iOS 7 download time countdown, get ready

Apple’s iOS 7 will release to the public tomorrow, and many people are eagerly waiting to update their iPhones, iPads and iPods. The mobile operating system has been completely revamped, so if you want to be ready for iOS 7 you might want to get prepared. It’s time for the iOS 7 download countdown, so get ready!
We’ve been keeping readers informed about iOS 7, and the first thing to note is that this will be a huge change that some might find take some time to get used to. However, many others will love the new look iOS straight away, and it will seem almost like having a new phone without having to pay anything.
Apple has announced that the new operating system will see a general release tomorrow, but as is usually the case, gave no indication of what time that might be. Recently we created a countdown tool based on the time that iOS 6 released last year, as this is the closest time we can predict. Our forecast is that iOS 7 will arrive around 9am PDT/ 12 noon EDT. That’s around 5pm in the UK.
The iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C both release on Friday and will come with iOS 7 built-in. However, if you’re about to update your existing device, you should check if it’s one of those that’s compatible with iOS 7 first. You can see full information about this here.
Now it’s time to get ready for iOS 7. One thing that you might want to take into account is that millions of people across the world will all be trying to update to iOS 7 the moment it goes live to the public tomorrow.
Some will download OTA (over-the-air) and others will choose to connect to their laptops and PCs but either way, many will be getting ready to hit the update button. Apple’s servers will undoubtedly be extremely busy, so you might want to wait until the following day before you update. Also by doing this, any problems with the downloaded will have been highlighted before you attempt it.
Before you update it’s important to back up your iOS devices in case anything goes amiss. You should also check that you have the latest version of iTunes installed and update all your applications. While you’re doing this it’s a good time to remove items not needed in order to free up extra space, such as apps, music and videos and have a general tidy up of your device.
You’ll then be well prepared for the iOS 7 download, but remember be sure you want to update before you begin, as it won’t be easy to revert to iOS 6 if you don’t like the new look. You can get an idea of what iOS 7 will offer at this review video of the Gold Master for developers.
We’re now all set for the iOS 7 download countdown, and we suspect many of you are as eager to update your devices as we are. Please check back with us from time to time, as we’ll bring you any notable news about iOS 7 developments.
Are you eagerly waiting for the iOS 7 public release? Will you be downloading the update as soon as it becomes available? Let us know with your comments.
258 thoughts on “iOS 7 download time countdown, get ready”
“…as it won’t be easy to revert to iOS 6 if you don’t like the new look.”
Other than jail breaking your iDevice how can you roll back to iOS 6? Once you’ve updated, you’re pretty much stuck with it.
shut up mate
Then don’t upgrade. Cower in fear in your little corner. Then when the world ridicules you for your weirdness, upgrade it. Simples!
There are many sites online you can downlaod preious OS for iphones. Download the correct one, open itunes click on iphone, hold down shift and click restore iphone. select the file you downloaded and boom back to the old.
give it a chance mate you havnt even tried it!! lol
thumbs up to Dans comment as i said that out loud as soon as i saw this comment lol.
Downgrading has been blocked for a long long time like that. That is why he mentioned jailbreak method.
Actually mate that’s not always true, there are some ways to downgrade regardless of initial IOS
I can’t wait
It will be awesome.
can’t wait
Yes, absolutely
I will be downloading as soon as the update is released. Waited long enough already!
so what if the servers are busy!
I can’t wait it’s about time to
I’m going to download it ASAP, I’m in Australia, so I don’t know if it will be tomorrow morning or night or what, but I really want it
i need a information, our expectation on ios 7 will get Graphic equalizer for better music listening anyone confirm us?
Can’t wait either.. it will be 9.30pm IST
9:30pm On 17th Or 18th (In India) ?
9.30PM on 18th of course
I have beta version Verry disappointed… Just a different theme ;( I wouldn’t get to worked up guys
nonsense. I tried the beta version for a couple of weeks. It was super awesome!!!
yeh ive got it at the moment. looks alot smarter and some features are great…. e.g call barring, control centre. battey life has improved alot also even with 3g on. Its about time they change the look into a new ‘era’. although i think the new iphones are a waste of time.
I have the iPhone 5 and iPad 4 and see the ios7 update as a much more sensible choice than scrapping these products and buying their newer replacements… Maybe apple should have not bothered releasing new hardware but just charged £50 as a one off fee for the seemingly total revamp of the software and perhaps just taken more time to develop hardware with a bigger reason to change…..
