Google announce Android Wear

Google has officially announced Android Wear, a version of Android designed specifically for wearable devices such as smartwatches etc.
On the official Google blog, they explain that Android Wear will focus on getting key information to users at the right time, displaying health and fitness information, and providing an extra display to use throughout the day. As you can see in the image below, Android Wear (for smartwatches) is designed to closely resemble Google Now and, basically, it functions the exact same way. In fact, voice searches are still done through the “OK Google” activation.
So who will be making Android Wear devices?
“We’re also already working with several consumer electronics manufacturers, including Asus, HTC, LG, Motorola and Samsung; chip makers Broadcom, Imagination, Intel, Mediatek and Qualcomm; and fashion brands like the Fossil Group to bring you watches powered by Android Wear later this year.”
The Preview for developers opens today, It seems that the main focus of the preview is so that notifications can be ported to be compatible with Wear devices, we expect to hear more about Android Wear at Google I/O in June.
We have embedded a YouTube video by Google to show you exactly what Wear will look like if OEM’s keep it stock.
I for one am extremely excited for this move and I can’t wait to see what the OEM manufactures come up with, but what about you? Let us know down below.
Source: Google Blog
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