VERY disappointed… It was a 47mb update and my Galaxy S3 is still on 4.1.2. Must only be an update to fix bugs and issues…
I’m in the UK btw
I loved your 88th minute goal in the Champions League final dude
I thought im using the complete 4.2.2 version, never thought its only a beta version when it released on 20+ May 2013, no photosphere the one i really waiting for.. now me is desperately waiting for this android version.. searching google for this like every 2 hours -.-“
You stole my name!!!
Sorry, your post came up with my name until I refreshed the page haha
I just got an update from Verizon. It was 129.1 mb but didnt give a description. It is in the middle of updating now.
Same. It’s updating…
It wasn’t 4.2.2 (I figured because of the small-ish size), but it was a pretty decent update regardless.
Long overdue I say I have a note 2 and would love to have
Some of the s4 features
I don’t know what my update was. It is still android 4.1.2. All I see that changed are additional apps.
Same. I think that might have been an update to get ready for the 4.2.2. But that’s just my opinion. It added a weird gallery setup and multi-windows. Press and hold the back button.
Note 2 here, always waiting for a new update. Releases always come too slowly.
I have the note 2 and am seriously waiting for the upgrade.
im going crazy, they need to hurry up and send it out
Please post here if any of you get the 4.2.2 update….waiting impatiently over here
On the Sprint Note 2 by the way…
i hope its true, although i have exams but im still waiting and thinking about it!!!
What is klp ?
Android 5.0 key lime pie
I hope its true! Want very much new feutures of s4 to my s3
any news for Canadian users ?
Yeah, if it does come out then s3 and note users might get s4 features. I got s3 by the way.
What you all are forgetting is that even though Samsung pushes out the update, its up to the carriers to push it to the customers. Dont expect it for a month or two.
still Waiting for Update.. S3 owner here.. still no update here in Philippines.. can’t waaaaiit… XD
I think only international version gonna be updated… others hav 2 wait for month or so
Note 2 owner here and anxiously waiting
No update her in Norway but i hope we get it soon.
Been waiting so long for this, can’t wait!! Excited.
been waiting for so long, almost wish they’d drop the Key Lime Pie on us for the wait hassle.
Can somebody tell me what KLP means? Please.
Key Lime Pie will be Android release 4.3 or 5.0. The actual dot release number is currently unknown.
S3 on ATT hopes that it comes here but then again its ATT so i wouldn’t hold my breath
Got an S3…holding my breath. Hopefully, CM will grab KLP when it comes out and I’ll be able to flash that too. The XDA version of the leaked 4.2 ROM is already available.
Hialeah, Fl, no update over here yet. i own the note 2 t889. i check everyday for the release. dale!!!!
Miami in the house and checking everday VIGOROUSLY…
Nothin yet on my tmobile note 2
San diego cal
No update on network three for the s3 in uk at the moment. I hope it arrives soon I’m fed up of waiting.
Waiting eagerly for 4.2.2 for Note 2.
Note 2 from Los Angeles… still waiting.
Just got it in Houston 4.2.2 note2
Lol no you didnt
I have TMo as well. When did you get it?
Tmobile just got it 30mins ago
Were are you located I have tmobile haven’t gotten it yet
S3 – Chicago Sprint: no update yet
Stop crying people. You have not had to wait a long time. We should count our blessings that we have JB at all. My son has an 18 month old HTC Rezound that is still stuck on ICS 4.0.
Note 2 user from Romania, still waiting for the update
I own a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and am waiting for the update.
I got an update to day but it to small about 59 MB
I don’t have to wait for anything.
yesterday i bought an s4@
I9300 waiting for 4.2.2
Galaxy s3 sprint. Still waiting auburn, al
Note 2 with Verizon and waiting for the update but more waiting for the Note 3 or maybe the new HTC Phablet??? I love my Note 2 though and almost went for the S4 but I will wait for the next “Big Thing”….
Jimmy Drew
What was the verizon update that someone mentioned about 15 hours ago.
I’m waiting for the update for my cricket sgs3.
Lol good luck Verizon, AT&T, etc.. you guys will be the last to see the update.
Well I’m on AT&T. All I’m waiting for is the international release. Once that hits, it’ll only take a couple of hours for the devs at XDA to port it to the AT&T version.
