iOS 7.0.2 update problems on iPhone 5S

Apple’s iOS 7 only released recently but was swiftly followed by an iOS 7.0.2 update that contained bug fixes for security flaws. iOS 7 itself was not without some problems, but it appears that there are also iOS 7.0.2 update problems on iPhone 5S.
Yesterday we discussed why some of the issues surrounding iOS 7 should not put people off updating. Some of those problems included battery drain, apps crashing, fingerprint sensor hacks, and a bug that could allow someone to bypass the passcode on the lockscreen.
Apple’s iOS 7.0.2 was issued to fix the passcode security vulnerability, but some owners of the brand new iPhone 5S are now having problems since the update. We have had comments and emails about this from readers, and a look around support forums reveals plenty of iPhone 5S owners are pretty frustrated and upset by what is happening.
The iPhone 5S launched running iOS 7, but some people are saying that the 7.0.2 update has bricked their phones. One user says when he first used his new iPhone it was working smoothly, but that when he updated to 7.0.2 there were issues with the download taking longer than expected.
After the update finally installed, his device has been totally stuck at the startup screen. Despite several attempts, the phone is still unworkable. We have now seen this experience echoed by other iPhone 5S owners and the same issue has also affected earlier iPhone models such as the iPhone 4S and 4.
We have also seen comments from some other iPhone 5S users about a color bug on the device since the iOS 7.0.2 update, where the color effects have been lost. Other issues noted include multigestures being disabled and iTunes not starting.
Another problem for some iPhone users is that errors are showing when trying to update to iOS 7.0.2 in the first place, while there are also reports that for other iPhone users the update doesn’t even appear to be available. All of this is rather vexing for owners of the iPhone 5S and some of the other iPhones that appear to have been affected by the Apple iOS 7.0.2 update.
Of course these may be isolated incidents, so it would be interesting to hear from readers about this. Do you have an iPhone 5S or other iOS devices that has been detrimentally affected by the iOS 7.0.2 update? If so, what is your iOS 7 problem? Let us know with your comments.
93 thoughts on “iOS 7.0.2 update problems on iPhone 5S”
Definitely! A lot of apps not working or even loading, Itunes wont load at all! Have done a full restore and then re-installed from Backup with no joy. The battery life is not really any better than the old 4s I had and overall dissapointed so far.
Just got an I phone, so far its not a scratch on my experia, takes ages to upload a video, then stops at 41%,
I hope it can only get better, suppose the Apple sore is busy tomorrow!
“…should NOT put people off updating. Some of those problems included battery drain, apps crashing, fingerprint sensor hacks, and a bug that could allow someone to bypass the passcode on the lockscreen.” Did he proofread?! Those sound like PERFECT reasons, not to upgrade. That paragraph speaks sheer chaos to someone looking into purchasing their first smartphone. And you don’t have an option to go back even if you WANTED to! “It just works,” right?
It is a nightmare, the security is sorted but apps not working and battery life not good is not acceptable in my eyes
I just downloaded ios 7.0.2 and now my iphone 4 (which is now basically an ipod) is turning on and off and I can’t stop it! Help!!!!!?
Got Serious Battery drain -80% in 3 hours without using my 4s since updating this morning
At least you can get on your phone!
not for long my batteries at 9%. i took it off charge at 0800 this morning after installing 7.0.2, not used it this at 1245 i have 9%
Jst hold on the lock and the home button and your phone should reset hold on until you see a itunes and a usb screen and plug in your computer to restore
It’s not working
Dont worry people everthing will be fixed its jst apple are jst finding out changing of its ios wasnt a wise idea now they will face number of bug they them selfes dont know about will take a couple of more week and hopefully 7.1 will fix everything just hope its done quicker then later
All I can see is the apple part of the start up then it shuts down. How the hell are you supposed to fix that without going to an apple store?!
I dnt think there is a fix for it to be honest with you i think apple themselve wouldnt know wt to do cause i had the same problem with my iphone 5 went to apple they were confused themselves so they gave me a brand new one cause i still had warranty but am guessin you dont so its better in the bin then in your hands 😢
(1) Updated my Iphone 4S, now getting text that my daughter’s family are sending to others. When the other people reply, those text are also coming to my phone.
(2) Phone is freezing up, I have turn it off then back on for it to work.
Go into your sttings and uncheck all other numbers and emai addresses that are associated with your daughters phone this is one issue of using multiple numbers on the same Apple ID
Actually I have iPad 3 IOS 7 and its completely awesome no bugs but my friend said that IOS 7.0.2 iPads can be as a phone but it wasn’t it just fixing bugs what a complete jerk
Have an iPhone 4S and updated to iOS 7.0.2 this morning with no noticable issues (yet).