I agree with u the iOS should just change the phone and only major hardware update should make u get a new phone I never get the iPhone “S” it’s a waste of money for only 2 upgrades camera and speed or “finger print recognition.
The issue I find with Apple is that they never seem to perfect their hardware. They are too focused on releasing new products with ‘latest’ or ‘first’ tech but by doing this they open themselves up to problematic features. I am now on my 2nd iPhone5 within the last year. The first one developed a fault on the lock key and now this one the same, as well as an issue with the camera and I know that the new 5S will also have its glitches so why not take time and develop something totally new and for once provide customers with a real wow?? Haven’t we all spent enough on this company to deserve that?
I used to think the same thing when I had an iPhone4. Why get the 4s? They look exactly the same. Then I realized just how wrong I was once I did get the 4s. It was only about 100x better.
The iPhone4 to 4s was better I agree as they introduced a few useful software AND hardware changes here but again for those who do not use items such as Siri or predomently use WIFI for Internet connection is was not massively dissimilar… Don’t forget that the main change for the products this time is the ios7 update and in the situation of the 5 and 5s can there really be that much of a change to warrant paying for an early upgrade or shelling out for sim free if you are locked into another year of a 24 month contract?
Again with the 5c…. What’s the point here? It is only around £60 cheaper than the 5s and to be honest, if handset colour is important to you then can’t you just buy a case?
I just feel that Apple needs to do something totally different now as this dynamic is becoming a little bit of a farce now, in my opinion.
I had the beta version and one of the features I liked was the panoramic backgrounds that allowed you to tilt your phone and. The background would move to the panoramic photo
How about malaysia time? Please reply
1am thursday morning. damn i really cant wait any longer!!!
Will ur phone just automatic update it self or will we have to connect to iTunes and do it that way? Like can u just push update from the settings menu on ur iphone? And let it update over wifi
its best to do it through itunes. its faster, more reliable and easier to make a backup before you update in case of failure.
Also does the iPad have more features over the iPhone 5 with the new iOS 7 or whatever u can do on iPhone it’s the same on iPad?
Does anyone know what time in australia IOS 7 will be released ???
I have the same name, country and question! Haha
hahaha yup
i seriously cant wait for it to come out tomorrow !!
could i download it at midnight on 17th?
let me guess what time it will come out in australia, my estimate is 1pm EST
For us Aussies it will probably be around 4 am on Friday, because all these dates are for the US…sadly we’ll have to wait a bit until the US catches up in time lol
damn wait if you check Cnet they said it is tomorrow around 3pm or something haha
I wouldn’t count on it, the update is released globally at the same time, so 9am PDT makes it 2am EST but because its still 6am on the 17th for PDT it means we have to wait until 2am Friday to get it…lol I can’t wait but I think it would be better to wait a few hours because apple’s servers will be getting hammered in the first few hours because almost every one will be updating straight away, which would mean a slow download and possibly corrupted files
No it dose get release on the 18th we will not have to wait in tell Friday ok
It’s released globally at the same time, the 18th is for the US, since Australia is a day in front, it will be the 19th for us…
For those of you confused about how time zones work. It all releases at the same time, just check what your time zone is and add the hours. It’s not rocket science
is iOS7 going to be compatible with Kindle Fire?
No it’s not
what ?? Kindle ?
Yes, it will, & it will unlock the laser cutter feature of the kindle too.
Yes, yes, it will be completely compatible with Kindle Fire! It will also run on your toaster and your granny’s waffle machine.
IOS is compatable for Apple products only…
also with all Nokia’s phones
what time will it be coming out in Australia tomorrow? I’m so excited!
About 2am Friday morning
2 am on Thursday you mean.
Nope, I mean 2am Friday, check the time and date in America, it’s currently around 6am on the 17th for them so they have a whole day to go, meaning about 27 hours…do the maths and you’ll get to 2am Friday for us…
More likely 2pm Wed, which is midnight in New York
Yes but according to the 9am time they wrote above it would be 2am Thursday
ahhhhhhh it is the 18th of september so it should be out sometime today??? last year apple released the new iphone 2 days after the IOS update and they are releasing the new iphones in 2 days so it should be out today same like last year…
The 18th is for America, since Australia is a day in front of America, it will be the 19th when ios gets released, the iPhones will be released on the 20th but since we’re a day infront it will be the 21st for us in Australia…not that hard to understand really
i have begun checking software update hourly already. hoping for a miracle! jk
me too
It comes out tomorrow, probably 10am Pacific time.
the A7 processor is twice as powerful. kind of a big deal.
