Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 update problems won’t go away

Owners of a couple of Samsung smartphones have been experiencing some major issues over the last few months after installing a new version of the operating system, and it seems as if the Samsung Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 update problems won’t go away.
Just over a week ago we reported that some users of both the Galaxy S3 and the S4 were still reporting problems since installing the latest version of the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean operating system. At the time most of the complaints we were receiving came from users in the US on AT&T or Verizon, but since then we have been getting comments from readers in other areas that include Europe and India.
One reader recently commented only a day ago that “Updated my Galaxy SIII to 4.3 yesterday and after unpacking and installing, the phone is in a completely frozen state after splashscreen. Nothing I’ve tried has helped solving this problem.”
Another reader that has been having the same issues but on the Galaxy Note 2 said “I’m dumbfounded that an organisation the size & wealth built upon communication finds it so hard to admit, apologise & rectify such a bad VALUE customer experience”.
We have had reports from an S3 user in France that after the update was installed the phone now can’t pick up a network and suffers from the patchy Wi-Fi connection issue that has hit a lot of users. Owners in India are reporting poor battery life, and even in the UK there have been reports of issues on handsets that are only a few months old and are unlocked versions of the Galaxy S3.
Many users have been told to try a factory reset of the device but to no avail, although one reader did this along with backing up and un-mounting the microSD card and afterwards found that the battery drain issue had been resolved.
So far we have not experienced any of the issues that have been reported by numerous owners of the Galaxy S3 on our version of the handset. The battery life is slightly better than it was on Android 4.1.2 and once connected to our Wi-Fi network the connection remains stable.
Trouble is there are so many users that have been hit hard by these problems with many of them considering moving away from owning a Samsung smartphone in the future because of these problems.
The Android 4.4.2 KitKat update should start arriving soon for the Samsung Galaxy S4, while both the Galaxy S3 and Note 2 have been tipped to receive the new firmware by the end of March, so hopefully this new update will permanently address the numerous issues that owners have been facing recently.
Are you still suffering problems with the Android 4.3 update on your Galaxy device?
153 thoughts on “Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 update problems won’t go away”
I immediately began to experience problems on my TMobile Galaxy S3 after updating in November, with an intermittent issue with canceling outgoing phone calls until the phone was restarted. Irritating. Last week, it began to boot by itself 2 or 3 times a day. Yesterday my constant companion died in the middle of one of its self-directed reboots – it couldn’t make it past the Samsung and S3 splashscreens. Queue sad music. Fortunately, I’m covered under insurance, so a new S3 is on its way. If it isn’t preloaded with 4.3, I am not going to update it.
Hi, being in the business (Sr. Manager of one of the global IT companies) I have bought a Galaxy S4. After this upgrade to 4.3 I cannot unplug the decive because it actually dies?!? I have been a big fan of Samsung (moving away from iPhone). However, this is becoming such a bad customer experince I don’t know what to do. My phone is basically useless (also have other freinds experiensing the same). Samsung you NEED to fix this asap if you want to keep your market share. Do this again and do it right! Chris from Sweden
I can’t connect to the GPS at all. I’ve done the factory reset, took it to the store for maintenance and tried to revert back to an older version of maps. I’m thinking of going to an iPhone. I hate the thing but at least it works
My S3 with Verizon now will not download apps after the 4.3 download. After a few minutes of trying to download it gives an error message. It also will not let installed apps upgrade. Wish I had never got the “upgrade” Samsung had better find the fix soon or no new Samsungs for me.
Delete Google account reboot then put Google account back on should usually fix it
when will this stupid update be fixed because I have lagging when text messages come in, apps crash, text messages do not clear after viewing them, notifications will not open from the lock screen unless I unlock my phone first and finally battery problems. I already depended on a charger a lot and now I have to depend on it even more. I sure hope we do no have to wait till march for a fix. Verizon needs to hurry up and do something to fix it. this is the worse update ever. I have had updates that have given me bugs but none as serious as this. what can be done to fix this stupid garbage update that should have never come out until all of the bugs have been fixed. if I have had stayed on 4.1.2 and that never got any updates ever again I would have been ok with that.
I have the same lagging issue, I also got locked out of my phone after the update because my phone pin defaulted to a factory set pin that I didn’t know, 6 hours two Verizon techs and a Samsung tech and all they could tell me was to factory reset which wasn’t an option for me due to me not having a more recent backup and not wanting to lose all of my data, I typed in hundreds of possible pin codes before I haphazardly typed in a 4 digit pin that worked, I regret doing the update because I was worried about possible issues and now my text messaging lags so bad I can’t even send a text without having to go in and out of the message box multiple times, worst experience ever
damn it samsung -______-
Im with Virgin in the UK and had issues since mid November with mine. Keeps freezing for 4 or 5 seconds, battery life not good etc.
That’s the disadvantage of going for Android. If you need a big screen at 5″, try Blackberry Z30. Now you can you can run 95% of Android apps natively in BB10.2.1
I updated my S4 to 4.3 and having a nightmare, the phone lags while changing between apps , camera friezes , wi fi does not connect on the first attempt , and when it connects , keeps dropping , worst is battery drains fast (tried a factory setting , seems to be a little better now) , and the most annoying part is the phone gest very hot on the back , just below the camera . Most disgusting experience . Waiting for the 4.4 update and hope it will make these problems go away . Was such a huge Samsung Fan , but I am thinking otherwise .
This is a drama..cause the developers in xda forum with Cyanogenmod source could build 4.4.2 kitkat for S3 within a month now they have a stable version of 4.3 too …….But Y Samsung can’t do it.
