Samsung Galaxy S3 & Note 2 Android 4.2.2 update news

Owners of the Samsung Galaxy S3 and the Galaxy Note 2 are currently seeing their handset sitting on the Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean operating system, but recently hopes have been raised by certain quarters that the Android 4.2.2 update will shortly be arriving and today we have some possible bad news on the matter.
Hopes were recently raised that the Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update would soon be released for owners of the Samsung Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2, but now the same source that originally broke the news, SamMobile, has taken to its Twitter page to claim the software is going to be delayed.
Now it has to be remembered that Samsung has never given a release date for the software in the first place, but it is being claimed that a new version of the company’s TouchWiz Android skin needs to be tested before the new firmware begins its journey out to end users.
Shortly after Samsung showcased the Galaxy S4 the company promised that many of the new features on the device would eventually be pushed out to older handsets, so this could be the reason for the delay so Samsung can makes sure these work correctly.
The two handsets have been promised to eventually get pushed up Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie and although this will be a long way off, it will mean there should be no danger that the two handsets won’t see Android 4.2.2.
Samsung has been busy in the last few weeks updating operating systems on its hardware, and only yesterday we heard how the bug fix update for the Galaxy S4 had spread to more regions. A few days ago we heard how a number of owners of the two handsets were looking forward to the update as there was hope that Samsung would include the feature of being able move apps to the microSD card.
For many users this won’t be too much of an issue as like myself they will have a number of apps with plenty of room still left, and I have the likes of Real Racing 3 installed onto my handset that takes up at least 1.2GB along with a number of other applications and still have plenty of internal storage space left.
Do you still think the Android 4.2.2 update will still arrive this month?
9 thoughts on “Samsung Galaxy S3 & Note 2 Android 4.2.2 update news”
Samsung really need to pull their fingers or I’d their ass’. This is getting ridiculous.
They want their firmware to be better than io7 which is a good thing
My Note 2 still works great without this update so I’m not getting myself all worked up about it
It will arrive sooner or later just use your device and stop moaning people? Samsung hasn’t even given a release date so it’s Not delayed it’s the rumour mill that caused the appearance of delay. I personally really do think that Samsung is the only Android handset maker to release so many updates for so many of their devices and trying quite hard to update handsets I had HTC before waiting for their updatesis a long haul (if ever) and most of the time HTC handsets really need the update to fix issues something I’ve not really seen with Samsung. If the update was ready I’m sure they would push it out but obviously it’s not and I don’t want an untested buggy rom to be pushed to my handset I’d rather wait!
Yeah right.. much better for telling us users of s3 and note 2 why the update is still not coming to our devices. then now we will just sit back and relax, and wait for that update to rolled out. thanks..
Agree – better to confirrm “update will be not available before end of June” cause we do …. and then release version Jun’29 or Jun’30
Every S3 or Note user will be happy.
I’m S3 4.1.2 owner and have problem connecting to WiFi – waiting for new software, don’t like unoficial releases or leaked versions. No time to play with not checked versions or trying to repair some bugs.
Prefer wait.
Now .. I m gonna sell my note 2.. s4 here I come
Is it s4 better than note2 ?
Yeah It is better…. but not dat great to upgrade to s4…. I will prefer waitin for 4.2 or note 3..
really hoping for the move app to sd feature arrives!!!!!!! i have only the essential and i have no free space at all!!!