iOS 7.0.3 battery life after update

Apple devices users have had the iOS 7.0.3 update for a little over a week now, one of the main factors about this new update was iMessage fix and battery life.
Those that installed iOS 7.0.2 had major problems with iMessage, but this was ironed out when the new update released. iDevice users want improvements, the same or better battery life when a new update is released.
How is your iPhone battery life since downloading and installing iOS 7.0.3?
We wanted to look into this a little further; of course we would like our readers to let us know how their battery life is after you installed iOS 7.0.3 but we visited iMore and they have a poll that is very interesting indeed.
iMore asked the question “How’s your iOS 7.0.3 battery life?” and this is what their poll said – Great! Best Ever got 650 votes; Good Slightly Better gained 1,073 votes, Same No Difference 1,796 votes, Bad Slightly Worse 885 votes and Terrible! Worst ever! 502 votes — this poll was based on 4,906 total votes.
So, after looking at the votes above it seems battery life after installing iOS 7.0.3 is the same with no difference. Please do use the commenting area below and let us know how you battery life is after iOS 7.0.3.
40 thoughts on “iOS 7.0.3 battery life after update”
My Battery life is absolutely RUBBISH !!!
for example … I go to bed with 70% battery and wake up with my iphone 5 DEAD .. therefore the Alarm doesn’t go off !!!!!
You need a new battery.
the iphone doesn’t have battery to change. duh
The iphone does have a battery to change, you can buy replacements on ebay you just need to undo 2 screws in the bottom slide the cover off and undo 1 screw holding the battery clip on and then you can replace the battery
check your apps. an app can be causing the battery drain
My battery life on my iPhone 4S is actually better then it was under iOS 6.X.
We want iOS 6 back, change for the sake of change in annoying, if ain’t broke don’t fix it !! G & M
My battery life is awful! It seems that the battery dies without me using it.
Battery life is good I havent had the update long so idk but the new features are awesome new look will be hard to get used to but over all I liked the update
My phone goes haywire every time I put plug it into my charger since the new 7.0.3 update. It will randomly open apps, open a different app I selected, make random selections in the app, I can’t use my phone properly on the charger, please fix this glitch!! Other than that, I don’t notice any other changes good or bad.
At 7.0.2 my best with full power cycle lasts for 3 days standby and 6 hours of usage.
At 7.0.3 It’s keep loosing % really quick. From 100% to 0 in around 24h.
What a shame
thats a lie and learn your grammar
its really not, i updated to iOS 7.0.3 and now I have two issues:
1. i have to carry my charger with me everywhere like a dog
2. my wifi is greyed out and i do not have to option to turn it on…
so the iOS 7.0.3 is a complete WASTE – if you haven’t updated your phone, DONT DO IT
My battery life is AWFUL! I upgraded to 7.0.3 … fully charged …
nothing running in the background … sleep mode. Went to bed. Next
day the battery was down to 13%. Before, with 7.0.2, I could go all day
using the iPad with several things running in the background and never
get below 60%. Now, I can’t go more than a few hours without having to
recharge. Quite frankly, my iPad is pretty much useless in this
7.0.2 was a better then thee 7.0.3. My battery on the 7.0.3 does not last the whole day, by mid day I have it at 18% and nothing is running on the background and I haven’t even touch the darn thing since I took it off the charger at 100%. Also it randomly opens apps that I haven’t selected. This update sucks!
My battery will die quickly throughout the day. Then when it gets to 30% it just shuts off and dies at times. Other times it goes from 33% to 16% then to 42% then back down to 16% then dies without ever going any further down. Then if I plug the charger in while at 16% it jumps to 33%. I hate this update. I’m beginning to hate iPhone period. iOS 7.0.3
with 7.0.2 and before I used half a charge in about 10 hours. The last two days since updating to 7.0.3 my phone uses a FULL charge in 3 hours after being in my pocket and not used.
With the update on my 4s, the message app only appears in horizontal mode – very inconvenient for texting. Really regret updating it. This needs to be fixed!!
I never had any issues until 7.0.3. The battery life drops so quickly that I have to recharge my phone every hour.
I didn’t have any problems until I just updated to IOS 7.0.3 last week. Now the battery life is draining at an absurd rate and I have to keep it plugged in or my phone dies. Also, I just noticed that I my Ihome no longer will play with my iphone and my phone keeps saying it is incompatible with my ihome.
I just watched my phone drop a full percent in about a minute. At this rate, I’ll get an hour and a half before my phone is about dead. This sucks!
My wife just told me that the battery is draining a lot faster after this update on her 4s.
This update needs to be fixed ! It’s dying way too fast ! I’ll go to bed with a full battery and wake up the next day and it’s completely dead ! I barely use it and it’s dying too fast.
My phone battery doesn’t even last all day. This is crazy. I work in real estate and use my phone for everything. By 3 in the afternoon it is dying. I am not where I can charge all the time but now I am having to look for outlets to charge my phone wherever I am. TERRIBLE PLEASE FIX THIS
Also my phone doesn’t work with the bluetooth in my new car and when listening to books while driving, the books skip all over the place. I have to have my phone charging while I listen to books through the blue tooth because otherwise the battery goes dead. Same with my music.
This update sucks! I’m losing battery about 10% every 15 minutes and that is without using it!! Please fix!
My ipad 2 doesnt have any issues, it last about 10 hours, however my iphone 4s…only last for about 6 hours……apple please
was considering updating my i5 from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3. thanks for the feedback guys, avoided me a huge issue
its annoying deleting incoming & outcalls one by one, should give u options for multiple choice delete, 2nd after deleting so much from recent calls the page freezes, shouldn’t be showing same name or number all over ur recent calls compress to under that persons history, I got my gf calling me 6 9 times a day all I c on my call list is her number lol should be a history for every call like the blackberry n samsung
Battery life is same on Iphone 5 even after the upgrade to iOS 7.0.3…..Great work APPLE
IPad 2 battery life deteriorated immediately after installing 7.0.3
My battery dies easily even if all I do is talk to my dad on the phone, I can have a 10 minute conversTion and my battery will drop %20
My battery life is terrible, my phone goes flat overnight – without being used at all. I have to charge it again. In the last hour it has lost 27% battery life and all I have done is send 1 text. This is crazy
Its very bad, i lost 28% of battery overnight on 4S even my internet services were off …no message no call. and phone goes off automatically. I wish i can undo this update. 7.0.2 is better than this.
i have the iphone 5c and the battery is still great i love it
also the new update came today, ios 7.0.4
We downloaded iOS 7.0.3 three days ago. Ever since our battery is only lasting about 5 hours. Even when we have only sent 5 tx and received 4 tx. It’s crap cos we have to carry a charger with us everywhere. Not good. I want to go back to the iOS 7.0.2. Can you go back to an older operating system. Nigel.
Same as others, chronic drain of battery life on ipad. Before, I could delete programs from the cache by double clicking and then removing, which stopped things in the background dialing up 3G constantly. new version removes that or has changed it. I’m getting so disillusioned with mac.
Even i am facing battery life issue after updating my 4s with ios7.0.3. the battery just last for around 5 hrs, n earlier it used to last much more than this.though the usage habit is till the same.
Disaster I pad 2 battery was fine every few days now am charging at least once every day since ios7 version 3 installed, it is a right pain & wish had never installed ios7 at all. Anyone know how to fix?