Samsung trapped their costumers to switch for a new device (at least 30 % might buy samsung s4 )
I had the same issue in my htc sensation with my stock software version.Decided to go for htc one and the support from htc was awkward.
My warrant was finished too. Then took some risk on my device done ROOT,Unlocked BOOTLOADER and S-OFF . Installed Custom Rom
Now i have 4.4.2 on my senny thanks to xda for keeping many old devices alive
Is not that they can’t get 4.3 running or 4.4.2 is that they have to throw touch wiz in and then your Carrier has to throw their bloat crap in also that’s why most aftermarket roms run goodthere usually isn’t none of the extra space hogging crap in them
did the new update as phone made me,would not stop saying I had update when too do it(1,2,3 hours) did update now my phone won’t take a charge; when I charge it, it says 100% charged and when I unplug it, it goes from 100% to 32%, not taking charge at all!
When I try to charge it; it beeps constantly!!!
The update ruined my phone, , sch-r530x as soon as it went to boot that was that black screen no recovery nothing it would eventually go into recovery after 10 mind or so but nothing would Mount nothing but red errors, my wife’s identical phone took update with out a hitch but speaker for music, games, speaker phone sounds like it’s blown and battery life is horrible. Company ended up replacing my phone that with in an hour took the update which seams to be OK except again the battery life isn’t half of my old 4.1.2 model. My s4 (sprint) on other hand has some issue of I have to turn screen off once in a while to get it to work but everything else has improved especially battery life I get 12 hours average with pretty heavy use.
My battery doesn’t stay charged the way it used to but it seems to have improved somewhat. I notice that my camera flash keeps going off at random times, my phone can even be just sitting on the table next to me and it flashes. That is happening more often now. Crazy!!
Try this:
Settings > my device >accessibility > flash notification (under hearing)
click on the box to deselect. Should solve the issue
Mine flashes and flash notification is not selected.
Others have had the same issue. Try checking the box and then deselecting it. Sounds odd, but it has worked.
Thank you. I did that and was coming back to edit in the fix, and here was your suggestion. It worked today. Still, debugging this update has taken too much of my time.
I’ve been debugging as well and probably have better things to do with my time. Trying to stop battery drain with ES File Explorer. We shall see! Heard new fix is coming out in March. Wonder what fun that will bring!
I went into Facebook settings and the flash notification was on. Turning it off stopped some flashing. Still can’t turn it off when phone rings.
I live in uk, and found since the update my battery is draining really quickly yet takes ages to charge back up to 100% am unsure if I should get a spare battery!
I have updated my s3 in India a week ago & now facing some serious problems that you won’t expect from such device like s3..the most terrible experience is that it simply hangs on playing musics on music player. I’m so obsessed with Samsung because it’s providing this 4.3 firmware upgrade in India after 2 months from the initial release date besides that with some serious bugs.So I’ve decided not go for Samsung in future because these people’s of Samsung out there are mad they building these smartphones so fast that they don’t have time to look forward to their old customer & devices..This company goes beyond customer satisfaction & running after the position for being No.1 smartphone builder….THANK YOU SAMSUNG FOR TREATING US LIKE WHAT WE DESERVE FOR TRUSTING ON YOU. .
Yup…mine updated the other day (Tuesday, 21 Jan 14). Now it freezes all the time and shuts off randomly. I’m in Germany. It definitely is a pain in the arse for sure! Help….is all I can say….
My s3 updated to jellybean this morning, since then its been stuck on the Samsung splash screen, I’ve tried to do a factory reset a few times but still the same issue.. Anyone got a fix for this yet? My phone is going back to o2 tomorrow to see if they can resolve the fault.. Fingers crossed.
I updated my S3 a few days ago to 4.3 and since then I’ve been unable to connect to any wi-fi signal regardless of the signal strength.
I hope Samsung roll out a fix sooner than March as where I live you depend on a wi-fi system for data transfer as there is no 3G signal with my provider.
I’m in the UK and have a long list of faults with my S3 ever since the 4.3 update including complete loss of internet availability, unable to run numerous apps, huge battery consumption with a full charge lasting just 7 or 8 hours even when the phone isn’t even being used.
I’ve spoken direct with Samsung here who told me to try a factory reset. This achieved nothing but wasting more of my time and they are offering no other help what so ever. This is not only incredibly annoying but has now cost me money as the factory reset deletes everything including all apps previously downloaded – some of which were paid for. Not surprisingly, Samsung are not willing to give any compensation for this either.
If you’ve paid for apps on Google Play then you can download them again for free – they’re forever linked with your Google account…
I updated my s3 yesterday morning. I find it to work quite well except for the battery life but that has never been great so don’t know what to make of that. I did a hard reset and things seem to have improved. My update was just around 432m don’t know if that had anything to do with the performance…
Terrible problems with my S3 in the USA…. I solved the battery drain issue (somewhat) by disabling all the stock apps I don’t use but my battery is still draining down to virtually nothing from a full charge in around 6 hours if I don’t keep it plugged in. Very annoying. My power button no longer works to turn my screen on and off though, and seldom works to turn the phone off! It does work every time to turn the phone back on so I’m confident it’s not a matter of coincidental timing and a broken button . I was freezing and crashing pretty frequently the first week but now that my apps have mostly updated to the versions that correspond with the OS update I’m not having that problem so much anymore. Very annoyed here, regardless! Haven’t had my phone for a year yet, I can’t just go out and buy another one…
PS my update didn’t happen til a week or so ago, I’m regretting not researching the update before I installed!