Not really, if the processor was fast enough to begin with, making it twice as fast doesn’t really do anything.
tell that to someone with an iphone 4
in iphone4 some features are missing in ios7 & the device is little bit slow (i am using ios 7 gm edition)
True that. I have an iPhone 4. I really want this new 5s. I’ll be up to make sure I get one on the 20th.
Waiting untill Update’s available >> *hits updat-button as fast as he can*
You are going to be hitting the button a lot of times. IOS7 comes out tomorrow (18th). Generally, IOS updates come out (at least the last 2 have) around 10am Pacific time, which is around 6pm GMT.
What time is it coming in canada?
I’m pretty sure that it is coming out on the 18th. Only because that is what apple said.
In what gmt time is the release of this ios?
If you live somewhere Taiwan, it should be released around midnight, probably 11:30 pm, or a little later
The common assumption, based on the time of the last 2 OSs would be 10am Cupertino time, or 6pm in the UK. That’s on the 18th, which is tomorrow.
Can you update from ios 7 beta to official ios 7 release?
What about australia ?
3am tomorrow
It an’t here yet
No, beause as the article says, it comes out on the 18th, which is tomorrow.
What time will it be released in the uk ?
6pm (probably) tomorrow.
6:30 Pm
It says the 18th for the people that are unable to read
What time lunching in india plz tell me
Vigbesh,get lost with this whole India ting.NO ONE CARES
Budbudbud u get lost again budbudbud
U mean ‘launching’
It will be 18th around 9:30 pm in india!
errrmm Lunchtime?
What time exactly in INDIA is it releasing tomorrow?
Don’t worry the link to download and update using itunes will be available all around the globe as soon as apple launches it anywhere first.
In all honesty, I’m happy with my iPhone5. I see no reson why I should rush and get the 5s, and yes I think it’s wise to wait a day or so to update, cause there might still be a few bugs that needs sorting out.
We’re not even talking about the phone jayjay.
We’re talking about the new iOS 7 operating system. Your phone will pretty much be like an iphone 5c/s besides a few things like fingerprint scanner and camera features among others
Are you serious. Its apple not Chinese company launching the OS. And if its released for people There will be no bugs. That’s what all the develepors are paid for man
what time is malaysia ?
what time in malaysia??
6 30pm
What about Malaysia
When in austraila
is it run in turbo iphone 4s..??
Wat abt india??
18th Noon or 19th Morning
Love that I live in Vancouver, same time zone as Cupertino, CA
So we get it first na na na na
You lose, plain and simple
Don’t really know how that means you’ll get it first…
Apple just said that they have delaied the release of ios7 to 20th.
conformed news
India 8:00pm
Dubai 5:30pm
Malaysia 6:30pm
Egypt 8:00pm
Canada 1:00pm
Australia 8:30pm
Singapore 5:00pm
China 6:00pm
In uk what time?
UK 6:30pm
Stop giving false information you f****ing knob!!! Canada is 16 hours behind Australia not 7 and half hours. Checking your info before posting. For those kept asking for the f***ing time, you all own an iphone, go to world clock and add a clock for San Jose California, and when it’s 8am there, you know you can star downloading.
You’re the man
Hey f***kn Peter Lee dont try to fool people around with your bull Sh*t. You pice of Sh*t. Go f***k ur self a** hle
U Motherf**kr go to hell with confusing lovely ppl
Hi, I can’t wait, I will download it tomorrow. Is the IOS 7 download the same as IOS 6?
Great. Is IOS 7 is it coming out tomorrow or Friday?
No!! It’s like a whole new phone
Can I download it in setting
I’m pretty sure you can
Great. I can’t wait for 6:30pm tonight in UK
What time in South Africa
South Africa 8:00pm
9AM since cupertino, California is 9 hours behind Johannesburg.
What time in the netherlands? ;3
Netherlands 4:00pm
What time in Sweden?