Note 2 fm Philippines no update yet to JB4.2.2
same here.. still waiting for the update..
I just received the update for my international Note2 version….but after update nothing new…at all
why ?
In middle east, when I view my phone info it keeps saying 4.1.2 not 4.2.2, I dont know what is the problem
in which country you got the update………..
no update yet in pakistan
anything new in 4.2.2?
Not yet update
Lucky you
Just received the update.. only 59mb….. bt am still on 4.1.2
The sane happebd witg me, also a red border start showing on screen
Not yet update in malaysia…
Cant wait but I have a wired sing it says “N”
galaxy s3, Switzerland AUT – no update yet!
no update AUSTRALIA Note 2…….
I have the Galaxy s3 and I’ve been waiting for this update for the longest.
same here.. i’ve been waiting for almost 5 consecutive days straight.. tssskk..
All the latest updates have already been installed . Grrrrrrr. Note 2. Greece but biught from uk internet
No update here in India I have international samsung galaxy note 2
No update in the UK yet, lol
same her no yet from algeria,,????????
Still waiting for cricket galaxy s3. I just believe it will be updated after a month honestly i know these guys but still waiting and hopefully comes soon.
Ya me too got fed up by waiting
I9300.. waiting for the JB 4.2.2.. cant wait to have the new light effect just like in s4…
My note 2 update today but sad to say its not 4.2.2..its still the same JB 4.1.2..
I truly believe that yes there is an update but will be released way later on this month. From all 100 comments i read so no one has successfully updated their devices. Ill just ignore and stop waiting til it comes. Samsung never promises =(
Same here.. so tired of waiting.. i almost visit this site evry single time just to know if there would be an update. Haay
Have a feeling it ain’t coming
I think so….. :(((
I truly wish it comes
These guys aren’t going to send the update so soon im getting irritated by waiting so im not going to check now. When it comes ill update it….. and SAMSUNG SUCKS…
It really sucks dude.. they’re just keeping us waiting.. and waiting.. and waiting…….
Jelly Bean 4.2.2 finally arriving.. soon..
Ya im too much fed up im getting so irritated that I feel like throwing the phone but after all thats my money not samsung thats why I didn’t
@ SAMSUNGCRITIC . Can u just tell me the date when will it arrive if u know
No ETA. But some sites says that it is finally arriving.. and that is the final call. Let’s just all wait patiently. God Bless us all.
When u put on Internet in India
When u put new update on Internet
And what is future
The Jelly Bean 4.2.2 will be coming out.. get ready for the final hours -post by sidhtech site.
hope this is really true.. still waiting here. XD
Still waiting! Arghh. Will not be sleeping tonight until I get an official news!
Same here…its killing me the wait!!!!
I don’t think it’s releasing. It’s more than 48 hours now. Disappointed again. I thought that I would have a new firmware to play with during my holidays. Sadly, no
yaah.. same here.. they’re just keeping us waiting and waiting. you’re right. it’s almost more than 48 hours already, and nothing is released… nothing to update.
Yup, still nothing…guess it was just bs
chezstill waiting!!!!can,t wait
I keep coming here every single time to see if anyone has updated to jellybean 4.2.2 sadly, no one have. Its true, its been more than 48 hours and I am getting very disappointed by Samsung. Why can’t they just tell us when will be released instead the having us waiting like crazy.
You’re right dude. All that we want is to know the ETA for the update. Instead of having us wait to death. We all here are very much disappointed. They’re just keep on telling us that it’s coming. Blah blah blah.
Oh no oh no.. it’s coming..
I don’t think so…
i got it!!! i finally got it!!4.2.2 on s3..Nah i am kidding..
Im tired of wating. And 48 hours ended 24 hours ago
Yep, no update after all uhu :/
yea. Lily .
My uncle asus nexus 7 already have jb 4.2.2 last week..
See I happen to think this won’t be the last update for the note 2. It’s hardly had any updates anyways. Maybe for the s3 this will be it, but it seems samsung is trying to update all its phones as long as they can.
Its a fake guys dont believe this kind of note 2 just updated last june 1 but nothings change its still JB dont put a lot of hope.
Im tired of wating. samsung sucks…
If you have the Samsung Galaxy S3 or the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and you have been patiently waiting for the update to Jelly Bean 4.2.2, this is your lucky day as we have news.