So are samsung going to send us users that have frozen phones new ones until the update seems its there fault? Never owning a samsung again dispiite having 3 previous models
Had loads of problems with 4.3 including:
* battery charging issues (slow and failing to trickle charge)
* bluetooth cutting out in audio
* lags/slow down
* wifi and data connections freezing requiring reboot
* s3 music player not keeping position
I’m definitely in the boat of people with major problems. I’ve contacted AT&T twice and they told me they thought it was hardware (thanks to their super-sleuth troubleshooting staff). Funny how all was fine until the 4.3 update.. AT&T told me that my warranty had expired so I could either use an “old phone” or pay to early upgrade. What a joke!
It takes a few minutes to root your phone and avoid all bs! I am on kitkat CyanogenMOD and love my S3!
Yes having major problems. Phone is unusable. So pissed. I will go to Verizon tomorrow, if they won’t or can’t fix I may go elsewhere for a phone.
I still don’t have my update yet.
Update broke my Bluetooth. Otherwise it’s been great.
I refuse to do the update. I waited years to get a Samsung and am appalled at how badly they are treating this situation. Working fine on 4.1 and will stay there until the next best choice.
Contact free s3 in UK. Bluetooth now takes a few seconds to pass call to car. Wireless unreliable and battery life poor – typically half the runtime with same usage pattern. This supposedly after the issues were fixed in the download.
My SGS3 downloaded the update yesterday and after starting the installation it is now stuck in “samsung” on screen + blue led light.. nothing helps to unstuck it
wifi is terrible. download speed says 25Mbps but somewhere it gets lost in translation when browsing webpages.
Updated S3 on AT&T Saturday. WiFi no longer works correctly. It won’t stay on unless mobile data is turned off. AT&T no help. Says they have no solution.
I’m in the US on AT&T, updated to 4.3 a few weeks ago and sorry I didn’t do research beforehand. I’ll never download another update without researching it first. My phone now is constantly telling me the WiFi connection is unstable, it keeps showing the icons for downloaded photos in the top left corner of the screen and on the downloaded items list (even though I have since deleted every photo from the downloads album); it lags on the splash screen. I called Samsung tech support for help about this and they told me to call AT&T, so I called AT&T who said “oh that’s strange, Samsung shouldn’t have referred you to us since it’s their problem.” I loved my phone up until now but these bugs are very annoying and waiting until the end of March for a patch is unacceptable. With so many people complaining about the issues this patch should have been out by now!
In Maine got the AT&T download 4.3 for my S3 and have the same photo download problem now.
Family full of S3s and most friends have them too. All are experiencing the same Wifi and battery issues. Everyone has loved their phones until the update, now everyone is frustrated and running up huge data bills. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but… And we have to wait until late March for an update?! Give me a break.
2 Galaxy SIII LTE’s on Vodafone in the UK. I updated both of them to 4.3 last week. Had nothing but trouble since then. Every wi-fi network I connect to now says “your wi-fi connection is unstable”, when on my normal networks mobile internet it stops working after about 30 seconds and when turning the phones on it now takes about 10-20 seconds before you can use it. I phoned Vodafone and they told me to back everything up and then do a factory reset. Once I’d done this the phones are just as bad if not worse. Called Vodafone again and they put through directly to Samsung who are sending me a pack to send my phones directly to them which they have said that they need flashing. They said that they will do this free of charge (I should think so as well), but phones will be away for around 7-10 days. Wish I’d never bothered now.
Had my S3 for 17 months and due for upgrade/renewal next month. Prior to updating the software I had planned to continue with the phone and get a sim only tarif, however since upgrading a few weeks ago the phone is awful, battery dies within 6-8 hours and I haven’t changed my usage since before. The screen takes an age to wake up, the keyboard is sluggish and jerky as well as wifi connection issues, email issues, text message issues…The list goes on. Seriously considering moving away from Samsung in Feb which is a real shame.
Battery life on my S3 is unbearably bad since the update. Yesterday it dropped 17% in an hour of sitting in my pocket. With power saving mode turned on, Android OS, Android System, Google Services and Cell standby have used 46% of my battery. What happened to all the reviewers claiming battery life was massively increased by the update?
Had to scrap my S3 after the update. Kept freezing. Was replaced with a refurb S3 that was still on the old Android system. I refuse to hit the update button, no matter how many times it keeps coming up on my refurb phone! Samsung needs to patch and fix the glitches.
My wife and I both have S3s and we had nuerous problems once we updated to Jellybean 4.3 The most unusual problem is that the navigation voice Google Maps went back to the old electronic sounding voice and the navigation voice in Waze would not work at all. I called Verizon tech support and they were aware of the problem and classified it as a manufacturer defect and sent my wife and I replacement phones. We were also told not to up date the software. The replacement phones are running 4.1.2 and work fine.
ON O2 UK.. absolute joke!!! The 3G is the sh888test service ever!! SGS3 on 4.1.2 wi-fi suddenly cracked out. After hours of reading, researching and resetting… finally upgraded to 4.3.. guess what.. still f*****d!!!!!!
SO P*****D with SAMSUNG right now it’s unbelievable!
Received my new Galaxy Note II with 4.3 loaded and no problems. We have 3 new phones with 4.3 (2 each Note II’s and 1 each Galaxy S4) all activated within the last 3 days and no problems here. We’re humming along quite nicely actually.
Unrooted and updated my SIII to 4.3 yesterday. Must be one of the lucky ones as I’ve had no problems with it.