Keep an eye on ur battery drain, also I had one of my FAVE apps freeze up for days to the point that I had to delete it and re put it on arrgh!! It lost ALL the data that was stored in it
Being a woman, that data was my life haha!! It was my ptracker app
Yep, battery drain is a noticeable issue. I also see a interesting thing with Siri: it seems to start by itself when headphones are connected! I still haven’t figured out the exact conditions to trigger this but will post back if I find out.
Personally the update has resulted in delayed touch response, sever drain on the battery and yeah the look is a bit fruity. It’s too hard to see, especially in the daytime. I’ve been contemplating the switch to the Galaxy and I think this is just the excuse I need to pull the plug.
Since I updated to ios7, I can’t transfer any photos from my iPHONE 4S to my iMAC or MacBook Pro. Nobody else I know can either. Some computers say there are no photos on my iphone but there are 322.
I’ve has iOS7 since July (Developers Beta) iOS 7.0.2 took maybe 5 minutes to install on my 64gb Verizon iPhone 5.
Ever since I have updated my iphone 5 to IOS 7 is has used my data Like it’s only been 9 days and I have almost used half my data and I can usually go a whole month and use just a little more than half so I really regret updating to it
I just updated my 4S to IOS7.0.2, and now my phone book is totally messed up.
since i updated my iphone 4s to iOS 7 my wifi & bluetooth cannot turn im having a hard time how to update it into iOS 7.0.2 sine my wifi is already disabled?
Since i downloaded ios7 the battery drains fast
battery draining at speed possibly due to being unable to turn off apps. doesn’t recognise email password. apps taking an age to update,. This is 4s
I have updated my IPhone 4 and it has deleted all my contacts in both my mailbox and phone numbers. Any idea how to get them back?
I own an iPad mini. Some imortant apps do not work at all after I updated to 7.0.2., including Evernote, Gmail and Safari! Any idea what to do with an useless ipad??!!!
I have the iphone5, phone running slower and pausing since installing the iOS 7.03 and I have been have problems with iMessages. Very frustrated.
its so bad
This is crap i lost all my contacts and the phone is now so slow wish i never upgraded
how do we fix this? my 4s out for the count
I have an iPhone 4 and since I tried to update the ios7.0.2 update its completely died. It’s stuck in startup mode. Have tried to recover it two times now. Each time it’s taken 24hrs. So frustrated.
just got off the phone with apple. you have to take it in. They did this to are phones
Im not able to hear my phone calls or text messages but when i open up my phone it shows i have text and phone calls.
I have same problem and cannot hear phone calls or texts now. The people calling say it rings once and goes to voice mail. My phone does not ring or light up to let me know their is a call coming through. This update completely screwed my phone. I am tossing this phone and getting a galaxy tomorrow. Apple really screwed people with this dumb update.
I have an iPhone 4s and when it updated to iOs 7 it blocked me from using the phone.There is a picture of the cable and the itunes music symbol , and when connected a window opens the says “The iPhone software update server could not be contacted” can you tell me how to resolve this?
i have iphone 5s after i update to ios 7.0.2 the iphone now stuck and reboot randomly. i ca’t do any thing. someone can help me to solved this problem ? what i must do ?
hey mate, sell your Iphone 5s at a bargain and pick up the Galaxy Note 3 instead. That way, it makes you feel way better. Why settle for or stuck with a thing in the past when you have more reliable and useful device (not only a phone) these days?
I’d download 7.0.1 and do the cntrl/shift restore in iTunes.
I’m having a problem with my emails. I have an iphone 5s & have always been able to delete emails directly from my phone. A few days after upgrading now I can’t delete emails on my phone. I have to actually delete from my gmail account on my computer. Anybody else having this problem?
Does anyone know how to delete the upgrade app?
every time i start charging my 5s it resets and the apple logo keeps blinking…restored it a few times still keeps happening
After the update my 4s has trouble sending or receiving text, and voicemails!
My safari crashes a lot on my 4s 7.0.2
After the update and the other update my texting sucks having all types of trouble sending and receiving text messages. I used to think I phones where the best not any more.
My iPhone 4 was working pretty good after, THEN the texts started to slow, THEN it crashed today! It is totally black and wont turn on or even when I charge it nothing happens on the screen…. HELP
My ipad 4th generation has suddenly been draining too much battery. Ios7 update was fine espect those annoying home screen lags where the scroll motion is kinda laggy and home screen touch to performance ratio is lagging in terms of few seconds or reduce frame rate i believe would be my gaming term. I usually did a lot of heavy work and still had a lot of battery. Now when i use any app with about 20% brightness, ios 7.0.2 is consuming massive amount of battery1% ever 2n half minutes. I do not know why the hell with A6 processor not being able to handle ios7??? Atleast they should have worked on a compatible os. Nyways my imp problems are lag , reduced frame rate while touch to output ( difference in time when i click and an app opens, negligible but annoing) incredible battery drain from ios 7.0.2 , and gpu not smooth while scrolling down in a faster speed, or keyboard appearin. Keyboard lags here and there.
same prob. after I updated to 7.0.2, it ates lots of battery charge. GrrrR!! I just put it into standby for wholeday, my wifi, bluetooth and data conn were off, but then my battery became 45% out of 100% in 12hrs of standby!! argghH!
