HTC One Max Sprint release confirmed for tomorrow

We’ve known for some time that the HTC One Max was on its way to Sprint, and yesterday we told how Best Buy was listing the phone as arriving on November 15th. This had not been announced by Sprint at that time, but today the carrier has confirmed that it will release tomorrow.
The Best Buy spot yesterday seemed to suggest that the HTC One Max would be available on Sprint before both Verizon and AT&T. Now this looks virtually certain unless Verizon and AT&T rush out an announcement in the next few hours themselves.
Sprint has confirmed the HTC One Max price as $249.99 on a new two-year contract. The Sprint One Up price for the One Max will be $25 monthly and Sprint has announced that the phone will be available from all of its usual sales channels.
There are some good alternative phablets around at the moment, including of course the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. We recently informed readers that the Sprint version of the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 was the subject of a price cut on Amazon and was available for $199.99 on contract, although the price now seems to have risen again to $219.99.
The HTC One Max is a larger sibling to the HTC One flagship, and an even larger sibling to the HTC One mini. However, aside from having a larger display, the HTC One Max also features a fingerprint scanner and expandable storage, neither of which is included on the One or the One mini.
Will you be purchasing the HTC One Max on Sprint? Maybe you’re eagerly waiting for details on the AT&T or Verizon release of the One Max?
Source: Cnet
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