My pull down screen keeps trying to drop down but only flutters up and down a little way. Sometimes the screen scrolls between other screens. Sometimes it just locks up. Damn nuisance. Turning the screen on and off usually allows me to use it until it all starts again.
Samsung service dept in New Zealand are looking at it now and apparently applying some patches!!
If there are patches or upgrades then why the hell are they not available via Kies or OTA?? Maybe they will not fix the problem….. who knows!
I really like my S3 and was contemplating the S5 when it comes out. May look seriously at the Nexus now.
The Note 3 very definitely has the same WIFI instability problem. It started with Verizon’s update of the phone to Android 4.3 version MJE on 12/14/13. In my case, turning off Bluetooth was a temporary fix, although I have heard that it does not work for others.
The 4.3 update for the galaxy 3 is horrible Bluetooth goes in and out plus there is a delay when you press the home button. Sims card complete stop working, and know one has any answers at Verizon. This is one of the main reason people move to a different operating system. FIX IT
Turn off double tap to open s voice this will fix the home button delay
Since the 4.3 update: battery life is awful, wifi connectivity problems, black screen in Chrome so that I have to tap the screen to get it to come back to life, laggy performance. Also lost the former Google maps navigation that allowed you to choose alternate routes, but luckily I found the old version on xda so I’m back in business. Verizon did give me a break on my monthly bill, but Samsung’s only suggestion was to take my device to the Bestbuy Samsung counter or send back to company to have it reflashed, When I asked the Samsung rep if this was a guaranteed fix she replied: it might help. WTF. Seriously thinking of dumping Samsung for another android phone when I’m eligible for upgrade. I love the S3 but the upgrades have done nothing but DEGRADE my smartphone experience.
Same thing here – but service through Sprint. ONLY since upgrade – battery runs low in just hours with NO use. Google Music keeps showing as running in active applications – even thought I have NEVER used it! Have wasted hours and hours trying to find the fix to the low battery problem (which only started since the 4.3 upgrade). Seriously ready to throw this phone out the window. *Also just noticed the You Tube keeps popping up under Active Applications even though I’ve never used this on my phone either!!! This “supposed” update [NOT] obviously has all kinds of sh*t running in the background without our knowledge.
4.3 is aweful. my verizon gs3 basically shits the bed any time if i have more than five apps running
My battery life is about an hour less per full charge. Wifi is unstable if the network has any sort of encryption. Apps load slowly and notifications not loading until the app is opened. Just before this, my usb port on the phone has stopped working and is a struggle to charge. This was my first samsung and might be my last, i’m disappointed.
Is it possible samsung has done this on purpose?
Battery life has improved BUT loads of my apps have stopped working, including ones I pay for like netflix!did a factory reset but all that did was anoy me! Do we really need to wait till march?? Is there no other resolution? Absolute joke
My phone is stuck at the flashing logo screen with the blue light in the corner. My IT manager at work is currently looking at it for me but to no avail… I need this for my work and am seriously disappointed as I was only last night singing its praises over I Phone!
Why carnt samsung just put out the previous update for everyone to go back to. Never had any problems with that. Wished id read these comments before I updated
After 4.3 update blue screen flashing sometimes wifi is unstable. Sometimes phone is hanging on s3..
I agree completely, I never had any problems with the last version. For me the most frustrating and reoccuring problem is the lock screen, quite often the lock screen does not respond, I have to wait for about 30 seconds after waking the phone up before the lock screen responds. Often when I wake the phone up, the lock screen isn’t even there. So very frustrating.
I haven’t gt te latest version update at all…wen I try checking for updates..its says te latest version is been updated. phone has te previous version. ..which s 4.1.2..wat should I do to update my phone
Riya, If your current OS (4.1.2) has no serious issues I strongly recommend you wait for March/April when 4.4 KitKat lands, I updated this morning and I am currently down to 29% battery and haven’t done anything different today other than install the update. Usually by 5pm I have a good 60% remaining! I can also tell you the new update does not really offer anything… other than samsung group play, a more refined settings menu, SLIGHTLY improved camera interface, screen mirroring (outputting to TV via wifi [useless]) and two third party (i believe) anti virus/security apps.I should mention the update process only used about 5% battery. So in conclusion; the battery issues have not been resolved and that far out-weighs the various superficial improvements of 4.3. Good luck in your decision.
I’ve had many of these same problems on my Sprint GS3 since updating. A distinct loss of battery life, and worse the phone has been randomly shutting down ever since the update. I contacted my carrier and was told to do the factory reset, but the problems didn’t improve at all. Perhaps I’ll try doing it again with unmounting the MicroSD to see if I have better results
updated to 4.3 on my S3 4 days ago and now have no sound on any notifications when a txt or email comes in! The phone still rings on an in coming call. Also I have to now manually refresh to check my email accounts where previously it would notify me of any incoming mail! Great phone and had it for a year now with no issues but this is destroying the reputation Samsung had built up!!! I hope the 4.4 upgrade sorts this or I hate to say it I might have to return back to the Dark Side!
This phone is killing me.
-My text app (a verizon app, not 3rd party) won’t download images or send group messages.
-My ringtone ( came with the phone originally) has been deleted.
-My camera flash turns on for phone calls. There is an option to turn it on/off for everything but phone calls.
-The phone is much slower to respond, the screen seems to have response issues as well.
-The whole gui is very glitchy and jittery.
Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting and reconnecting and over and over. Anytime I have Wi-Fi, it will interrupt anything I’m doing every 15 seconds
After I updated to Jelly Bean 4.3 I’ve realized that I have (it seems) a unique problem. When I enter the GALLERY i don’t have the same interface as I should (1 large thumbnail surrounded with other smaller thumbnails) and when I open a picture or some video and when I press option button (left from the home button) i get a small menu window.. BUT.. that menu window has only several options like “Favorite, photo frame and note, rotate left and right, crop, rename and set as” and I tried to scroll down but it won’t go. I checked with some friends who also updated the same day as I did (and they didn’t have any kind of problems) and their menu had like 15 more options…
But anyway, after reading what kind of problems you guys are having… I seriously am not going to try anything to make this right, because it might get worse… except this gallery issue, everything else works fine..
I really hope they will fix all these issues before launching Kit-Kat because if they leave millions of users to wait until spring.. I think they’ll lose a lot. Including me!
Thumbs up for our rights as customers who pay GOOD money for these toys that won’t work!
Mine keeps freezing and my Wi-Fi is all over the place. I’m so frustrated!
It took me hours to update it I was stuck with the final upgrade but I think I have to ignore this Android upgrading problem and buy a new mobile.
I had my SIII updated just now. And yes, seems the battery is draining like hell. Not to mention of heating. And i was forced to download apps i dont like/use and having hard time uninstalling them. I dont use the LINE apps and trying uninstalling it but it just wont work out. So far that is the mishap that i figured just now. I guess more problem to come?
My S3 has the wifi fluctuations and shows the dots as if I am touching the screen when I am not.
Sometimes in on place sometimes another and there can even be more than one and have to switch on and off to get it to stop for a bit. It also won’t connect using my data to the internet if my wifi is off or out of area. ANNOYED Have loved the phone so far and will be able ti change in a few months, but I am now wondering if I will.
Hi Ally sorry I cannot help with the data issues but maybe i can with the dots, you need to unlock the Developer Options menu, to do that go to options/more/about device and tap seven times on the Build Number (seriously I’m not kidding) once that is done go back to the phones main options/more/developer options and scroll down to Input category there you will see two options that can enable the dots, if the problem persists after turning off your phone then unfortunately it is a glitch/bug with your update, backup your phones settings and try a recovery install
Oh forgot the freezing; battery quickly draining; battery heat. They may be mire if u think about it.
Ok I have found a couple of battery tweaks. First off disable the Smart Stay function located in the notification bar/top right symbol/hold down and disable both options to be safe. I maybe wrong but i think the screen brightness has been increased slightly so try harder to use the auto brightness setting or just lower it slightly.
Unlock the now hidden Developer options by going to settings/more/about device and tap on Build Number seven times (i’m not kidding) and it will now be located in the main menu of settings. Disable most (if not all, as I did) the options under the Drawing category (window animations/transitions from menus).
I’m afraid the people with wifi/2g/3g/4g problems, I cannot help all I can suggest is maybe rooting the phone and then installing a fresh operating system (vanilla version of 4.3 or even KitKat maybe) but that is a complicated and risky process
Thanks! This helped…… now my phone is slightly less annoying haha!
Since the update my phone will not keep correct time Doesn’t matter if it’s on automatic setting or I set it manually. It constantly loses time, by overnight it will be anywhere from 6 to 20 minutes late. I have replaced the battery,,I restart it…everything I can think of. NOT HAPPY!
When I receive android 4.3 update for s4 mini i9192 in india…….I am very upset from Samsung. ..pls..pls launch new update for my phone…..
I updated to 4.3 on my Galaxy S3, and my phone has been running incredibly slow. I kept thinking it was my RAM, so I continuously clear it but it doesn’t make a difference. It still randomly freezes and responds incredibly slow as well as randomly turns off. This needs to be fixed ASAP!!!! please.
Anything you do to your device, you do at your own Risk. I am not responsible, research these things. Root your devices, and flash a custom Rom. My s3 has been running kit Kat since December. Look into flashing cm 10.2 for a fast, stable version of 4.3. Search on YouTube for tutorials.
But if your persistent, I know how to get back to 4.1.2 , root your device (make sure it’s a tutorial on how to root S3 with Knox) once it’s rooted, click your super user app.. it will ask if you want to disable Knox. Click yes. Then your gonna want to flash a touch wiz Ron (wicked sensations)
Then once the touchwiz Rom is running download Sprint s3 md4_counter_reset file. Flash that for from custom recovery, select the without root option and voila, unrooted and back to 4.1.2.
This comment does not include instructions, only ideas. Your responsible for researching and figuring out how to do these things. It’s not hard.
Just downloaded the 4.3 update. Galaxy S3 on AT&T here. While I don’t have ridiculously serious problems like some have with freezing, it’s definitely got problems. First, the WiFi on my phone is ON, but it’s not connected to my Wifi. So, I go to manually connect it and when a do, a whole bunch of downloads show up in my Notifications. Downloads of random pictures and PDFs that I’ve downloaded over the past 6 months or so. When I clear the notifications, they always come back; even when I delete the stuff from my phone, it’s showing up in the notifications as something that just finished downloading.
