Galaxy Note 3 Android 4.4.2 update availability increases in US

The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is the go to handset for many fans of the Android platform, and the device has been receiving a new firmware update over the last few weeks. Now the Galaxy Note 3 Android 4.4.2 KitKat update reaches AT&T but Verizon Wireless is still MIA.
AT&T has confirmed that they have started to push out the update to end users, which comes after Sprint users started to receive the new software. The carrier has provided a full changelog that includes an improved UI, revamped status and navigation bars, and the camera can now be accessed straight from the lock screen.
Other changes include new sound controls along with improved music access that provides full screen album art, and controls on the lock screen when listening to audio content. There is currently no news when Verizon Wireless will start pushing out the update to its customers, but as we all know the carrier can quite often be the last to push firmware updates out the door.
Have you got the update yet?
Source: AT&T.
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