Instagram smoothie criminal hack locks out users: Update

Looks like a new password reset is in order after a new Instagram hack, if you like smoothies and salads you may want to steer clear of clicking these type of photos.
The new security issue is called the ‘Smoothie Hack”, some clever smooth-ie criminal has decided to post pictures of this drink, but once you click on them this is where the breach happens. The pictures come with some text trying to explain that they are drinking a new diet and that others should try it by clicking on a URL link within their bio, he wants you to try it with him.
This new Instagram hack is being mentioned a lot on Titter at the moment, and the links within the Instagram bio looks like they belong to the BBC. The strange thing is that the domain name belonging to the URL was only registered yesterday.
The Verge says that Instagram users are being locked out of their accounts, and this happened after they tried to reset their passwords. Even though these photos cannot be seen the URL are still showing up in bios. The domains were obviously created for this hack and we suggest you do not click any smoothie photos for now, some are even saying they had problems after clicking on salad pictures on Instagram.
If you see any mysterious URLs just keep well away from them, do not be tricked into clicking them and just stay with those that you can trust. Have you experienced the Instagram smoothie hack?
UPDATE: We have just had an update via email, please read the following:
Statement: “Last night a small portion of our users experienced a spam incident where unwanted photos were posted from their accounts. Our security and spam team quickly took actions to secure the accounts involved, and the posted photos are being deleted.” As a reminder, here is a helpful link to things that users can do to keep accounts safe:
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