Birthday Reminder app for iOS the easy way to remember

It can be quite easy to forget some people’s birthdays only remembering at the last minute before rushing out to the shops or purchasing some sort of digital gift or card, but today we have news of the free Birthday Reminder app for iOS that is the easy way to remember those dates.
This new free application will provide iOS users and easy way to remember people’s birthdays via their mobile device without the need of entering them all manually into the hardware. Birthday Reminder will automatically import birthday data from a users Facebook account or their address book.
Birthdays can still be added manually and the app will send a birthday notification to the user several days before the date of the birthday that will give enough time to send a card or gift via mail. Upcoming birthdays are listed soonest first so you will know who to shop for.
Users can change the settings in the app so it notifies them well in advance of anyone’s birthday, and they can even set the time of day a notification will be sent to them via their mobile device. There is even the option of switching off the notifications and use the application manually.
Birthday Reminder 1.0 is available free and worldwide on the App Store for owners of the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad running iOS 5.1 or later.
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