iOS 7.0.3 update seeded, public release soon

iOS 7.0.2 was only released last week, and now BGR reports the new iOS 7.0.3 with build number 11B491 has been seeded to employees and partners. The public release for 7.0.3 should happen sometime next week, hopefully that will fix a few problems.
When iOS 7.0.2 was released last week it was supposed to fix a few security issues that were found, and even though this did sort a few bugs out it did not help those with iOS 7 iMessage problems. We did find an iMessage fix, but this needs to be permanently fixed with the iOS 7.0.3 update.
The new update expected to release to the public next week will not bring anything special other than a few more bug fixes etc, the next major update to release will be iOS 7.1 and it is this that will be full of new features.
The new iOS 7.0.3 could possibly be the last update before iOS 7.1, which makes sense because if Apple launches the iPad 5 and iPad mini 2 at the end of this month we believe it will come with iOS 7.1 pre-installed. Let’s all hope that Apple holds an event around October 15th, and all will be revealed.
iOS 7.0.3 needs to fix the iMessage problems, we have even noticed on the iPhone 5 calls dropping often, as well as apps closing when they feel like it. iOS 7 has had a lot of mixed reactions since it was released.
We have asked hundreds of iDevice users what they think of iOS 7 and we have received a mixed bag of replies. Some say it looks slick and really easy to use, some have said they hate it and wish they could downgrade to iOS 6. What we have noticed is that those that do not like are a little older than those that do, maybe its change the over 40’s dont like. The reason we say over 40s not liking change is simply down to majority of those we asked were over this age group.
If you have been having problems since installing iOS 7.0.2 please do let us know what they are?
20 thoughts on “iOS 7.0.3 update seeded, public release soon”
Not all over 40s are afraid of change. Generalisations should be used so freely.
I like iOS 7 but have noticed a marked increase in battery drainage onvox iPad 3.
PedroD, UK.
I’m 54. I like it!
I am 47 yrs old and I have no problems with iOS 7. I like it a lot and it’s very smooth and easy to use. My only problem is faster battery drain and problems with imessaging. That’s it.
after update to ios 7.0.2 on iPhone 5, two of my friends have same battery draining problem. nothing save them fix the damn problem. so, after saw them i determined not to update to 7.0.2 on my iPhone 5.
Fix the battery drain and I’ll love the update!
Couldn’t agree more!
If you “reduce motion” it really helps a lot with the battery drain problem
the battery drain is caused by the new multitask handling. apps run in the background for longer now. it has nothing to do with the motion.
The battery drainage allows for half a day usage. And this happened after iOS 7.0.2 update. My phone was great before this update
Apple fucked up hard with the new kernel, hotplug and multitasking on iOS 7. although it was a needed change, the blow was a pretty big one.
I agree – all of a sudden, I’m seeing 2/3 of the prior usage time.
I am way over 40 (a proud 65 yr old Boomer) and I love the new iOS 7. I have a 32gb iPhone 5 and have no problems. By practicing a few battery saving tips and by always restarting my phone after installing new apps – I found no crashing or issues.
BTW – I get motion sickness in the car, by boat or plane – BUT not problems at all with the dynamic screens – they only appear for a milli second – it is not like you are staring at a heaving ocean. Oh Well – even us oldsters like the new face of the iPhone’s OS – keep it up Apple.
How can I reduce motion? I checked through the settings menu but I did not see anything that said motion. Thanks.
Accessibity settings.
Thank you very much. I found it and it worked.
no problems
Since updating my iPhone 4 to iOS 7, the “SLIDE TO UNLOCK” isnt working at all. Having a tough time using the phone
My IPhone 4S ios 7.0.2 applications and assistive touch very slow?????
Album Browsing (artist) is clumsy now and inefficient. The lack of drop shadow makes it hard to read text (icon) on some backgrounds.
Cover Flow is terrible, and now has three rows.