And of course, throughout this whole thing it never successfully connects to the WiFi and the process starts all over. I wish I had researched before updating; when I saw there was a new update I was just like “yeah Jelly Bean! Finally!” and didn’t even consider there could be issues.
my note 2 keep freezing after 4.3 update, have to remove battery to restart
Avoid this update, install a Custom Rom and a Custom Kernel and enjoy your S3 with Android 4.3
I thought I was just being really stupid. Noticed that the battery life on my S3 was really poor after update (It would sit fully charged in my locker whilst at work and at the end I would have about 20% left on a good day.) Our Wi-Fi seems to cut in and out, too. Luckily not that often. Most frustrating is the huge data usage. No idea where that is going, since I have not changed the way I use my phone, especially when I am out. It’s almost like the olden days when you were too afraid to even look at the “Internet button”. Al this since update, so hope there is a fix.
The usage issue is going to ‘Android OS’ under data usage. Found it 2 days ago. As I was wondering how I had used up my data. Not sure what it is for but it is quite annoying that its using anywhere between 10-40mb a day. Battery usage is a bit high but I took it for granted that it must be Aviate and Cover draining my battery.
My phone is fine even after the update
I updated to 4.3 on my Galaxy S3, and my phone has been running incredibly slow and gallery very slow open…
plz help me…
i am using samsung s3
after the update,i am unable to save words in the dictionay .
anyone can help me out with this?
I have an s3 ever since the upgrade my internet pages will not load, apps work. Also my contacts pictures and names randomly disappear abd reappeared andSwype has been terrible about what it spells to the point where I barely use it anymore when it was one of my favorite features
Verizon Wireless USA unlike other carriers has been forcing the 4.3 update so I enjoyed the Galaxy Note II phone with 4.1.2 for a couple of weeks after the holidays and then saw the progression bar and stopped data connections immediately and it remains there. So I am too tech-dumb but time-savvy to not start playing the xda root games I have no time for this and would have never expected a forced-update from Verizon. Samsung told me that it is Verizon’s issue since they set up the terms of providing the 4.3 hell update for the formerly popular Samsung Galaxy Note II
WATCH OUT note 3 users!). Verizon is forcing it so that Knox cannot be utilized or whatever for putting on 4.1.2 again through some mysterious risky XDA cyanomed root ridiculousness. LET ME KEEP MY 4.1.2 STOP MY UPDATE AND move on Verizon !.
S3 just died – 4 days after the update. Had been quite wonky in the interim but now there are absolutely no signs of life.
I updated to 4.3 and I am now unable to connect to wifi. I can’t even use 4G even though it says that the 4G is on. I’m getting really frustrated and don’t know what to do.
I updated right after it was available (Verizon GS3) and within days, saw issues with my battery draining more quickly. I then started to experience a lot of lag in various apps…namely the gallery and text messaging…..but most others saw a lag, as well. Finally, took the plunge and performed a factory reset. Since then, I’ve had no further problems.
Of course, I found it odd that, after the reset, I was still running 4.3. This means that, although I’m now ready to give it a shot, I can’t install a custom rom, thanks to the locked bootloader (all threads I’ve read, thus far, say this will brick my phone). I’m not happy with this discovery (though I feel confident a workaround will soon be available), but I am once again happy with the overall performance and interface of my phone.
I recently (and begrudgingly gave up unlimited data) to a Verizon Galaxy S4. I listen to A LOT of music. I have a premium subscription to Spotify, and have been trying out Beats music. 4.3 appears to have broken not only the stock Music Fx equalizer that comes loaded on the phone, but no 3rd party equalizer app from the Play store will work either. So music sounds like an AM radio in my headphones without any way to adjust the sound. I tested the EQ app on an S4 in the Verizon store that is still running 4.2.2 and it worked on that phone. Other people are having this same problem. SUPER frustrating that I paid a premium price for a new phone that sounds subpar to my old Global 2.
I am also having issues with the phone randomly restarting itself. Needless to say, my new phone will be a “like new” replacement from the factory in a couple days. Bitter disappointment thusfar.
I updated my Verizon Galaxy S3 more than a month ago, and I have several problems. Once or twice the clock was behind by about 20 minutes. Also, my phone keeps saying “your internet connection is unstable.” Also, at one point for about an hour I had no 3G or 4G or anything while I was driving and need to use google maps. I had nothing. Finally it started working. So frustrating!!!!
I’m from Indonesia, I used Samsung Galaxy S3, 29 January 2013 I upgrade my device because my device show the message to upgrade, after that my device crashed in many ways, TouchWiz crash, home button not working, camera not working, setting crashed, etc (after hard reboot the device will crash after a short of activities, any activities), checked that it is Android 4.3 – at this moment, my S3 is practically an expensive brick. (hakaye azure)
After I updated the OS recently, I immediately regretted it. Experienced the same problems as everyone else ever since. My Wi-Fi drops periodically with error messages, the battery drains like it is trying to power a city and programs seem to be extra buggy. On another note it seems to drastically alter the settings menus and even removing features from it. If you haven’t upgraded yet, don’t. I’m probably going back to the iPhone. Samsung was a terrible choice.
I just installed it two days ago. Right away the phone became laggy and began freezing up so I restarted it several times. I always use my phone as my alarm clock without any trouble, so when the next day I woke up way too late missing an appointment I was totally shocked. My phone had restarted itself and required the pincode. It was really embarrassing when I had to apologize and tell people I overslept, and I got so pissed off I immediately wrote a complaint to Samsung. When I was going to call the people I’d stood up my phone didn’t even work… it was just black so I had to remove the battery. Totally ridiculous. I thought an update was supposed to FIX bugs. Now my phone constantly freezes up and lags. I guess I’ll soon have to go back to factory settings if this goes on… Yay.
No problems with my SIII. It sounds like this disguised author is trying to move us away from Android. IOS, Windows?