I have updated my Iphone 4s to the new ios 7 and the battery is dying in front of my eyes not happy:(
My advice is to look up battery saving tips. I got the iPhone 5s and the first night i had it idle while I was sleeping it was at 47% and when I woke up it was at 32%… I looked up these tips trying to atleast be a little conservative and the next night I only lost 3% in battery life. Apple likes to have a lot of things running in the background so that its more user friendly and is faster but if you take off some of these settings like (manually checking emails, brightness, manually updating iCloud, bluetooth, etc) you will see a change in battery life. But let it be known that apple will update again and support everyone so that everyone is satasified. it just takes a week or so for them to test and figure out what is causing some of these issues.
I am experiencing an Issue on an IPhone 5 after the 7.0.2 update. All functions worked prior to this update.
When I connect the USB in my car (a 2014 Lexus ISF sport), and also have the Bluetooth on, and the usb input selected, the music will stop playing and the display says error. If I select Bluetooth input the same thing happens, except I do not get the error the music just pauses on its own, randomly but consistently. If I disconnect the usb cable then music plays fine through the Bluetooth, but now you cant charge the phone while listening to music??
I have tried a new cable and the same issue exists. It seems that there may be a firmware issue that creates this conflict.
Anyone else having the issue after the IPhone update.
I have an iPhone5 and the 7.0.2 killed the phone. Stuck in reboot mode. iTunes can’t see the unit so update is not possible. I use my phone for business and I need the business more than the vacation. Not happy Apple!
I have a similar problem after the 7.0.2 update of my iPhone 5: the screen is black.
I got my iphone 5S and a few days later I was updating the software to 7.0.2 and the phone died on me. I had to travel all the way to Leeds to the Apple store to get it checked out. They gave me a replacement handset however tonight whilst using an app, it began freezing on me again. It’s ok at the moment but I ain’t touching it.
I fixed all the 5s problems.. I sold the damn thing and went back to the 4s with ios 6.12
I don’t have a screen to accept the new terms..I read all 54 pages too…any advice
I am having issues with my texts being delivered. This issue started when I updated to the ios7.0.2.
Any recommendations? Much Thanks
I can’t use my iMessage since I upgraded to the new software please help as I rely on it a lot. I’ve turned the phone on and off and same with iMessage and still nothing.
Touchscreen is incredibly slow and unresponsive on my iPhone 5 after updating to 7.0.2. It feels like I’m using a Samsung.
My screen won’t rotate from portrait to landscape since downloading 7.0.2.
Since downloading the iPhone 7.0.2, the phone has wiped all my pictures, all my music and my apps. It has also all the text messages from this month and is now showing old messages that i sent months ago and it also has old contacts that I deleted. Any recommendations I would appreciate it.
Just downloaded new IOS 7.0.2…screwed up my phone as well. Can’t even get anywhere. Hooked it up to my computer and it tells me my phone is in backup mode. Do I want to Restore the iPhone (to it’s original factory settings)? NO…of course I don’t. Not good Apple, you are about to lose a customer!
My screen won’t rotate from portrait to landscape since downloading 7.0.2.
I’m now having to reboot my Iphone 5 as for some reason it won’t send text messages or receive or send emails to our exchange server. The battery life is what’s killing me now. i can’t last a full work day since this upgrade. IOS 6.0 at least i could last the day without having to recharge it. I only wish i didn’t upgrade.
I updated my mom’s Iphone 4S to the 7.02 and now all it says is for me to reconnect to itunes. However, when I do connect it just wants me to update again and again, and then says error and nothing is occured. THIS UPDATE SUCKS!
Yes. Since the update I’ve been unable to launch apps like Facebook, Instagram. Foursquare and even Chrome. The apps crash as soon as they are opened. What’s going on?
I updated my 4S and it told me to connect to iTunes. However, phone will not restore, just keep getting error 29. Very frustrating because phone is now useless
I have an iPhone 5, just updated to iOS 7.0.2 from 7.0, now the battery drains like anything, didn’t experience this when i was on 7.0. Just baught an external battery to overcome the situation.
This update to 7.0.2 sucks. It keeps asking me to plug into iTunes and has rendered my I-phone 4s useless. I can’t even set my alarm to go to work tomorrow. Very frustrating!
