Samsung Galaxy Note 3 price deal on Amazon

The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is one of the most popular smartphone of the year, especially in the phablet arena. It packs a plenty of high-end specs and a large 5.7-inch display so buyers get a lot for their money. Now it’s even more tempting as we have news of a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 price deal on Amazon.
Amazon is currently selling the Galaxy Note 3 priced from $169.99 on a new two-year contract on Verizon (order here) The price for those who are upgrading is $199.99 with a two-year contract.
Compare that with the $299.99 price on Verizon when the phone launched and that’s certainly a saving worth having. Currently Verizon is selling the Galaxy Note 3 with a new two-year contract for $199.99.
The $170 Amazon new contract price on Verizon also looks like a good idea compared to the equivalent of $250 on AT&T or $260 for those upgrading, or the $220 price for new accounts with Sprint or $300 for upgraders.
P.S. We’ve just checked again and at the time of writing Amazon is now also offering the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 on Sprint from $169.99 on contract (order here).
We’ve no way of knowing how long these Amazon Samsung Galaxy Note 3 prices will last, although there’s nothing to say that this is for a limited time so that’s promising. You might want to get your orders in quick though, just in case!
It’s worth pointing out though that new red or white gold versions of the Galaxy Note 3 are on the way, but if you want one of those you’ll have to wait a while longer yet. Will you be ordering the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 from Amazon at these prices? Send your comments to let us know.
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