Forget iOS 7.0.3 and release 7.1 already

Since Apple released the iOS 7 operating system back in September many users have been beset with various problems, which have affected users of a number of Apple mobile devices. There will be many users that would prefer Apple to forget about iOS 7.0.3 and release iOS 7.1 instead.
We heard last month that a number of different versions of iOS 7 would be undergoing various testing, and more recently iOS 7.0.3 had been seeded to Apple employees for final testing. iOS 7.0.3 is thought to be coming to fix the various issues that have been affecting users since the software was released.
It could be a case of jumping straight to iOS 7.1 soon though as next week we are likely to see some new iPad’s, and hopefully this will address the issues that have been seen such as the keyboard lag on the iPhone 4S, blue screen of death on the iPhone 5S, and the problem of apps crashing on certain devices.
Many owners of the iPhone feel that Apple should just forget iOS 7.0.3 and release iOS 7.1 to properly address these issues, but there are many users that just don’t like the new design with the latest version of the software.
There are some readers that stated they can’t get on with the Calendar App now finding it difficult to read due to the white background, and some owners of the iPhone 5S get fed up with the handset locking while you are reading something but you need to enter your passcode or putting your finger on the Touch ID again. If Apple were to alter this so a user can set the Require Passocde to a set length of time besides just immediately this wouldn’t be a problem.
Would you prefer Apple to launch iOS 7.1 next?
40 thoughts on “Forget iOS 7.0.3 and release 7.1 already”
my ipod touch 5g lags a lot running ios 7.0.2. the transparency effects hog up on the memory and this lag frustrates me a lot. i have been an apple fan all along simply because of the fluid experience the idevices offer to the user. the ios 7 puts a big black spot on the apple’s name. the software and hardware should work in tandem with each other. this issue needs to be fixed in my priority in ios 7.1 update.
Sorry, did not see the reply tab…
I don’t know what you’re talking about! IOS 7 is a million times better than IOS 6! Nothing is lagging so I don’t know what you are talking about. By the way make IOS 7.1 quick Apple!
The following are the places where the lagging occurs to be precise :
Portrait to landscape transition when Safari is open with the keyboard drawn out .
Open the App Store select categories and then swipe up or down to open up control centre or notifications and u will see a lag there .
Setting up a wallpaper on your ipod takes a lot of time . Scrolling stutters when selecting a wallpaper from the stock options.
These are the few place where lag is visible. And this needs to be sought as soon as possible in the next update.
I think OS 7 is superior to its predecessor in many ways, especially the integration of many scattered functions that can be accessed now with one panel!!
Crazy G ur right who cares about IOS 6 these days!!just wait for IOS 8
You do understand that the update does not suck up memory right? it actually only needs those few G for device safety.. like if something corrupts then the memory in the device will actually overload with some random ‘other’ space that will range from 3-8G… The lag is caused by your network (wifi) or if the device takes forever to load an app that is the app not being up to date with IOS 7 yet… If the problem is not the case and the actual app for apple is not running faster then that is the software.
Also, this is about the calendar app, I very disagree with not being able to see because you can zoom in so far that you can see what your day is like and color code, and plus the white was alway there…. The only difference is the calendar is just flatter and is brighter… I understand some Apple users do not like it, but that is America… No one likes change and will not accept it…
A better choice of colour schemes would be helpful, as the white surrond on a white calender isn’t very helpful, a bit if colour and clarity in areas like this would be helpful, but in addition the disabling of the animation on the iphone 4 would be very helpful.
The article’s author is correct. When using TouchID, the only option is “immediately”. Before commenting on an article, know what you are talking about.
So don’t use TouchID, something that is supposed to make the phone more secure. Now it’s doing it’s job people are complaining about it? Figures.
“Its” is not possessive, therefore it does need an apostrophe, since your other post called for a spell check. Don’t make veterans look like idiots please. Judging by the photo you were NG or AR, therefore not a real vet.
Really? Simply sad.
True, that’s my mistake. I’m also not writing an article for an international news website so I think my mistake is a little less significant. Judging by your last sentence, you were/are infantry, therefore an idiot.
My main issue is that it’s a bit laggy on my 4s and sone apps are really slow, especially Appstore and GameCenter. I want performance enhancement or the option to turn off the zooming effects.
choose what you say it,s the shittiest archaic phone ever bluetooth is hopeless,try telling apple app is no good, tell you to fukk off. android app i had money refunded less than 24 hours.everyone who i know switched will never ever go back,incl daughter was apple diehard fan for 9 years samsung changed her lifeAPPLE IS SHITE PERIOD?
Is that even English? I have no idea what you’re saying. You’re just typing random letters on the keyboard with your elbows, right?
I second that!
“If Apple were to alter this so a user can set the Require Passocde to a set length of time besides just immediately this wouldn’t be a problem.”
First of all…spell check
Second of all…I have the option of immediately, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour and 4 hours. When I had my secured work email synced is the only time it required it to be immediate.