I honestly loved my Galaxy until I last updated it a week ago… My internet has been up and down so many times and I’m in places with strong connections so I know that’s not the case.. I’m now debating on getting an iphone after this mess as I rely on my internet access from my phone.. The message I’m getting is “Your Internet connection is unstable”.. Pure bs..
since last 2 week I updated my s3 but frm last week its battery drains to fast on standby mode
I chargd my fone to 100% nd kept on standby 5 hrs its 75% battery before in 4.1.2 it takes 5 to 6% on standby
frm india
wait samsung better come up with a fix now ever since android 4.3 im having trouble with my screen trying to swipe it open and the phone keeps on freezing and the battery drain is too quick.the phone came with android 4.3 installed it has so many bugs i hope peole with the samsung galaxy 3 dont have to wait till march for this to be fixed
I’m having problems in my S3 through Verizon. My extra language dictionaries disappeared and when I try to download them, it just goes in a circle. My apps won’t update, and my Google Play Store also just goes in a circle. My battery dragons quickly and takes forever to charge. My wi-fi is very spotty as well as is my GPS. I can be sitting in my home and my phone shows that I will be there in 6 minutes.
I have the batter drain issue since the 4.3 update. I’m getting about two hours of use from a full charge.
My Samsung galaxy s3 keeps turning itself off and on so im kind of ready to hit it against a wall nothing like needing to find something on google and going for your phone to find out that it wasnt on. smh
I updated my Samsung s3 to jelly bean 4.3 last week and since then my battery is discharging very quickly. I now only get about half a day And recharging the battery takes hours and hours. I wish i hadn’t bothered to update!
I’m trying to update my Samsung s3 to 4.3 but it got stuck while updating the new version.. It has been running on “Installing apps”for few hours and I really don’t know what to do.. What should i do? Please help
I’m Samsung s3 user, i just updated my phone yesterday. And after that, my s3 is unable to connect to any wifi. And the worst is, my phone was unable to play any sound, even in call and alarm. This is a huge problem while i am in exam week. No Alarm sound No friend’s wake up call. I’m really suffering in this since i only can sms, without notification sound, only vibration. Please release the solution ASAP.Thanks.
Finally updated my S3 after about 3 weeks of annoying windows like messages and postponing. Works really well, like the snazzy new features. Phone seems faster and battery is as normal (a bit drainy anyway). Only reason not to update is the new google maps looks like it was made for actual idiots (losing useful features is not streamlining). I used to be able to roll back a version but now ive updated, no bueno.
My S3 gallery hangs up every time when trying to delete a photo or after taking a photo with the camera. All these are after the OS was upgraded to v4.3 recently. When that happens the device freezes up and has to be turned off & on again to work. Have tried various fixes as mentioned on the andriod forum but none seems to work :
* Either turning on & off the Paper Artist
* Removing the external SD card & rebooting
* Clearing the Gallery cache
Any solution that really works?
My phone has migrated to this version (4.3) but it is no longer able to call or receive calls.
On outgoing calls, it shows a message: “not registered on the network”.
when someone calls me it shows on his phone that my phone is available however on my phone no sign of any incoming call.
I also have been experiencing problems with my wifi since the latest update. At first I thought it was my wifi that was the problem and wasted two whole days having it checked, of course , there was no prolem with that. I am very annoyed about this problem as I live out in the country and rely on my wifi connection, the phone network is poor out there, so can’t use that instead. Is there nothing that can be done?
yes the update I’m having trouble with my wifi can’t connect to my samsung tablet10.1and I have a tmobile download icon on my phone that won’t go away.
im also havin trouble. my wifi works gr8 wen my mobile data turnd off but wen i have both of them on he keps sayin my internet is unstable its a pain keps swaping them over when i go out.
M husband and I both have had major problems since the update. Poor Wifi connection, battery drain, and issues making phone calls have been nonstop. I’ve spent hours on the phone with Verizon tech NO SUPPORT who insist no one else is having problems and that it is Samsung’s fault. They gave me a ridiculous and insulting $15 credit to my statement after I’ve been a customer since 2001. I’m so angry, I’m going to a non contract provider and throwing this phone in the trash!!
When my phone updated its self it took away my mobile I can’t use my internet..wat can I do to fix this?
you might just need to update your profile which you can find in settings>more>system update
The 4.3 jellybean update was installed on my S3 yesterday. I have since been unable to access my emails and all apps on the phone seem to be crashing. Error message “unfortunately, google has stopped” etc keeps showing up. I tried factory reset, same issue. What can I do? What is recommended?
I dislike very much this last update. My dictionary is gone and now is more difficult to write with it (even more than when was new)
I am on an endless loop of failed 4.3 installs. I was using 4.1.1 and AT&T does not seem to make 4.1.2 available anymore? Kies tells me I have the latest version at 4.1.1 !, but Kies usually sucks anyway. I would rather just go up to 4.1.2 but can’t find it anywhere and don’t want to root. Now everytime I am on wifi it wants to redownload the newest version with no option to pass. Thanks a bunch AT&T. Will just switch over to z10 if this turn out to be an endless debacle. AT&t tech support said return phone. would rather not deal with that and it is off warranty in 3 wks.
I installed the update last week and I’m majorly disappointed with it. The whole phone has slowed down and the phone screen just refuses to turn on. I have to keep removing the battery and restarting the phone several times a day
Have exaclty the same Problem.
I did as everyone else seemed to do and since the update my battery does not last any length of time and I keep getting the message your internet is unstable.
Just updated and now I can’t connect to my mobile carrier to make calls or send SMSs. My phone is now basically worthless.
