Sony Xperia S update with bug fixes promised

After a false start owners of the Sony Xperia S begun receiving the Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean update last month that saw a staggered release so would have taken a while to reach all end users, but trouble is a number of problems were reported after users installed the software. Now a Sony Xperia S software update has been promised soon to bring some bug fixes.
According to reports the Sony Xperia S will be getting a new firmware update from next month that will address the bugs found in the recent Android Jelly Bean update, and it is due to be released in second week of July.
It is thought the new software will fix issues with the NFC feature with owners reporting that they have had problems transferring files, and there have been reports from some users of having problems with the camera app and lag.
Other issues reported also include increased battery drain even with the device is set in the Stamina mode, and volume keys have been found to be unresponsive at times. This led Sony to push out another version of the Jelly Bean update only to be met with owners reporting problems with Wi-Fi and 2G connectivity.
It is not known if Sony will push out the same software update for the likes of the Xperia acro S and Xperia SL that also received the update recently. The company had promised more news of the Jelly Bean update for the Xperia ion but whether this has been delayed because of these problems remains to be seen.
Have you had problems since updating your Xperia S?
Source: Xperia Blog.
13 thoughts on “Sony Xperia S update with bug fixes promised”
Same problemes, the camera was better in ics even in the pic mode, in the web you can’t switch from tab to another by sliding ur finger anymore, that was a good feature and now it is gone in the jb update
I’m certainly experiencing battery drain. It also canceled my contact images which no longer show on outgoing or incoming calls. I’m told they may have moved to the SD card. One further observation. White is the one color that makes the screen work harder yet Sony after telling everyone to dim their displays gave the text messaging and contacts apps a white background. A bit thick really, especially if you text a lot.
I updated to JB my Sony Xperia SL 3 weeks ago, since that day battery drains 3X more that when I had ICS, I would like to know if Sony is planning to fix that some time soon or if there is a way to go back to ICS that works very smooth
Funnyy over thee lastt few weeks my phone has been suffering all’ll off thee above includingg thiss issuee whenn iI typee butt iI am yett to receivee the jellyy bean update
I recently manually flashed the JellyBeanWORLD.ftf over and haven’t experienced any of these issues, in fact the Jellybean update has increased my battery run-time by at least 5 hours after installing Battery Doctor this has doubled =) there is still no news on a stable official UK update so i took the matter into my own hands, the results are impressive
so many bugs on xperia S/SL/Acro s jelly bean…so annoying…why cant sony fix it at once not one by one..i really hate the camera and video recording laggy…not that smooth when i still have the ICS…yes the UI is smooth but now the camera gets lag…and does have shady purple when taking picture…
Extreme amount of bugs, i just searched xperia S and found this to vent my rage somewhere after waiting so long for the initial disappointing update.
Firstly, the 2G, 3G cuts out a lot randomly whist browsing and becomes unresponsive, having to stopthe search and restart.
The camera takes it’s time to open.
Ever since the update the volume buttons choose randomly not to work. A restart fixes that until the next time.
Stamina mode is absolutely useless.
The versions of apps have as default been updates and the updates can not be uninstalled to older versions!!! MOST ANNOYING OF ALL.
The phone experiences a heck of a lot of lag now since the update.
The media player volume has definately taken a hit, seeing as my £200 skullcandy earphones sound fine in my iPhone and did in my Xperia S until the update!!
WHY WOULD YOU DOWNGRADE? The xClear or whatever it’s called is useless.
The sound settings do make a difference, but distort the music, not a good thing when my headphones cost as much as the phone itself.
Bye Sony, you have failed to deliver, luckily I am able to return mine back for a full refund and am processing it as we speak.
I shall never buy from you again, not even a Sony TV.
yes i cant assess internet after updating to jelly bean please help me
Yeah im waiting for the definitive update that they make us yo wait too long -.-
Sony You are loosing your customers.
heres what happened to mine after this update, volume up button doesnt work, video camera is laggy and will crash within 3 minutes and google chrome is on my phone. Anything but google chrome, im being serious.
Ive had my Sony Xperia S for almost a year, & some how decided that I would finally do an upgrade.
Seems there are SO many bugs in this release.
I CANNT access my sms service. Ive done everything i can find on the net to resolve.
Uninstalled all 3rd party sms apps. cleared the data.
But Im loath to do a factory reset.
Any other advice on how this can be resolved would be great.
my camera not even open after updating to jelly bean