We had had some emails from some sources, not mentioning any names, that says that Jelly Bean 4.2.2 is heading to the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and the Samsung Galaxy S3 and the update could be here in just 48 hours. We did ask Samsung and other sources for clarification, but are waiting to hear back.
If this is true then the two devices could have the update within the next couple of days. On 10th May SamMobile posted a Tweet about the update, however no one has verified the release dates.
SamMobile Tweeted about a June release for the update and so it is looking promising, thanks to the recent emails, that owners of the handsets will get the update very soon. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the 48 hour window turns out to be true.
We also heard that owners of the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 along with the Samsung Galaxy S3 will be getting updated to Key Lime Pie. However we think that this will not happen and the last update will be to 4.2.2. We think that it will be just the newer devices, such as the Samsung Galaxy S4 that will get the Key Lime Pie update, however we could be wrong.
When did the 48 hours start?
How many 48 hours will Samsung take to update I’m not gonna believe our. I think it’s all fake
Been waiting for it long enough every time i check the internet the only thing i get is ” It’s coming soon” s3 owner
Here it is an official samsung mobile reply to my question “Google has no planned upgrades for other devices yet, however Samsung is considering upgrading Samsung devices to Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. Specific upgrade plans will be communicated separately. Samsung will stay committed to responsibility for its customers as much as possible.
From Samsung Mobile”
So Samsung is still considering???? This means the update is not ready yet????
Yes Samsung may be working on an update or may not..Don`t get all hyped up after you read news on the web, or leaks from insiders.The update may come or not..I am thinking that they have a very poor customer support, even though they focus so much on marketing and advertisements they lack common sense or they don`t want to invest in customer support. You will never know anything for sure with samsung, great gadgets, but poor customer support.
Evry one are liers…cant wait anymore…mother fuckers
Ammata hukannaaaaaaaa ikmanata update eka warennnnnnnnkooo
eka thamai ban me Hutha ikmana ta enne naa ne,,
ayyo salli
There’s nothing more we can do.. we all just have to wait till it comes.. that’s all..
Has anyone on Verizon gotten the update yet
so tired of waiting! might consider rooting my phone for the update!
Samsung is expected to release its latest Android 4.2.2 official firmware for the handset by the end of June. -posted by ibtimes.
Yup, just read the same in another page …I won’t trust another post until I read it from Samsung …
Yup.. i wish it will be OTA next week. whew.. HTC one release of jelly bean 4.2.2 will be on june 16. hope sgs3 too
My crystal ball says next week…
It is next week… and still no update
well 4.1.2 is very stable, even after initial releases of 4.2.2, we should wait, because we know those contains bugs, also there recent history like sudden death syndromes and so, it’s very risky to update phones initialy.
well I told u that update is coming this month so be ready … it is coming
lol mind explaining what do you mean by term “crystal ball”?
I just got an update form 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 but I’m waiting for 4.2.1 or 4.2.2
Looking forward to it…
Bed wetters!
WTF?!!! S4 get update today… what about S3 and NOTE2?!!!!
Omg guys!!! Check the software update!!!! There is one rolling outttt but mine says check later!!! Is it android 4.2 or? Anyone knows?
have s3 from Cricket — still waiting for 4.2.2 official update — any idea when official update might happen
Omg! My s3 (int) is downloading a software update package 62.54 MB, is it for 4.2 or????
Nvm…its not the 4.2…was something else…
Is there are any apps that I could download for my galaxy note 2 to transfer my data to my sd card? No apps seems to work right!
Its on the phone already its called My Files.
where is OTA 4.2.2 update for Note 2 ?? :'(
been waiting…
i updated manually on S3 And Note2 with odin and its work fine
Did you get JB 4.2.2. with manual demand? Or just 60+ Mb upgrade for 4.1.2 ?
how did u update note 2 to 4.2.2? is released already?
I manually updated my S3 to jelly bean 4.2.2 leak version
I9300XXUFME3 with odin
and i am waiting for the official one i am very pleased from what i see
I’m gonna update tomorrow manually note 2
Guys which is the best best rom for note 2
I got a firmware XXEME2, but not sure what has changed :s anyone?
Still waiting…
Is the update worth having, or is it not noticable?