Yes release 7.1!
the new ios 7 is a new os completely redone so you have to expect some bugs ios 7.0.3 is what is needed and they are waiting for the release of mavericks so as to add icloud key chain etc so give em sometime
Who designed this iOS7, a 20 year old? Seriously, it looks like CRAP. Yellow coloring, white backgrounds, 1970’s like arrows ( remember pong ), icons the size fleas, have you heard of fat fingers? Im fed up with tech. I spend too much money for things I use less and less diue to aggrevation. The pain vs pleasure isn’t worth it. Its like the VCR, it becomes useless.
iOS 7 is a major step backward in so many ways. I shall not replace my phone, ipad or mac with apple products. apple have robbed my nice phone and replaced it with a dog. shame i cant downgrade.
you know opinion are like noses: everyone got one! I can stay with the 4S that i have it or sell it and buy a phone that rans Android platform,i chose what I use,which one is better?Android,iOS,BlackBerry? who knows! depending what you are used to,i like Apple’s products,if Samsung get to put their own OS i will try it,but thats doesn’t mean that I don’t like changing…it only depends on what I am used to use…and yes GO for a 7.1 FORGET 7.0.3!!!
Please take a grammar course… I honestly feel sorry for whatever English professors you had in life.
With a name like “Luc” he is probably French and English isn’t his first language. Please give the guy a break and then go learn where it’s appropriate to use an ellipsis.
Apple!please let us downgrade back to iOS 6! Let us have flexibility for god sake so we will not have to look after jailbreak anymore. Learn from jailbreak instead to be stubborn and bore us with your rubbish updates!!!
fix the gray wifi issue on iphone 4 and 4s. repair shop installed new wifi and said its a software issue!!
gsm/cdma the software already damaged the hardware so it wont help… need to replace the module…
now forget 7.1.0. I am downloading 7.0.3.
It worked on my iphone 4. But hangs on my iphone 5. How? Ive tried recovery mode. It did not work either. Damnittt
I’m truly perplexed how people are having such a hard time reading the calendar… Plus if it’s that big of a deal, download a third-party calendar app and be done with it. Sunrise, for instance, is a good one…
I think a LOT of the problem and differences of opinion are simply age. I am too old to want to screw around with my phone. I text, use the phone, camera, and about four simple apps. The reason to buy the 4s was Siri to text. My wife (to her utter regret) updated. She cannot read much of the stuff like calendar. That is old eyes. Pushing the buttons that are too small — old eyes and not so steady fingers. The “on/off” buttons cannot be seen. Old eyes or bad design or both. Changes for the sake of changes — like double click to see all running apps, hold it, press minus signs. She had to Google how to do it now (sliding a square up). Old brain that really does not want to learn new things for now reason. So we both are thinking of leaving Apple for Android. We want something that will work the same for years and years. However it works. We have “i” stuff everywhere — pads, touches, phones — but they lost us. I was just about to get another iPad … nope … something else. Changes for change’s sake are not a good thing at least for older people who simply don’t WANT to fool with their phones. They are tools, not toys. It would be like changing the color of a hammer, and how you swing it … why? My hammer works fine. All they had to do is have a setting for “I/OS 6” look/feel and let it run on the surface looking like the old. Windows (I cannot believe I am saying Microsoft does anything better than Apple) has their “Classic” setting — I have modern 64 bit computer with Win 7 and … it has BLUE bars (can’t see the default grey when changing focus) … and otherwise looks like XP. Perhaps the tech junkies and kids will like these … but they lose the older audience.
If I have to learn everything new from scratch, why stay loyal to Apple. If I put in the effort, why not shop for the best?
The problems still exists in iOS 7.0.3 if you are using iPhone 4,
should we make a FB group to send our voice to Apple CEO Tim Cook?
Apple sloves this problems very slowly, but when Steve Jobs was still
alive, he can not let this problems still exist for a long time. We
need to fight our right for using Apple made mobile phone.
I got a Galaxy S3 and wanted to go back to my iPhone 4 because I wasn’t super happy with it. Boy! I really wish I could go back to iOS 6. Sorry Apple but this/these updates stink! It’s like trading a PS3 in for a Super Nintendo. I keep updating my iPhone in hopes of things getting better. So far, no luck. I went back to my Galaxy…. *frowny face*
Have iphone 5S. Have iOS7.0.2 installed for 2 months and absolutely hate it. Hate the new design, hate the fact that it ate through my battery for the first 2 weeks, hate that it freezes in the middle of open programs and crashes all the time. Hate it, hate it, hate it, wish i never installed the update and now afraid to even think of installing 7.0.3. Bring back the previous version, both design and functionality, please…
I really hope they just change the desing back to ios 6 its just so ugly that i want a different phone now ew
You dumbass
Download a full iOS 7.0.3 Jailbreak Kit or Downgrade Kit from