Sweden 5:00pm
thank you
Philippines 6:00pm
Germany ????
Germany 3:00pm
what time in uk
UK 6:30pm
Thank You
Oh no …..
whats wrong?
Nice, Waiting
Czech republic?
Czech republic 5:00pm
When in Brazil?
Russia? ))
when would ot be in lebanon
Wht time in UAE ?
No update in UAE.. Sry.. Its said on apple website, check it
waheey no iOS 7 for you
Hey brother
What time in india?
australia , sydney
what time australia, sydney?
Are there time zone maps on the Internet? (sarc) is it true about the 20th release or still the 18th?
Sydney, Australia iOS 7 is ready to download at 10am from my sources
Everyone is saying it comes out in Australia at 3am but it’s now 8am
what time france, anyone knows?
7-9 am September 18
When is singapore getting?
What time In Illinois
what time for australia to get ios 7 ?
What time I’m on ipad
What is the real time for Australia
WHEN IS AUSTRALIa getting ios 7
8:10 in merica now and my guess is it will be at 2:00 pm Australia considering their date is still the 17th
Im aussie the date here is the 18th sept and the time is about 10:30am where i am.
egypt please?
i wait
Vancouver please?
Vancouver, BC – 10:00 AM
Well… most likely when midnight hits Cupertino today… whatever time zone that is.
That means 3am in the East Coast, 8am in most of Europe, and 5pm in Australia
Well… We all can do the Math then. It’s 18th in the Phils but we’re expecting the update to come at around 5PM onwards tomorrow (19th)
North Carolina?
Tennessee please
Canada Ontario?!?!
Yayayayayayay yayyyyyyyyyyyy 1 more hour
so u got it by now?
Omar of course Egypt if not ill make a problem with apple
not 100% sure but I’m pretty sure I heard Thursday 5am. I’m
sorry if this is wrong x
thanks x
Thats what i heard to im From nz
Ios 7 should be avaliable on Thursday 18th (i.e. tomorrow) at 3am in AUSTRALIA. That is only if Apple continues to follow the same time schedule as it has done with the 6 proceeding beta version releases.
how do you know apple time schedule?
I’ve had ios 7 beta installed on my phone since the first beta release. All up Apple released 6 beta versions at about 2-3 week intervals and they were all available worldwide at exactly 10:00am pacific time.
My bad, meant 19th (tomorrow) in the original comment.
3am Thursday the 19th september Australia for all the aussies
that’s all I know, xx
What about the uk ?
What about the uk ? X
12AM in the Phil.
malaysia pleasee ???
what about Guam ?
what about Jamaica?
When it will release
can’t wait for it~
What time in uk?
5pm uk
then just buy an android phone as its a copy of most of the functionality
Is it 7:00 am in honolulu,Hawaii?
any chances of it being released at 10am GMT?
Michigan …3:20am none so far
ios 7 coming out on Australia?
Apparently it’ll be out Thursday 19th September at around 3am
Yes that is correct
Will it definitely be out OMG I feel like it’s never going to happen .. Hahhahaha
Does anyone have it yet? Comment !!
Woots finally got to update to ios7
Omg come on apple
What time Michigan
we all wait for this special moment in Egypt
8 hrs more
Does the date differ in Europe ?
when will it be released in India????
at what time??? plzzz telll i’m waitin fo it
tonight at 10pm if that doesnt work, 3 am tomorrow
I think it would be 3am, and I for one am not waiting
its Going to be released in Adelaide at 2:30AM, Sydney and Melbourne 3:00AM
3 am for sydney
Yep its true. I’ll be getting alarms ready
same im getting ready
are you sure about that?
Beleive this partners:
India 8:00pm
Dubai 5:30pm
Malaysia 6:30pm
Egypt 8:00pm
Canada 1:00pm
Australia 8:30pm
Singapore 5:00pm
China 6:00pm
And now ?
Can u update to ios 7 from beta?
I still wait. No update available. My tears ebb against the tide. When will it release ?
6 oclock tonight it comes out
uk that is
And it has begun
is 8:15 and is still not out !!!!!!
yeeaahhhhh the download in greece is starting:D :DDDDDDDDDD
denmark now downloading
Loading…..takes about 30mins
How come when I want to update it says unable to checkforupdate do I reboot or something ???? Please help us guys
i already have the official itunes download link
mail me at for link