Google Drive gets cheaper

So you use Google Drive and finding you want more storage? Then this news will make you very happy indeed, Google have dropped the prices on additional storage and they are now super cheap for everyone.
Like most things google the pricing is in US Dollars, starting at just $1.99 you can now get 100GB. That works out to be about £1.20 per month, this is on top of the 15GB of free storage that Google give to every user of Drive.
These deals sound pretty crazy when you compare them vs other leading online storage such as Dropbox who charge $9.99 per month for 100GB, yes Google are doing it for $8 less per month.
If you want more storage, you can get 1TB for $9.99, which is around £6 per month, yes just £6 per month for a huge 1TB, the previous cost of this plan was $49.99 (£30) per month so these savings are pretty big to say the least.
But I know you’re asking what if I want even more? Well for $99.99 a month (£60) you can get 10TB, and last but not least you can also get up to 30TB…. that is more than most people will ever be able to use in a lifetime, but hey why not have the option right?
Source: Google Drive Blog
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