I am having the same problem of having the phone stuck in recovery mode with itune and usb logo whe. Upgrading to ios7……itunes gives an option to restore, but obviosuly i do not want to …. Before getting the data….. One tech support also asked to backup each time next time when we add some new data pic, contacts etc !! Spent hours with apple store and technical support….. All say the data is lost, as far as I understand the data would still be there unless I restore….. I feel a better diligence should be done before conveying a information that can be inaccurate…..if it is lost then i may as well restore,but am not convinced as yet and beleive the data is still there unless one restores….
Was reading a recent press release of tenorshare where it seems they have a solution under these conditions of phone being in recovery mode with itunes and usb logo, but it doesnt seem to work for me …. Any luck anyone? Anyone out there received any good experienced customer service support or solutions?
Naran – Same issue here. And I have an appointment today with Apple. Unfortunately I only back up the essentials such as address book and calendar, but I don’t back up the pictures or music due to limits on icloud. So I guess I am screwed.
Bro just download syncios software u vl rock then it’s for iphone
Apple was able to restore the original settings. I backed it up on my laptop, then uploaded the new update. It locked up again doing the update, however since it was backed up on laptop I was able to restore everything myself and the update finally worked the 3rd time.
I had my iPad 4 updated from iOS 7 beta 6 to iOS 7.0.2. Before I updated, it had told me that my iPad’s UDID had not been registered with a developer account, in which it was. I could not access my photos or anything from iTunes, nor the iPad. And when I decided to upgrade to the official version of 7.0.2, all of that data was wiped off completely. I had very important info in the photos app as well.
Guys just download syncios with iTunes it’s helps to give back up for every thing like contact, logs,msgs, and very very nice to use then iTunes my request is to download it and enjoy it my frnds this my email for comments plz comment me after download it
same here Bricked after I tried to do a restore and update. The god damn update is taking over 3 hours to download
Started to install 7.02 update, received error message that not able to complete installation, now iphone 5s is stuck in recovery mode, doesn’t appear in itunes anymore, completely unuseable……iphone now on its way back to Apple!!!
I updated my 4s to 7.0.2 directly from 6 and it worked just fine for one use of the passcode. Several hours later when I again attempted to use the passcode, it would not work. This is a number that I have used for years, so I did not forget it. I tried every combination that was even close, and the phone disabled. I am stuck. I cannot even restore it because the remote security option is on. I did not set it. It is on by default.
I tried to update my iPhone 5 to 7.0.2 by plugging into my computer and it got stuck in update limbo. This was toward the end of the process before the update stage. I had to take it to an apple store to fix as some things from my backup were not populating. FML
having issues with long delays when using keyboard for messages etc, letters are taking a number of seconds to register, infact I can get halfway through a message before the first letters apear on the screen. Other things seem to be ok as far as I can see but this screen reaction time is a nightmare.
I got locked on a startup screen after update to 7.0.2 on my iPhone 5S, but after ~2 minutes it got unlocked by itself, so a little bit more patience.
i updated my iphone 5 and ipad 2 to ios 7 earlier and i lost all my apps on my iphone, but all my apps on my ipad were ok.
now i updated my ipad to ios 7.0.2 and my apps are gone, even i tried to restore it from different backups, but all my apps are gone, why? how to fix?
Apple swap my iphone5s because it had a bad jack input, it was updated, and lots of apps were crashing. Now I did not update the new5s and its works a lot better, however safari quits sometime! Anyway!!! DONT UPDATE YET!!!!
Just bought the new 5S and managed to upgrade to ISO 7.0.2 without any problems. However, the phone decided to shut down and I have not been able to start it up. It is like there is no battery inside. I only had it for two days. Apple store is going to look at it and I hope the problem can be fixed.
updated to ISO 7.0.2 and now people are not receiving my text messages. I can no longer get text messages from my daughters phone even when she is right next to me. Screen also got stuck on contacts page and stayed frozed for about 5 minutes. Would not even power down. This upgrade is bad and I can’t believe Apple launched it. Anyone having this issue?
Everyone has issues with 7.0.2. Apple changed my phone now im on the oiginal 7.0 and there is no problem on 7.0! If anyone read this and havent update yet, do not do it!!!!
With the IOS update some of the bugs were fixed but I see delays in responsiveness of the touch screen, text, e-mail and contact updates. All together, the phone is much slower now and I am seeing signal reception problems that I did not have before which delays not only the internet access but also e-mails and text messaging. A very irritating issue is that the unlock screen if password protected gets stuck midway between welcome screen and unlock screen. Some of the previously assigned ring tones have returned to phone default.
I will try to uninstall and get back to previous version because of all these problems. The phone is not fun anymore with this update.
When I tap my button to show the home page, it is slower to light up
Just tried to update my 5S and it deleted all of my media and the phone had to be fully restored. Very frustrating.
just tried updating my 5s and now it won’t turn on?
Now what?
My iPhone 5s has been stuck on the update screen for 4+ hours now after applying update 7.0.2. This is my first iPhone (a company provided one) and I am massively under whelmed by it.