I have updated and the phone responds very sluggish. Sometimes the Touchscreen does not respond at all.
hi I have a galexy S 3 an received an update at the weekend and have had nothing but problems since then, my security Kaspersky for mobile will not work and i keep getting the same message over and over about it, the screen freezes it switches it self on and of at random and I receive multiple copies of texts,,, the list goes on basically I can hardly use the phone because it is so slow to respond and keeps freezing. I am cross the phone worked perfectly before hand. I have no way of resolving this problem. I can uninstall the security or even stop it as nothing is responding
very frustrated
I should have said I am on 3 in the UK
When is Android 4.3 update?
I recently updated my Galaxy 3 to 4.3 and have been encountering the most random issues ever since. Google Maps loses my location randomly as I’m in route and often shuts down entirely. I am unable to place my contacts into groups; I get a response message that reads “Unfortunately, contacts has stopped.” Battery life has significantly decreased and items that I downloaded 4 months ago are stuck on the notification bar. It doesn’t matter how many times I clear the items or restart the device, the downloads continuously appear. Not sure how to solve these issues.
My Galaxy s3 is having lots of issues as well, frozen screen, battery has decreased a bunch, pictures and video have lines running through them at random. My wife also has the s3 and is having the same problems.
My S3 is so slowwww. Not allowed to root or install custom ROM so I’m stuck thus crappy touchwiz. Having issues with the “up button”in the top left corner. Does absolutely nothing for me but reload the current screen.
Yes!! Have had battery drain issues as well as wifi connectivity issues ONLY since installing the update. Have tried everything suggested on every forum I could find with no working solution.
I love Samsung and use exclusively Samsung phones. Please fix these issues!!
I updated my S3 yesterday and it is mess now! The thing won’t just go away. It is kinda stuck in a loop. I install updates, the phone restarts, updates all apps and then back to square 1. It keeps asking me to install the downloaded updates over and again. I have not yet noticed any battery drain issues but if I did get that problem, this is my last Samsung product. I had Samsung phones earlier, this phone belongs to my mother. All Samsung phones I’ve had were nothing but a PITA. I don’t know if it is an Android issue or if it is a Samsung issue, I don’t care either way. I just wish to fix this phone which is driving me nuts. Samsung, FFS do something to fix this problem.
Is there an update to fix the battery problem? Ever since I updated my phone the battery is useless it last maybe 4 hours tops!!!
yes true after the lasted up date my SIII went very bad un stable wi-fi plus crashes plus more problems after i was a lover of Samsung i will change to Iphone … i do lots of work through my cell like controlling servers and network
are you kidding me, these posts go back for months, get your sh@t together samsung, I want my brick to be a phone again
Mine just updated today, has crashed 4 times since. More times than it’s crashed in the entire time I’ve owned the phone. Any solutions to this?
i cant download or open any of my applications
also as “Adarsh” said it keeps asking me to download the new software update. but i havn’t noticeed any battery problems. COME ON FIX THIS!!!
My S3 (on Three UK) has given me nothing but trouble since the 4.3 update. If it’s not freezing or lagging, call quality sounds like a 16 bit video game or the mic cuts out completely, leaving the person on the other end wondering what’s happened to me. Battery life is just awful – normally I can make it last until the evening so I can charge it overnight, but now I’m charging my phone at least twice a day. I’m so sick of my phone telling me my wireless connection is unstable I tend to stick with mobile data – hurray for my unlimited data plan!
Since installing 4.3 on my S3 (in South Africa) I’ve had nothing but issues. The phone freezes constantly, dropped calls (Some don’t even come through, I just get shown a missed call), Wi-Fi hardly works. Last night in an emergency situation I couldn’t make a phone call because my phone was frozen – had to remove the battery in order to restart the phone. This is unacceptable from both Google Android and Samsung.
S3 LTE on T-Mob 3G (in the UK) Since updating to 4.3 call quality is appallingly bad with it sounding like half the words (or more) are missing with clicks and static sounds, calls have serious trouble connecting, dialing fails frequently without connecting to number, missed call notifications without the calls even coming through
im in australia, ever since the 4.3 update my battery life is crap. i have to charge my phone 3 times a day. i used to listen to music all day at work on 1 charge, now i go about 3 hrs max before flat.
also have this weird crash happen where my screen flickers, music gets stuck repeating and then the phone crashes. when it boots back up, i have less than 20% power, where i was at around 80% before the crash.
i have tried uninstalling different things like google+ but it makes no difference.
how do i roll back to 4.1??
Samsung has become such a “profit conscious brand” S3 has become worse than a cheap chinese phone…..never will buy one….All the phones have same design, and now they dont work too…..Samsung sucks ….S3, Note 2, S4 all suffering….Wake up Samsung, dont think that people will follow you if your products are pathetic….
Ok so since the newest update now no matter what I am doing on the phone there is a pop up advertisment!!!! It’s excruciatingly annoying & ridiculous that I have to back out or X out every time & the whole time I’m using my phone now.(when I swipe unlock screen, when Im talking on the phone or go to diaI, when I’m on ANY app, ect…) Now I LOVE my galaxy s3, had about a yr 1/2 now, haven’t had any other problems up until this newest update. But this ONE problem alone is BIG enough to make me seriously consider switching! *Grrrr (>.<)
DO NOT UPGRADE TO 4.4. CANNOT DELTE IN GALLERY in certain conditions, sort from last. I now feel rooting my phone from these information rodent nazi’s is only way out. I want blackberry back.