Micromax Canvas 4 missing price, specs affect orders

We have been keeping our readers up-to-date with the latest Micromax Canvas 4 details over the last couple of days, and this was helped by regular Facebook updates that tend to focus on pushing readers to pre-book the Canvas 4 without the final price or full specifications.
Yesterday, we published some details on the early booking numbers for Micromax Canvas 4 and these were thanks to a tweet on the official account. The numbers were around 4,000, although we didn’t know if this was good or bad for the Indian market and expected Canvas 4 sales.
Micromax Canvas 4 missing price and specs affect orders — it has become clearer each day that by leaving out the full Canvas 4 specs and final price, Micromax has created a situation where a lot of people are waiting for these details before ordering.
It is true that you can get a refund if you pre-book and don’t like the Micromax Canvas 4 once everything is revealed, but it seems like a lot of people won’t commit any money until they have the final specs and price.
The latest tease landed on the official Facebook page around one hour ago, although it doesn’t provide any new information and just explained “you can grab this now” with the image seen below our article. The picture also explains you could be one of the first to flaunt a Micromax Canvas 4 if you pre-book. This is all part of the marketing push, but are you buying into it?
Reactions to this latest Facebook post show a clear indication of frustration when it comes to a desire for the full Micromax Canvas 4 specs and price. One Facebook user stated, “Micromax should reveal the specifications first” and another said, “First reveal the specification and price”. These are just a couple of comments, but there’s hundreds more on the different posts asking for the same thing before they place an order.
Are you waiting for the Micromax Canvas 4 full specs before placing an order?
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