Samsung Galaxy Note 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update with SlimBean Build 6

If you are the owner of a Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000 and want a taste of the latest Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update then we have news that may interest you. Although this update is not yet officially available from Samsung, it is possible to receive the update via the popular SlimBean custom ROMs. We have further details ahead about the Galaxy Note update to 4.2.2 Jelly Bean with the SlimBean Build 6 ROM.
The information we will give you here pertains to the Samsung Galaxy Note with model number N7000 and not to other models of the same device. We have brought readers news of previous SlimBean ROMs on many occasions, and there are likely to be many people who want to try this latest build. However, it’s best to proceed only if you are confident and don’t mind tinkering with your device.
The SlimBean ROMs offer a smooth experience and Build 6 is 4.2.2 Jelly Bean-based. This latest build has many new features, but we should point out that as this is a custom firmware and still in the developmental stage there is always the possibility that some bugs and issues might exist. As usual though, any such issues are likely to receive fixes in further ROM progressions.
Some of the key features and changes with Slim Bean Build 6 include the addition of DC-HSPA+ to the framework, major improvements to the T9 dialer, added Power Dis/Connect Notification sound options and Added TruView for the camera. There’s also TRDS 2.0, updates to DashClock, added Auto-Brightness sensitivity, fixed BT MAP request and much more.
At this point we’ll give our usual caution and say that at Phones Review we can never advise tampering with your devices or using custom ROMs. If you choose to go ahead then it is at your own risk, and you are responsible if anything goes awry. Nevertheless, we appreciate that many of our readers are Android enthusiasts who enjoy this aspect of owning a smartphone, and so we give you the relevant details so that you can make an informed decision.
As always when installing a custom ROM there are a number of pre-requisites that you should follow before you go further. These include backing up your important data and ensuring you have at least 80% power before flashing the ROM. This avoids the risk of your device turning off once installation begins, which could brick your phone. You also need to enable the USB Debugging mode, and make sure your phone is carrier unlocked and has an unlocked bootlader. You will also need Galaxy Note N7000 drivers installed on your computer. Please remember these instructions are for the Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000 and not for other models of this phone. If you are unsure of the model number of your device then head to Settings followed by About Phone on your device to find out.
You can download the SlimBean 4.2.2 Build 6 ROM here and Google Apps/Gapps here. At Droid Firmwares you can find further details on this ROM, with a full feature list, necessary download links, pre-requisites, tips, and finally step-by-step instructions for installing the ROM.
We’d really like to hear from readers who install this JB 4.2.2 SlimBean Build 6 ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000. Did you find that everything went smoothly? What are your thoughts on the benefits of using this ROM? Let us know with your comments, and share your information with other readers.
3 thoughts on “Samsung Galaxy Note 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update with SlimBean Build 6”
nobody want your custom rom
I just downloaed the slim Jelly bean custom firware and this does not give you S pen features, you lose S note and copy and cut options, also the interface is not as nice as 4.1.2 so I would wait for further releases before trying this. Im back to 4.1.2 as I only wanted to update due to poor battery life with 4.1.2 on the Note
I seriously dont understand where all these ‘news’ sites are featuring old 4.2.2 stock android roms all of a sudden as if this is new. Its not. and this isnt news. What WOULD be news is if you reported on when SAMSUNGS 4.2.2 rom would be released.