The reason I dont choose Samsung ANYMORE is because they cant have all user to have up-to-date firmware. Just like only brand new phone will have the latest firmware example like Note2 and Galaxy S4 which S4 would be latest but Note2 doesnt have its firmware. Not like iOS, all iOS device can always up to date with a totally new firmware even iPhone 2G,3G and others.
Have you ever owned a Iphone?? If you did, you wouldn’t have said that.
ur right. sometimes some cellphones have outdated hardware which is not suitable for new os. and sometimes its due to de market strategy too.
I don’t think they will release the update soon. they’re targeting sales for S4 so, they won’t let it happen. So we better exchange our s3 to s4. heh. ^^^
I agree…. but they should release 4.2.2 for note2 and s3 soon… waitin badly
I have the S3 mini and am eagerly waiting for 4.2…
ko yakoo taamath nane..
heard they r having issues in porting the new touchwiz from S4 so they r gonna delay a bit
god i cant wait to get android 4.2.2 on my note 2
….samsung please solve it asap!! 
I had some update last night of 59 MBs on Note II, but my Android version remained the same (4.1.2). Maybe they updated kernel or something?!
Does anyone know?
I wwnt and need the update on my note 2
Waiting for the update for my Note II
I’m tire of waiting for the 4.2.2. We are the only one in the planet stock with the 4.1.2.
If by the end of june there is no update well, byebye Samsung.
how long are we going to have to hear an announcement for 4.2.2 before it finally gets released??
iPhone is starting to look a lot better…
Currently updating mine now, galaxy Note II on Vodaphone network UK. Try manually updating because my automatic update didnt pick it up!
when given a update to note 2
and what are different in note 1 and note 2
i getting angry
note 1 user having 4.1.2 version
note 2 i m having 4.1.2 version
plz give 4.2.2 update to note 2
samsung earning more money to customer
so now samsung dont carring the samsung customer
apple given a coninues update to iphone and ipad users now enjoying
but android samsung not announ the 4.2.2 update
what happen the samsung
when samsung given the update to note 2
ooohhhhhhhhhh samsung kindly give the update
iphone going to announ IOS 7
still andriod samsung not given the update
and what are different to note1 and note 2
please give a update do need full
note 1 pixel is high
note 2 pixel is low
note 1 now current version is 4.1.2
note 2 current version is 4.1.2
then why announc note 1, 2, 3 samsung cheatting the peoples
samsung tell 4.2.2 coming coming cheating the samsung customer
how long we will wait? it’s too long.. don’t wait that samsung user will go for apple.
I wish sprint would hurry and samsung
Samsung customers will go to apple I have already thought about it
Just updated my Sg3 to newest version 4.1.2 June 27 2013. Thought it would be 4.2.2. Guess not:(
Im trying to hold out for the update…and get it the right way but custom roms are calling my name. It shouldn’t take this long..Verizon and sprint got the update. Att holding out is only going to result in a loss of money on their part, anybody with a s3. Isnt due for a upgrade just yet.
anyone know what’s coming with the 4.2.2 update. Mine seems to be running perfect without it. Any extras will be added. I have to troll a little sorry those of you bashing Samsung and saying you are going to apple have fun. I’m not a big iPhone fan. BTW some of us here could do with some English lessons. The Note 2 is my favorite phone of all time so far. It s super fast and smooth. Battery is excellent. its the perfect size since they slimmed it slightly. and the display and camera are amazing. Samsung didn’t like the way touch wiz was performing and as soon as its ready it will be released.
Waiting on the android galaxy note 2 update 2.2.2. I’d say galaxy note two is better than every other phone because first it has a massive screen and has the s pen and has a battery life that lasts longer than any other phone. So I’m looking forward to this update and many others down the road.
Today is July 1st. I am on AT&T. I have a Note II. I have not received the 4.2 update.
Same thing here its July 1st and still no update on my Galaxy s3 I even tried to update my phone but there is no update available. Still
I am a sprint customer, I know I not get an update until next year because it’s the
Sprnt work. Then they probably take some things out. So my who has Tmobile
Laughing at me cause he get all the updates. I have note 2 and sprint still sucks.
4.2.2 Sammy, where is it? July 8th and nothing
I have s3 n note2 both.
When I get 4.2.2 version.?
yes ihave note2 and waiting update
yup note 2 still waiting